Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,021 to 12,040 of 55,889
  1. Airship construction

    Scientists/engineers in airship/Zeppelin hangar, working, massive steel. INT, airship. CUs, workers' shoes. Elevator. Men working.

  2. Krakow's Jewish quarter: shops, merchants

    MCU, street corner of the Jewish quarter in Krakow, a women in contemporary dress and three Jewish men peek out from behind the shoulder of a man with his back to the camera. Sign across the street for a merchant's shop: "SALOMON DIAMANT". Several shots of Jewish men in orthodox garb, with beards, standing on street corners talking and suspiciously watching the camera, one covers his face, and they move along.

  3. Cemetery and church in postwar Warsaw

    Reel 3A Cemetery, tombstones. Women placing flowers and candles at graves. MS, cemetery with men, women, and children. Wooden crosses flanked with miniature Polish flags and flowers. Official military burial with flag-draped coffins, Polish soldiers, wooden crosses/wreaths, and a priest. Cut to Catholic church in the ruins of Warsaw. Poles exit and enter through an underground entrance marked in Polish with "Wejscie do Kosciola"[the entrance to the church] (Photo Archives W/S 46323). MS, Warsaw street scenes in ruins.

  4. Train travel in southeastern Poland 1936

    TRIMS featuring a train that has stopped at an unknown station in Poland, the train picks up several passengers: men, women, and children, and continues along the tracks slowly out of the station. CUs of passengers in the train cars, LS of a conductor at the edge of the train platform monitoring the loading and unloading of passengers. There are two trims that feature signs along the platform which could aid in identification of the exact location, but they are in the BG of the shot, and not completely legible. The first trims shows a MS of the train, attached to electric cables pulling int...

  5. Bryan locates individuals he filmed during the German siege of Warsaw

    Reel 7A. Colorful flowers. Mother sitting with children on a park bench in Warsaw. New housing in Warsaw. Reconstruction. Steel mill. Workers leave mill through gates. Cranes at work, INT coal burning. INTs, Julien Bryan with Jozefa Drzewowska (age 72), photographed clasping her hands in prayer in 1939 and used on the cover of "Siege" (Photo Archives W/S 47403). Jozefa's daughter and grandchildren. Julien Bryan with Apolonia and village children distributing contents of a CARE package. Apolonia Wiktorzak was photographed in 1939 holding a loaf of bread, now 65 years old (Photo Archives W/S ...

  6. Gymnasium Langenhagen project collection.

    Consists of transcripts of interviews with Holocaust survivors in Paris, June 9-15, 2002, done by a class of German high school students from the Gymnasiums Langenhagen (Langenhagen, Germany).

  7. Scenes in a market square in Krakow

    A market scene: old peasant women sitting on the ground, selling their wares, a pushcart full of live geese passing by, VS of merchants and consumers at the open-air market in a cobblestoned square in Krakow, circa 1937. A man in a uniform (Polish army) holding and petting a hen, followed by VS of women in the market. From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937.

  8. Scenes of Paris before German occupation

    Title: "PARIS. Une realization de la Cinematheque Kodascope" Titles identifying sites of interest: Place de la Republique, La Porte Saint Martin, L'avenue de l'Opera, La colonne Vendome, etc., followed by shots of the named spot, street scenes, traffic. 01:09:29 La Basilique du Sacre Coeur (prominent in Film ID 2720). Le Pont Neuf, water, bridge.

  9. Kaufbeuren Institution

    Men at various tasks outside the Kaufbeuren Institution. Landscape and livestock shots; fruit on trees. The season is spring or summer. An airplane flies over the building. A man in a white coat enters the frame, picks up a tree limb and hands it to a patient, who poses with the limb for the camera. Scenes inside the building, including patients in beds. They appear to be very ill and one of the men is naked.

  10. Death of Fritz Todt

    List of "Kriegsberichter": Dr. Aletan, Blenck, Buhlmann, Dressler, Elton, Ertl, Frentz, Frickhoeffer, Garms, Gessl, Grund, Hapke, Hardacker, Hornschu, Jacobi, Koenig, Komor, Lehmann, Mahla, Olesko, Onasch, v. Reibnitz, Sakeus, Schmidmeier, Alfred Scholz, Hans Scholz, Schwennicke, Thoemmes, Wenig. Tribute to Dr. Fritz Todt and the works of the Organisation Todt, including construction of the Autobahn and the Westwall. Todt walks with other officials. He hands out shovels to workers, who march with the shovels over their shoulders. The narrator states that construction of the Autobahn began i...

  11. Rebuilding Poland

    LS, building, pedestrians in FG, church spires, scaffolding.

  12. Nazi Germany trims: HJ, propaganda

    TRIMS. Books/programs in shop window, including "Mein Kampf", atlas. 01:03:07 HJ boys and motorcycles, eating. Uniforms/gear on street. Eating, look at NS propaganda, postcards with Hitler at street vendor, eating. CUs, boots. Bread. Reading, bicycles, gear, band equipment, uniforms with swastika armbands, eating, trombone, reading paper. Note: J.Bryan's film lecture, "Germany 1937," identifies this location as Friedrichshafen, as boys returned from the Nuremberg Party Congress.

  13. German siege of Warsaw, Sept. 1939

    Warsaw, Poland 1939: Refugees on the streets of Warsaw, VS of people in the immediate aftermath of a German air raid. CU: a young woman is very uncomfortable with the camera on her, she holds her hand to her face, her expression is between a smile and despair, she is trying to remain composed for the camera. MS, a woman carries a bundle of all of her belongings wrapped in a blanket on her back as she flees from her neighborhood on the outskirts of Warsaw's city center that has been under attack by the Germans. 01:12:17: Dead horse, covered in lime, being dragged from the middle of the stree...

  14. Train

    Train moves towards and then past the camera.

  15. German siege of Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 1939

    The site of a downed plane-wreckage is visible on the hillside, where one Polish soldier is showing the journalist something that came from this plane, another Polish soldier is climbing down the hill to join them. 01:01:53:14 CU: journalist and Polish soldier, soldier demonstrates how one of the guns on the plane would have worked. More CUs of this wreckage, and cleanup, the camera pans from the site of the downed plane to the surrounding buildings that look almost brand new (this location may be one of the outlying suburbs of Warsaw that Julien Bryan refers to in his book "Siege"). The me...

  16. Polish YMCA and rebuilding in Prague, 1946

    CU on the book "Beyond Tragedy" by Reinhold Niebuhr. A woman holds the book and turns several pages in the book. EXT, VS Prague, buildings under reconstruction; town square; EXT of the YMCA;CU of sign that reads: "Polska YMCA"; adolescent boys coming out of the swimming pool in their short, tight trunks, lots of horseplay and other things popping up. 01:04:40:11 to 01:05:02:00 Young men and women gathered in a hall for a social, and then seated to watch a musical performance; band on stage, several cuts back and forth between musicians and audience. 01:08:25:20: Swimming pool, the boys how ...

  17. Japanese in South Pacific

    Japanese ships battling Americans and English in the South Pacific. Shots of Japanese sailors preparing for battle, shoes running across the deck and up stairs of the ship, exciting music. Japanese planes taking off from the deck of an aircraft carrier; shots of planes in the air. Battle scenes from the Japanese ship's perspective, including guns firing and low-flying planes, with dramatic music and occasional comments by the narrator. A graphic illustrates the number of American vessels destroyed by the Japanese. "In the first eleven months of the war, the Japanese navy has destroyed seven...

  18. Gdansk and Krakow scenes, daily life in Poland

    Street scenes in Gdansk (Danzig) on ulica Dluga (German: Lange Straße) [see the city hall in BG]. Traffic cop directs traffic in busy town square. Women gaze through shop windows, reflection from outside in. Scenes of a castle and the Dembnicki bridge in Krakow. Some scenes seem to be in the Kazimierz section (Jewish quarter) of Krakow. 01:02:52 CU of the sign on the front of a merchant's shop: "Depot de Vin T. Fukier Fonde en 1610." Town square, a man is wheeling a young boy across the cobblestone plaza in a wooden cart, a few darkly clad figures and a police officer in the BG. 01:03:01 MC...

  19. Prayer book

    The prayer-book has a brown cover with gold leaf detailing and contains daily and weekly prayers. There is a handwritten inscription in Hungarian on the inside front cover that states: "I have received this prayer-book on June 3, 1945, in Theresienstadt. Most likely one of my wretched, tortured, murdered relatives had used it to worship the Almighty, but He got disgusted with His people living the European civilization and pronounced His "judgment," ("curse") upon them which, however, was still not harsh enough. / O my Lord, Creator of the world, open the eyes of the blind so they could see...

  20. 50 FACES: The Holocaust Remembered

    The collection consists of copies of 51 brief testimonies from Holocaust survivors and 51 black-and-white matted portrait photographs of men and women; below each photograph is a copy of each person's Holocaust testimony written in his or her own hand