Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,881 to 11,900 of 55,889
  1. Marvin C. Jacobs family papers

    Contains documents and written testimony relating to the Holocaust experiences of Janowskiegoi Marii Markiewicz and Cyla Biderman.

  2. Eleanor Roosevelt visits Holland in June 1950; Marshall Plan parade

    EXT crowd lines the street. Motorcade. Eleanor Roosevelt beside a car shaking hands. Line of university professors in academic robes enter a building with an American flag flying over the entrance. People get out of cars, Netherlands flag in BG. INT church with crowd of seated academics. EXT Eleanor Roosevelt walking with academics, wearing hood and holding wreath and piece of paper. CU, crowd on street clapping. Parade for economic recovery (ECA) activities passes, including a band and a float of the Holland America Westerdam ship. Float of a beetle: “STAATSVIJANDA.” More parade floats, on...

  3. International Exposition in Paris, 1937

    People at International Exposition in Paris in 1937. Statues. Foot of Eiffel Tower. Aerial shots, crowds, pavilions. CUs, people transported in little train car (powered by automobile). MSs, German pavilion with eagle at top. Buildings with sign: "Dauphine" and "A la Cicogne." Boat in river, traveling shot of pavilions and large statues. Children walking over bridge at expo attraction.

  4. Concentration camp for Polish juveniles in Łódź

    Film about the detention camp for children in Łódź at Przemysłowa street, where Polish children and young people were used as forced laborers. Includes contemporary oral histories.

  5. Street scenes and establishing shots of Krakow

    Establishing shots of Krakow, shot circa 1936/37. LS of the famous castle, shot of a small boat letting in along the Vistula River, LS of two women walking across the courtyard of an unidentified building. From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937.

  6. German soldier and women

    Outdoors on an athletic field. An older man wearing an athletic suit, jumps for camera. Two different women and German soldier with glasses. A nurse is visible briefly in the BG - maybe this is on the grounds of a hospital? CU, blonde woman. Women and 2 German officers talk, greet each other, walk about the field, look over stone wall.

  7. Destruction and rebuilding in Poland circa 1946; country life in Poland, circa 1939

    Children playing in the rubble in the streets of a destroyed, unidentified city. It may be Danzig, it may be Warsaw, or it may be another Polish city. Bricks from fallen buildings are piled high alongside the street, children pick up sticks and whatever they can find and play with the bricks. Vs of the countryside, a pointed roof house, ducks and geese swimming in a pond, men driving tractors across a field (probably in1946 - see notes field). VS of the fields being plowed. CU on the men driving the tractors, the wheels of the machine, etc. EXT, back in the city, a sign on the corner of a b...

  8. Goering, Galland, Luftwaffe senior officers; Goering's train (Sonderzug) at HQ, Eastern Front; Goering's photographer Eitel Lange

    Air-to-ground views from plane, flying over pock-marked countryside. Pilot/officer's face briefly seen in cockpit of Fiesler-Storch at 01:01:00 may be Gen. Wolfram von Richthofen. Front view of propeller spinning after landing. Flying over W. Ukraine? Thatched houses. Landing at airfield under construction; corrugated structures, semi-circular. Man swinging hammer, shirtless in sun. Views of train in woods, presumably Goering's train. 01:03:41 Shooting practice with rifles. Eitel Lange, Goering's still photographer, takes position on his stomach and shoots. Military men, jackets off. 01:04:...

  9. German victory at Kiev

    "The Great Encirclement in the Ukraine" Map showing Kiev and surrounding areas, where a great German victory occurred on September 26, 1941. A triangle appears on the map around Kiev as the narrator describes the size of the area and the defeat and surrender of five Soviet armies. Footage of German soldiers and tanks taken during the "decisive hours of the battle." Quality somewhat grainy and contrast-y. Destruction, vehicles burning, burning oil in the streets. Masses of damaged war material. Troops and tanks moving across a field. German antiaircraft gunners aim and shoot down a Soviet pl...

  10. German siege of Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 1939

    CU of a man blowing a warning whistle, cut to a large statue of a mermaid wielding a shield and a sword, an unidentified bridge and the Vistula River are visible in the BG. Cut to MCU of the statue, then to a LS of the deserted banks of the river, train tracks run directly along the river banks, and there are empty, open-topped train cars. VS of this plaza and mermaid statue near the riverport- one car rides on the road around the statue, but the area is basically deserted.

  11. Burial of Torah scrolls in Jewish cemetery in Łódź

    Religious ceremony in Jewish cemetery in Łódź. Gathering desecrated Torah scrolls on carts. Burial of Torah scrolls, prayer shawls, in ceremony. Brief shot of entrance to the Jewish cemetery. Weeping onlookers. Cantor singing. See Photo Archives worksheet number 09147 for a still of this event. Big warehouse filled with descrated scrolls. Men unrolling damaged scrolls. Seemingly unrelated footage of men in track uniforms running a race precedes the Łódź footage.

  12. WWII European refugees arrive in New York City

    New York Harbor, new arrivals to America. DPs from Europe, they are not all Jewish DPs, but they are all war refugees. VS, the ship named US Army Transport General WM. Black. Tracking shot of ship's arrival to NYC. Refugees and the crew of the ship wave to the camera as they enter the harbor. VS of New York harbor and the Statue of Liberty.

  13. Establishing shots, street scenes and buildings in Krakow

    VS, Krakow, Poland landmarks: old maket square, Catholic church, museums, municipal buildings, the castle. Used as establishing shots. From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937.

  14. Jewish wedding in German-occupied Netherlands

    Marriage of Dutch Jews Collette de Zwarte and Gerrit Schellevis in the Synagogue Rapenbargerstradt in Amsterdam.

  15. Children's outdoor celebration

    Children eating outdoors during celebration, long table, party hats. Nazi flags hang off chairs.

  16. German siege of Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 1939

    Extreme long shots: German planes flying over Warsaw- these are the shots that Julien Bryan talks about in his book "Siege". These are the shots that he took while standing on the roof of the American Embassy in Warsaw, Poland in September of 1939 as the Germans began their air attack of the city. The shots are composed of mostly gray sky with the occasional plane passing through the frame, this is not the most dynamic looking footage, but it documents the beginning of the German air attack and the very beginning of World War II.

  17. Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg

    In Adolf Hitler Platz in Nuremberg, Germans salute/heil en masse for the Party Congress, soldiers marching in BG are barely seen, VAR shots of spectators heiling. LS, parade with flags. View of spectators in windows (some flanked with Nazi flags and flower boxes). Closer shots of parade with swastika flags, drummers, crowd saluting. Hitler arrives, salutes crowd from middle of square. More goose-stepping. Close shots of Nazi elites in uniform. In crowd, brown shirt purchases hot dog and bun from a female vendor. More LSs of Nazi elite, including Goering, Goebbels, Hess, and others standing ...

  18. Visiting Jacob Herz's father & relatives in Wola, Poland

    Family footage of the Herz family vacation in Europe in 1937. Footage shows images of Jewish-American life before World War II with its European roots. Herz family visiting the farm of Jacob's father, Israel, in Wola, Poland. Shots of the farm, house, and family. The Polish Herz family poses in front of their home with children. Jacob's wife and daughter Belle posing inside window frame. Daughter Judith pulls the calf. More shots of the family, farm, house, ducks, chickens.

  19. Coal industry in Germany

    Boats in river, barge. Coal. Dumping coal into truck with crane.

  20. Scenes of rural life in the region of Katowice

    VS, scenes of rural village life in the central Polish region of Katowice, circa 1937. Horse drawn wagons move along a dirt road, an orthodox priest in dark vestments walks along the same road. A family carries kindling on their backs. CU, the Orthodox priest stops to speak to two children with a goat. Three women walk along a dirt road, two carry firewood, one walks hand in hand with her young daughter. She picks up her daughter for a CU for the camera. From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937.