Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,421 to 12,440 of 55,889
  1. KdF performance in occupied Paris

    A dance or circus performance of some kind, on a stage, including acrobatics, juggling, ice skating, and a comic routine with man dressed as a cowboy riding a bucking "horse". This was most likely a Kraft durch Freude (KdF) variety performance to exhibit German artists.

  2. Economic recovery activities in Europe

    The Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA) was a U.S. government agency set up in 1948 to administer the European recovery program (Marshall Plan). EXT building with several narrow smokestacks. CU man. Row of bicycles and motorcycles under a shelter, man rides a bicycle away. Woman leans out a window, speaking. Cycling down different streets. INT men enter a room full of large stacks of wound wire. Man walks across factory floor. Upside down slate reads “DAY 28 INT 1 ECA.” Two men carefully lower a large spool of wire onto something. Damaged brick building. Ruins People and clothing line...

  3. Invasion of France

    German military vehicles winding down a road in France. Soldiers on bicycles pass a sign that reads : Sacy-Le-Gr__" The rest of the town name is cut off in the frame. Soldiers conduct house-to house searches in order to secure the town. The narrator makes reference to World War I and what that means to the soldiers as they fight in France once again. Soldiers get into a small inflatable boat and cross a river, under enemy fire. Scene switches to show a road sign indicating the direction in which Paris lies. German soldiers on horseback ride toward the camera, and the narrator states that th...

  4. Robert Ley in Italy

    Black screen with the words: " Frontaufnahmen der Kriegsberichter: Elsaesser, Ertl, Hardacker, Huth, Hans Jacobi, Kester, Kramer, Meisenkothen, Oberhoff, Olesko, Paulsen, Rolf Richter, Schiffko, Waldmann." Presumably these are the names of the journalists/cameramen reporting from the front. Heroic music. Celebration of 20th anniversary of the March on Rome, which occurred in October 1922. Troops marching, playing drums, at the Palazzo Venezia in Rome, which is where Mussolini's offices were and the location of the balcony from which he gave his famous speeches (not shown). Robert Ley ...

  5. Black and gray checked blanket given to Kindertransport refugee

    Wool checked travel blanket given to 13 year old Mimi Alice Schleissner by her mother Berta to keep her warm when she left on the Kindertransport in May 1939. Mimi's parents Berta and Julius and her brother Edi, 18, stayed behind in Kolin, Czechoslovakia. Until October 1938, the family resided in the spa town Marienbad [now Marianske Lazne], in the Sudetenland region. It was annexed by Nazi Germany in October 1938 and most of the Jewish population fled. In November, the Marienbader Zeitung ran the headline "Marienbad is Jew-free." After arriving in Great Britain, Mimi joined Hachshara, a Zi...

  6. Luftwaffe officers & Goering's staff tour Mt. Vesuvius & Pompeii

    Scenes of Mt. Vesuvius and ruins of Pompeii in Italy with uniformed Luftwaffe men. Men in civilian clothes include at least 3 Luftwaffe staff or officers closely associated with Goering (they also appear in Film IDs 2548 and 2549): Fritz Goernnert in lederhosen; wavy-haired man in knickers who may be Kattengel; dark-haired man seen in target practice scenes; and the man with dark-rimmed spectacles and photo camera (Eitel Lange, the personal stills photographer for Hermann Goering, who joined Goering's staff in the summer of 1940). 01:01:02 WS with volcano. Priest in long black frock scamper...

  7. Georgia, Caucasus Mountains, circa 1933

    Peasants baking bread, harvesting grain, going about their daily lives in this rural, mountainous region. This footage is stunning. Julien Bryan himself is featured in this footage. He traveled at this time with the noted anthropologist Maurice Hindus and a group of Princeton University students on a journey through Russian villages. Several of the students can also be seen in this sequence. They traveled with local guides, with horses and mules through the mountains. VS of their local guides, the mountains, children and women in the villages, sifting grain and baking flatbread, local men h...

  8. Industry in Poland, mining in Upper Silesia

    LS of a zinc mine/refinery, labeled in Julien Bryan's original notes as "Catowicz, Silesia - Giesche Zinc Mine." MS, workers in uniform, wearing caps, masks around their necks, on break outside the refinery. VS of the mine and refinery, the machinery in operation inside the refinery: ovens, molten metals, the workers stoking the furnaces, etc. VS, of women sorting pieces of zinc on a conveyor belt before processing. Good shots of quick, nimble fingers at work, several CUs of their hands.

  9. German siege of Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 1939

    Poignant shot of two little boys, one little girl, and one woman with her head bandaged holding an infant in her arms sitting on the street surrounded by rubble, the children are barefoot, and they look frightened and confused. This scene was shot in the immediate aftermath of a German air attack over Warsaw. MLS the two young boys dragging a chair, down the street full of rubble. 01:05:48:22: MS residents milling about on the street, sitting on chairs, surrounded by the few belongings they have left- several young women, one man. Clear shot of more destruction at 01:05:55:29 man in suit ro...

  10. Warsaw and Danzig, Poland, destruction and rebuilding circa 1946

    Bombed out multi-story YMCA building in Warsaw, Poland. Several workers chip away at the concrete structure, others collect and stack bricks from the rubble. Another worker examines window frames for damage. (This footage likely dates to 1946 - see notes section for further information). MS, low angle, a man and a woman walk down a bombed out street in Warsaw, toward the camera, snow covers the ground. VS of the destruction in the city, civilians mill about the streets, with torn, threadbare clothing, there are some Polish military personnel in these shots as well. Poles board a street car,...

  11. Displaced persons board ship in Bremerhaven, Germany to relocate to the United States

    Bremerhaven, Germany at the port of embarkation. US military personnel mill about, arranging signs, helping DPs with luggage, guiding the refugees through this stage of the emigration process. They are on their way to the United States, a large painted banner on the docks reads: "Welcome to the first DP Emigrants to the US, Bremerhaven Port of Embarkation" Refugees board the ship (the General Wm. M. Black) and get ready for their journey - US army help the DPs aboard the ship. Everyone seems very happy, even the children, some have looks of bewilderment on their faces. All are in overcoats,...

  12. Kaufbeuren Institution

    "Agfa 1941" appears on the film leader. Young patients in a room who manifest signs of being severely mentally disturbed and/or disabled. Close up of a girl rocking back and forth and a boy repeatedly sticking out his tongue. Older patients are also present. Nurses attend to a crying female patient. A shot of an older man in what might be a different room. Patients in beds; the camera pans down to show the malformed and very thin legs of one of the patients. More than one of the patients is in a straightjacket. Some of the patients are shown eating. A couple of the patients talk animatedly;...

  13. Sightseeing in Paris; German officers

    More tourist-y views of Paris streets, including Eiffel Tower and the obelisk in the Place de la Concorde. The camera sometimes focuses on individuals, such as the woman seen before, the elderly man, and the German officer leading the map meeting with the glasses (in Story 4414). 01:09:55 SEQ: German with dark-rimmed glasses with three French women (not seen before). Street scenes, signs, buses, pedestrians and German soldier, cars, "Café de la Paix" restaurant on corner. Policeman looks directly into camera briefly. Man with glasses in previous map scene walks across the city streets with ...

  14. Farming in central Poland

    Man herds cows, man herds sheep, a woman helps. MS of a young boy and girl in traditional dress, posing in the field, each holds a stick used for herding the animals. They smile shyly for the camera. Other children play in the field, run down a hillside. MCU of the couple. Cut to a country road, man drives a horse drawn carriage loaded with hay; a woman walks along the road. Several shots of the road, a lake, and thatched roof house.

  15. Country life in Zakopane, Poland 1936

    Scenes of country life in Zakopane, Poland, staged for the camera. Peasants cutting bread and vegetables, interior of a house, woman cooking, weaving, man enters the house and makes the sign of the cross, all are in traditional folk dress. VS, inside a church, CUs of icons. The subject shifts to a different scene: MLS, following a man in the woods, out to hunt birds with his rifle over his shoulder, camera pans up to bird's nest. A woman meets him under the tree- the man talks to her about a gun as they sit on a bench under a tree, there is a religious icon hanging on the tree. The couple f...

  16. Kaufbeuren institution

    Men and women, presumably patients, perform agricultural tasks such as cutting and stacking hay in a field, blacksmithing, gardening, tending to livestock (ducks, pigs, beehives, others). This section opens with landscape scenes and milk being delivered to the institution on a donkey cart. Signs affixed to a tree identify the Birkenried and Kaufbeuren asylums. There are occasional close-ups of the animals.

  17. Zinc refinery in Katowice, Poland, circa 1936

    Scenes from the Giesche Zinc mine and refinery in Katowice, Poland, circa 1936. VS, INT near the furnaces, women sorting ore before it is smelted, the conveyor belt from the mine shaft, the molten ore being poured into molds. 01:02:06 Workers' jackets hanging from the ceiling of the factory near the light fixtures. EXT, LS, workers exiting the factory, some get on their bicycles others leave on foot. Many workers are young, and smile for the camera. INT, workers filling the molds used for the molten zinc ore. EXT, LS of the countryside in south central Poland. VS of the rural village and th...

  18. Scenes from the port city of Gdynia

    Workmen hauling lumber around a lumber yard. Furniture, bundles of wooden café style chairs loaded into crates. A women in a fur coat counts some packages or bundles on the ground. Man in uniform observes them. Crane with the bundle of chairs. Back to the lumberyard, several workmen moving and hauling wood around the yard. Crane comes down from the deck of a ship.

  19. Warsaw ruins

    Horse with cart in street, snow-covered ruins of Warsaw ghetto. Pan, WS. Various views.

  20. Jeno Klein postcards

    The Jeno Klein postcards consists of three postcards writen by Jeno Klein (maiden name Szerena Reich), addressed to Tibor Klein, written two days before and on the day of deportation from Budapest (23 Beniczky Street, Ujpest), in July 1944.