Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 12,001 to 12,020 of 55,889
  1. German War Memorial in Berlin

    Funeral/memorial procession in Berlin, men in uniform marching in city streets, large wreath carried at front. Huge parade/military review, marching band, spectators line the streets, bus passes in BG. Guard stands with rifle in doorway German War Memorial (columned building); CU, boots. LS, small crowd gathers at memorial, building with columns seen in LS. EXTs.

  2. Black Sunday; partisans; Plaszow concentration camp

    Black Sunday in Krakow. Footage shot from behind a fence (?) shows people being loaded into the back of trucks by German soldiers. Pedestrians look as they pass on the street. Streetcars passing by. People being arrested. Amateur footage, considerable camera movement. Footage probably shot clandestinely. 00:03:25 Home Army partisan group "Kamienczyk". Young boys wearing military-style caps in the yard of a home. They smile at the camera and aim bow and arrows. Unclear if this is related to the next part, which shows the Home Army partisan group "Kamienczyk". About a dozen men in uniforms do...

  3. Children's hospital in Poland, postwar

    CU Female doctor speaking while wearing a stethoscope. Nurse and doctor administer a tuberculosis test to a boy. The doctor palpates a small child’s chest and listens to her breathing. A radiologist takes an X-ray of the child’s chest. X-rays being evaluated. CU X-ray of lungs. Doctor writing. Boy helping a younger boy TB patient take off his jacket and outer shirt and tucking him into bed. Boy waking up in bed and a woman preventing him from getting dressed. The woman helps the boy wash at sinks where other boys are also washing. Woman brushes the boy’s teeth as another boy laughs. 4:38 Wo...

  4. Blue felt hat worn by a German Jewish girl on the Kindertransport

    Blue felt hat worn by 11 year old Lilly Cohn when her parents, Margarete and Ernst, sent her from Halberstadt, Germany, to Rochdale, England, in July 1939, on the Kindertransport [Children’s Transport]. Lilly wears the hat in photographs in the collection taken with her parents and older brother Werner at the train station. During the Kristallnacht pogrom on November 9-10, 1938, Lilly’s father Ernst was arrested and send to Buchenwald concentration camp. He was released after 5 weeks and the family began preparing to leave. Lilly and Werner were registered for the Kindertransport. In July, ...

  5. Fishing in China

    Various scenes of China - children, cleaning wok on small boat, fishing, traveling shots from rowboat, home, scenic landscape views, fishing on river, ducks.

  6. One-room schoolhouse in central Poland

    LS of young schoolgirls and boys in traditional Central Polish costume walking in an orderly fashion along a dirt road. They walk toward the camera, a hen follows. Blonde girl with long braids in a classroom draws intently. A girl runs on the playground, her head covered with a scarf. LS, brick schoolhouse in the BG. Young boys and girls exit the building to play. Boy on a bicycle in Lowicz. INTof male instructor pointing to Polish letters on a blackboard. An icon image of the Madonna and Child hangs above the board. Two boys recite the letters along with the teacher at the blackboard. Girl...

  7. German siege of Warsaw, Sept. 1939

    The first days of September 1939, Warsaw, Poland under siege: MCU of German soldiers who are prisoners of the Poles, talking, smoking, cutting one cuts another's hair. It is believed that the soldier who is seated in the shot is a German Jewish soldier, according to Julien Bryan's accounts of this footage. This is NOT a confirmed fact. VS of destruction; people climbing over rubble, looking for their belongings that may remain in the wreckage of their homes. A young boy with a pet canary in a cage that survived the bombings. CUs of the dead and wounded. A woman plants a memorial of branches...

  8. Marshall Plan parade

    Dutch flags on buildings. Marshall Plan parade in the Netherlands. Float proclaiming "Thank You Marshall" with girls dressed in white passes the camera. Various MSs, CUs of spectators watching parade and cheering. More floats process. Another view of the Dutch flags. CUs, Dutch spectators.

  9. Nazi Party Rally in Nuremberg

    Crowd at Nazi party rally in stadium. Military review. Flag performance (fast motion). Formations on field, eagle/swastika. Night.

  10. Stalingrad (Battle)

    Animated map showing Stalingrad and surrounding area. The narrator announces "The Battle for Stalingrad." Stalingrad, which lasted from October 1942 to February 1943, and ended with a German defeat, was the turning point in the war against the USSR. This footage must be from the early days of the battle, when things were going well for the Germans. Two men, with their backs to the camera. One looks through binoculars into the distance. The narrator says that the Germans are firing on an ordnance factory. Shots of cannons firing alternate with shots of the city being shelled. Stukas flying o...

  11. Greta Braude Heiman photographs

    The Greta Braude Heiman photographs consists of photographs and copy prints of Greta Braude Heiman and her Meyer and Michel relatives and friends in Hamm an der Sieg, Germany before the Holocaust and in Milwaukee following their immigration to the United States. Photographs depict Greta, her parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, and uncles, and Thea and Fritz David. Copy prints depict Ilse David, Jewish children in Hamm an der Sieg, landmarks in Hamm an der Sieg, and a death announcement for Henrietta Meyer.

  12. A. Fokker films: von Richthofen's "Flying Circus", WWI aces

    Various locations and dates, probably N. France and Belgium, between Autumn 1916 to September 1918. Contains activities of Jagdgeschwader 1 (the Red Baron's "Flying Circus"), comprising Jagdstaffel (Jasta) 4, 6, 10, 11, which was commanded by Manfred von Richthofen (MvR) until his death April 21, 1918 in a Fokker Dr.1. Hermann Goering became CO of Jagdgeschwader Freiherr von Richthofen No.1 on July 7, 1918. Film title at head: "RICHTHOFEN FILM aufgenommen von AHG FOKKER, 2. Teil" September 1917 Pilots, observers on wooden platform with dog, looking through range finders, field glasses. Town...

  13. Schoolhouse and countryside in Zlakow Koscielny, Poland 1937

    Zlakow Koscielny, Poland (near Lowicz) 1937: images of small town life in this central Polish town. INT: kindergarten age children playing and performing a circle dance on a small stage under the direction of their teacher. VS, children studying, EXT of newly constructed school house and the schoolyard. Images cut back and forth between school children and townspeople going about their daily routines. EXT: girls play dodgeball in the school courtyard, all are in traditional peasant dress, with large, full skirts and scarves cover their heads. One girl is barefoot and has her head uncovered ...

  14. Destroyed Gdansk

    Reel 3A Winter 1945/1946 or 1946/1947 In Gdansk (Danzig), destruction to buildings along the river in the city, reflection in the water. Building EXTs with German-language signs (iron factory, restaurant, etc). [VQ- still frames in places where there are technical problems from Bryan's camera and poor processing.] Cut to elder couple walking toward camera among ruins. Three men digging in a pile of bricks. Repeat of earlier two sequences in black and white. August-September 1958 Village scenes (poor image color and quality) in Poland, geese in water, tractor and farming. Winter 1945/1946 or...

  15. Georgia, Caucasus Mountains, circa 1933

    Horseback riding in mountains, a group of men and women together at a table on a terrace, eating. LS of country home, nurses seated at a table on the terrace, examining the woman, they ask her questions, write down her responses, etc. They seem to be bourgeoisie on vacation in the mountains. ** This reel has an incorrect title, because the can for this reel was mislabeled; this is actually footage from the early 1930s, shot in Georgia, in the Caucasus Mountains.

  16. Touring Venice and Rome

    Family footage of the Herz family vacation in Europe in 1937. Footage shows images of Jewish-American life before World War II with its European roots. Herz family in Venice, on gondola. CUs, Jacob Herz, gondolier. Bridges in Venice. Ruins in countryside. 01:10:53 Tourist shots of the Coliseum in Rome and other sights. Statues, beach, tents, ruins, sights in Rome.

  17. Amusement park

    Windows of houses. Street sign: "Theodor von der Pfordten Str." Amusement area, building: "Im Gelsheimer Krug". Train trolley, Germans eating. Castle in mountains, train in FG, river, fast train, mountainside.

  18. BDM

    BDM women with flowers at village house, EXT. 01:15:36 Automobile 01:15:38 BDM women on steps of house, gardening. Girls marching on country road, picking plums. Girls eating, performing skit, writing, eating, marching.

  19. Edward Smigly-Rydz becomes Field Marshall 1936

    Scenes in Warsaw as General Smigly-Rydz becomes Field Marshal of Poland. The dignitaries arrive at the parade review stand. Press camera corps photograph the event, which includes officials shaking hands, Smigly-Rydz close-ups, marching soldiers, and troop reviews. Massive crowds of bystanders. 01:20:44 A woman sells Polish flags with the eagle crest insignia. 01:21:03 CU profile of Smigly-Rydz flanked by two Catholic officials, including Cardinal Hlond, whose antisemitic pronouncements at the time fueled longstanding anti-Jewish attitudes among Polish Catholics (see more of Hlond in RG-60....