Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,841 to 11,860 of 55,889
  1. Marshall Smigly-Rydz and President Ignacy Moscicki

    A courtyard, rows of chairs set up for an event, Polish soldiers in uniform, flags. Soldiers stand at attention, watching more people assemble, someone sweeps a red carpet, the courtyard fills, pressmen jump around, receiving line is ready, motion picture cameras and still cameras, cameramen running around to catch every angle as dignitary begins to review the troops. Polish planes fly in formation overhead. Arrival of Smigly-Rydz. 01:14:35:16 MCU he tips his hat, looks very stern, does not smile. Ceremony continues, he passes on the scepter to President Ignacy Moscicki, there is a bust of ...

  2. Meeting of German soldiers

    INT of an office where a meeting is being held. Camera pans around the table, showing perhaps a dozen men, mostly German officers, smoking and a female secretary (one of the women seen earlier?) Maps on the wall. Some men in civilian clothes (French collaborators?) Marked map on the wall, one of the Germans (shown in Stories 4405 and 4407, and earlier in Story 4412 wearing lighter-rimmed glasses at 01:12:10) points to parts of the map and gives a presentation to the others.

  3. German siege of Warsaw, Poland 1939; CUs of Poles

    Warsaw, Poland 1939, the German siege of the city. LS, a man walks down a deserted city street lined with buildings that are crumbling as a result of the German air raids the camera pans right to capture more of the destruction to individual buildings. CU a Polish propaganda poster encouraging the Poles to fight back against the invading German armies, depicted as a large hand and a swastika. LS, more destruction. A city street is blocked off by a train that has derailed in the center of the street. A Polish soldier stands guard while several civilians help to dig ditches and build barricad...

  4. Zinc mine and refinery in Katowice, Poland 1936

    A quick series of trims featuring zinc mines in Katowice, Poland (Silesian region). The mine featured is the Giesche Zinc Mine and Refinery. VS in the mine, cars full of zinc being loaded and guided by workers, using levers to control the cars as they travel along the rails in the mine. CUs of the cars and zinc ore. Images are slightly underexposed due to the fact that filming was done in low light in an underground mine.

  5. Intertitles for The Invisible Bridge; Czech prison sequence

    01:23:52:01: Beginning titles of the Julien Bryan film "The Invisible Bridge". Credits read as follows: A Julien Bryan IFF Presentation, written by Basil Beyea, narrated by Arnold Moss, Edited by Joseph E. Dushock and Edward H. Powick. These credits are followed by more credits for the Far Eastern Expedition crew and the European Expedition crew; END credit runs, then cut to EXT, low angle CU of a cathedral; a shot of man in his prison cell, viewed first through the door's peep hole, and then by opening the cell door entirely, he sits in a chair, arms folded, looking at a wall, then scrubbi...

  6. Leningrad

    Map showing Leningrad and Tichwin (Tikhvin). German soldiers dragging large artillery shells on a sled through the snow in a forested area. They load the shells into a howitzer and fire at a structure that looks like a factory. A fast-forward section which soldiers load guns, hit the ground, fire, then hop up and repeat the sequence. More shooting across the snowy landscape, including with a machine gun. A contingent of Waffen SS troops, clad in white snowsuits and helmets, advance on the Soviet position. German troops using flamethrowers in a nighttime firefight. Daytime again; more shooti...

  7. Gdynia; loading coal onto barges

    Train moving (towards the camera). "Gdynia" sign at rail station. Woman stacks sod. City scenes, buildings, bus, Polish soldiers, nun. Barges in the water. Loading coal on ships, one with "HEL GDYNIA" painted on the side. A man unloads huge sacks off a truck.

  8. Catholic church in Warsaw postwar

    EXT, Warsaw in ruins in winter 1946/1947 on a bright sunny day. Damaged buildings. Good close shots of Poles entering and exiting a Catholic church. The doorway is marked in Polish with "Wejscie do Kosciola"[the entrance to the church]. Some men in Polish military uniforms. Longer shot of the same area showing the church steeple, patrons, ruined buildings, electronic rail lines above the streets.

  9. Establishing shots, street scenes of daily life in Warsaw

    VS, Warsaw street scenes. A group of young school boys walk in an orderly fashion through the city streets, they are with a male chaperone, all are wearing the same cap. MS in a large park of women, there are several women gathered in a central location in the park, all have babies in baby carriages. 01:11:57 The nanny/mommy scene in the park with VS, CUs on babies, toddlers, prams, etc. END of Reel 1 - writing on film leader indicates Reel 2 begins. 01:12:21 Scenes of city life, we are now on the outskirts of Warsaw - the trolley pulls up to the station, the sign on the front of the trolle...

  10. Postwar destruction in Warsaw

    Animated numbers scroll from 1940 to freeze on "Poland 1945". Scenes of destruction in Warsaw and the liberation of the city, soldiers kissing women in the streets, getting flowers, several shots of destroyed cities (most likely stock news footage) 01:21:13 VS of the Poles working to rebuild their country, men and women, pounding in rail ties, sifting through mountains of debris, taking down buildings, etc. MLS of a group of barefoot children being lead through the rubble-filled streets by young women. The film then ends on shots of young, healthy children in postwar Poland, eating bread. *...

  11. Church


  12. German troops in France; Hitler in Memel

    Title on screen: Ozaphan 1/40 Monatschau; Durchsuchen genommener franzoesischer Stellungen [Search of captured French trenches]. Armed German soldiers walk along a muddy road and among destroyed buildings. They search the banks and interior of a trench. Title on screen: Ein Fesselballoon wrid zum Aufstieg fertiggemacht [A captive balloon (? dictionary translation) is prepared for its ascent]. German soldiers run up a small hill toward a dirigible, which is docked among some trees. Two Germans are shown climbing into flight suits, while others prepare the dirigible for flight by leading it o...

  13. Couple visits estate

    Couple walks up a driveway to an estate in the Polish countryside. People and dog walk about the property (hunting party?). CU, man with a cane speaks to a peasant woman.

  14. Young boys box in Poland

    Two boys boxing in a ring before an audience of boys. Man waves a towel over one of the seated boxers during a break. Boxing resumes. CU boy raises arms in victory. They box and one boy falls to the ground. The other boy falls to the ground but gets up as well. One of the boys falls to the ground, dramatically tries to rise, but stays down. Winner. CU friend watches. (02:10) EXT building with sign “SWIETLICA ROBOTNICZA.” A man and a boy walk through a gate and towards a building entrance. INT boys boxing while others watch. Boxers raise gloves to the audience. CU children eating out of bowl...

  15. German and woman at cafe

    Another outdoor café scene showing a German and a woman sitting at a table (woman seen before in Story 4410 on Film ID 2720), smiling at the camera. Man's metal arm braces leaning against fence post. Same woman and another sitting at a table drinking tea, perhaps in a yard, greenery. A different woman is shown exiting a restaurant and crossing the street toward the camera. A moment later, a German is shown exiting. He waves his hand in front of his face, perhaps indicating that the camera should be turned off.

  16. Postwar steel wire factory

    INTs wire factory (ECA slates throughout), workers, and equipment.

  17. Sailing on "Ile de France"

    Family footage of the Herz family vacation in Europe in 1937. Footage shows images of Jewish-American life before World War II with its European roots. Jacob's wife walks towards the camera on board the "Ile de France." Belle and Judith play ring toss on the upper deck. Jacob and his wife lounge in chaises. High angle shot nuns aboard boat, on deck. MS, sea, other passengers, sailors. MS, Jacob Herz poses for camera. Sailors. Brief shot of people playing shuffleboard.

  18. Classroom lessons, postwar

    Boys seated at desks in a classroom with a teacher. Boys stand up and pack up books. Two boys begin roughhousing, the teacher takes one of them by the arm and leads him away. Teacher talks to the boy while gesturing at a paper. Boy takes paper and leaves. CU, boy’s face. CU boys smiling, looking at the paper. CU boy’s feet swinging under the desk. Shot over the boy's shoulder of drawings of boxers. Teacher sees boys looking at paper during class and takes it away. CU hands holding bucket, tapping with a brush. (04:30) Woman in coat jogs across street and walks through a gate. Door with sign...

  19. Church and schoolyard in central Poland

    EXT, low angle shot of castle tower. Women in traditional dress walk along a country road. Young girls play ball in an open courtyard. LS of the countryside, river reflecting the trees and winding along calmly. Church spires visible far off in the distance. Cut to young girls playing ball in the courtyard. Townspeople exiting (a church?). Quick shot of men and women, then of the street and a horse drawn cart passing by. The brick schoolhouse and the teacher looking at the girls' work. CU, women entering a courtyard through iron gates, coming from the street.

  20. Daily life in southeastern, northeastern, and central Poland, 1936

    TRIMS depicting a variety of activities in daily life throughout Poland in 1936. The first two trims are MSs of a street corner in Warsaw, a police officer conducts traffic between streetcars, motorcycles, automobiles and horse-drawn wagons. The street is busy with people. The third trim is a low angle MCU of a religious procession in Lowicz, Poland, featured are clergy and townspeople. This is followed by two trims of a building under construction in Warsaw, workmen construct wood frame, cart materials around the site in wheel barrows, as a foreman barks orders. The remaining trims feature...