Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,361 to 12,380 of 55,889
  1. Simon Makon collection

    Consists of one audiocassette containing Yiddish folk songs, sung by Simon Makon, a survivor of the Warsaw ghetto. Also includes a copy of Mr. Makon's memoirs, "Life in the Ghetto: The 'Resettlement' to the Crematoriums," translated by Donna Gallers. The memoirs appear to have been written in verse. A list of the songs is provided. Also includes a copy of the original Yiddish version of Mr. Makon's memoir.

  2. Daily life in Warsaw, Poland 1936

    Warsaw street scenes. VS of architecture; street cars, newspaper kiosks, people milling about, but more of a focus on the bustle of the city, traffic cops, buses, cars, etc. 01:13:35:00 MCU of a woman and two boys, the woman most likely runs the kiosk, sitting on the ground reading the papers with the two young boys. MCU of a woman purchasing something at the kiosk. Large group of young women on an outing, all are wearing overcoats and berets, VS of new building construction, Julien Bryan's notes mention shots of the Parliament building and the higher army court; an open truck full of men i...

  3. Gold pendant with the initials of a girl and her parents from her aunt

    Gold pendant sent by Inda Leah Lypski to her 8 year old niece Rose Mary Stine in Indiana for the occasion of Rose Mary’s brother’s bar mitzvah in 1923. The pendant is engraved with the initials of Rose Mary, her father Jacob, and her mother Fanny, Inda’s sister who left Russia for America in 1907. Inda and her husband Aaron owned a jewelry store in Warsaw, Poland. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and, in October 1940, established the Warsaw ghetto. Inda died in the ghetto in 1940. Inda’s family and her sister Pesza also perished in the ghetto.

  4. Loading supplies on ship

    EXT American flag on a ship in FG looking across water to a large building on shore in BG. Crane loading supplies on a ship. Looking up at crane from between rows of railway cars. Men moving load of wood. Men working in a lumber yard. CU of men carrying wood.

  5. Visiting Jacob Herz's father & relatives in Wola, Poland

    COLOR family footage of the Herz family vacation in Europe in 1937. Footage shows images of Jewish-American life before World War II with its European roots. In Wola, Polish Herz children (either Geitel, b. April 13, or Esther, b. March 17) with their American cousins, Belle (age 14) and Judith (age 12). The children wear babushkas and sunglasses (gifts from the American girls). Good color shots of both the American and Polish families at the farm.

  6. Wertheimer family papers

    This collection primarily documents the wartime experiences of Richard Wertheimer and Klara (Deutsch) Wertheimer of Vienna, Austria securing passage to Havana, Cuba and joining their daughter Greta in New York between 1941 to 1942. The collection also documents the Wertheimer family’s life in Vienna in the 1920s and 1930s, including Greta Wertheimer’s report cards and Richard Wertheimer’s license to practice law. This collection includes wartime correspondence between members of the Wertheimer family, records of Richard Wertheimer, Klara Wertheimer, and Klara’s mother Johanna Deutsch’s expe...

  7. Catholic procession in Lowicz, Poland, 1936 and wedding in city

    Lowicz, Poland, 1936: Preparations for a religious holiday. MS, young girl with a full head of curly blonde hair that is being braided and combed by her mother and her sister in preparation for the ceremony. The entire town seems to be taking part in the celebration. VS of the elaborate celebration. The scenes inside the church seem to under cranked, causing the scenes to move at a faster than normal speed. INT church shots end at 01:09:36. EXT, VS of the procession through town. 01:10:41 Brief cut to a different location, probably a city. Bride and groom exit an automobile and enter a chur...

  8. Zinnowald Schule, Berlin

    Zinnowald Schule in Berlin. Girls on bicycles. INT classroom. Art class. CU, girl's drawing.

  9. Pavilion attractions and entertainment at the International Exposition in Paris, 1937

    "Expofilm. Le Plus beau souvenir de l'Exposition" 01:08:12 German flag with swastika flying with other country flags. Country maps. Child dressed like Churchill with cigarette. Adults gathered to watch play with midgets dressed in period-attire. 01:09:29 "Expofilm presente" "en exclusivite" "les parcs d'attraction" Amusement ride for children, airplane. 01:10:11 "et leurs etonnantes nouveautes" Amusement park rides, one similar to the Pirate Ship. Spectators watch, amazed at mechanical innovation, Muslim walks in FG, food stalls, hot air balloon. 01:11:01 "achetez Expofilm" Raft ride, helpi...

  10. Paul Schlisser photograph collection

    Collection of three photographs of Paul Schlisser and his sister, Ilona, with children at Bilinget Sweden, an orphanage near Malmo, Sweden. The children were brought there from Bergen Belsen by the Swedish Red Cross.

  11. Livshitz family collection

    Consists of letters written from family members and friends in Europe to Yakov (Yankel, or Jack) Livshitz in the United States and in Canada. Dated between 1928-1941, the letters describe life in the shtetl and the desires of his relatives and friends to emigrate out of Europe.

  12. Mining in Upper Silesia

    CU of molten zinc ore and metal engraving blocks. Scenes inside the zinc refinery in Katowice, the largest industrial town of Upper Silesia, Poland. CUs of men putting materials into the furnaces. Cut back to the countryside.

  13. An American girl describes her visit to Poland

    Film summary from International Film Foundation promotional materials: Mary, an American elementary school girl, describes to her class her experiences in visiting her grandparents in Poland. In her own language she takes her class into a Polish school, into Polish homes, and into the fields where agricultural activities are seen. She shows them the beautiful costumes and colorful dances of the Polish people and gives her class an insight into the cities of Lowicz, Krakow, Zakopane, and Gdynia. Music by Gene Forrell, Devised by Eugene Cenkalski Film ID 3073 = 35mm black and white nitrate po...

  14. Street scenes in Warsaw, 1936

    MS, traveling from a streetcar in Warsaw. Traffic officer on a pedestal in the middle of the street. Tree- lined streets. Sequence of modern shop windows in the city, including a fabric store, a clothing store, a food market, and a hair salon. 01:11:12 More street scenes of Warsaw, showing a kiosk full of advertisements and a flower vendor. There is a prominent announcement for a Chaplin film screening on the kiosk, and later, a sign in the distance for American actress Irene Dunne. People fill the sidewalks.

  15. Rebuilding Warsaw, probably in 1947

    Reel 3A Animated map. Goats grazing in brick ruins. Man approaches a gravesite with flowers. LS, overview of massive destruction in the city of Warsaw - bombed buildings. MS, then CUs of the monument in the former Warsaw ghetto to Jews who died in the 1943 uprising. HAS, construction site, rebuilding Poland, river in BG, crane. VAR views of schoolchildren walking along the sidewalk and playing at school. HAS, policeman directing traffic (pedestrians, automobiles, trams, horse/buggy) with Warsaw in the distance. School. Shop amidst ruins (pile of bricks). CU, shop sign (bookstore). Large bui...

  16. Jewish district in Krakow

    Kazimierz, the predominantly Jewish area of Krakow, filmed by Julien Bryan. Men inside arched shop entrance. Various shots and CUs of people, with many Orthodox men on street, walking, talking, avoiding camera. Mixture of other people mingling and on the move. Market stall selling poultry in the main square in Kazimierz, synagogue in background. Market stalls and vendors. Street scenes, balloons, shops. Funeral procession for Marja Steinberger. Market scenes. Archway in alley. Various CUs Yeshiva boys, ECUs, smiles and laughter, talking to each other.

  17. "Life Story of a Holocaust Survivor from Shaulen, Lithuania who Lived his Life to Help Others"

    Consists of one memoir, 16 pages, titled "Life Story of a Holocaust Survivor from Shaulen, Lithuania who Lived his Life to Help Others," by Harry Demby, originally of Shaulen (Schaulen; Šiaulai), Lithuania. In the memoir, Mr. Demby describes his life in the Kaukaz (Kaukazas) and Traku St. (Trakai) sections of the ghetto in Šiaulai, his deportation to Stutthof in 1944, his liberation from Dachau, his displaced persons experiences and his post-war life. The memoir includes copies of photographs.

  18. Abstract bronze statue of a concentration camp inmate made by a Czech Jewish survivor

    Small bronze statue cast from the figurine made by Vera Meisels from a bar of washing soap shortly after her liberation from Theresienstadt concentration camp in early May 1945. This figurine was cast in 2002 because the original was drying out and losing its original shape. The work is based upon Vera's memories of the concentration camp inmates called Musselmann, prisoners near death due to exhaustion, illness, starvation, or hopelessness. In August 1944, eight year old Vera, her parents, Cecilia and Zoltan, and her 12 year old sister, Aliska, fled Ruzomberok, Czechoslovakia, after the Sl...

  19. Polish YMCA: classroom, orchestra, swim team

    Women exit a building. CU sign "Polska YMCA". People file through a hallway looking at posters, checking their coats. Boys stand in front of a doorway. Doors open to reveal a classroom of teenagers learning the English language. Man conducts an orchestra. CUs, the listening audience. Coach instructs swim team how to dive properly. Boys swim and play around, file into a locker room.

  20. Deportation of Polish Jews

    Poor houses, exteriors. Interiors: Close views of jumbled belongings, straw, household objects, bedding, stove. 00:53:20 Close views of individuals in Poland - buildings in BG suggesting large town. Deportation. German trucks. Carts. Jewish people moving in lines, wearing light armbands (issued in General Government - eastern Poland), with sacks and bread. Uniformed Germans threaten individual Jews, including an elderly woman with a whip. Extensive views of deportation actions in towns in Poland; many different shots. 00:57:58 Jews sitting on ground, suitcase of currency; German seems to be...