Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,701 to 11,720 of 55,889
  1. World Jewish Congress letter, 1947

    Consists of a letter, dated July 1, 1947, from I. Littman of the World Jewish Congress in Romania to Mr. Leon Heller of Lake Vortd, Florida. In the letter, Mr. Littman states that Mr. Leon's sister, Rebeca Friedman is in need of monetary assistance and would like his help.

  2. "Plungyan" memoir

    Consists of a memoir, 60 pages, written by Jacob Josef Bunka, entitled "Plungyan." In this memoir, Mr. Bunka describes the history of Jewish life in Plungyan, Lithuania (also known as Plunge), and his experiences in Plungyan in the early years of the war, evacuation to Russia, and return to Plungyan after the war. He includes the names of Jews who perished, of Lithuanian collaborators, and of Righteous Gentiles. The memoir has been translated into English by Stephen Geller Katz and edited by Rabbi Beyamin Herson. The collection includes a photocopy of the original memoir in Yiddish.

  3. Miscellaneous records relating to prisoner of war camps in Germany

    Contains prisoner of war (POW) camp reports prepared or collected by the German Red Cross (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz) regarding Allied POWs in German captivity. Most pertain to the needs and available supplies of religious, cultural, and recreational materials and facilities. Also contains correspondence of the German Red Cross that relates to various Allied civilian and military personnel held as political prisoners in German concentration camps and the mail that they were permitted to receive. Included is correspondence exchanged with other national branches of the International Red Cross and...

  4. Selected records of the Departmental Archives of the Meurthe-et-Moselle

    Contains administrative documents relating to the systematic persecution of Jews in the Meurthe-et-Moselle Department of France bordering Alsace-Lorraine. Primarily consists of documents related to the rounding up, inventorying, and deportation of Jews in the Department.

  5. Personal archives of Zinoviĭ Tolkachev

    Contains correspondence, personal documents, art works (portraits and other paintings), a catalog, and a bibliography of Zinoviĭ Tolkachev works. Also contains guest books from several Tolkachev exhibitions in Majdanek and Oświe̜cim, Poland.

  6. Selected records from the Reichsnährstand/Reichsbauernführer (R 16 I)

    Contains records of the Reichsnährstand/Reichsbauernführer, which was the agricultural regulatory agency of Nazi Germany. Records relate primarily to Jewish agricultural interests and the disenfranchisement of Jews from the agrarian economy.

  7. Buchenwald liberation photographs

    Consists of 24 photographs of taken upon the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp. The photographs are from the collection of Andrew F. Tully, Jr., a foreign correspondent with the Boston Herald.

  8. Selected records pertaining to the Nazi office of the Reichsstatthalter in Oberdonau, Austria

    Records pertaining to the Nazi office of the Reichsstatthalter in Oberdonau.

  9. Czech Jews on vacation

    Garden. 01:00:26 Peter Lederer with butterfly net. Lake, Robert Lederer (father) fishing. Peter picking grass. 01:02:31 Nina Lederer (with braids) walking on street reading comics. VAR CUs Lederer family and Emily (Waldstein) Bruck (Peter and Nina's grandmother) in Pacov, Czechoslovakia, walking down village street. At lake, Nina, Peter, and their grandmother on dock, walking around village. Nina and Peter skipping with an older girl. CU, flowers. Canoeing, fishing. At beach, VAR CUs family. Women knitting, blowing up beach ball. Nina and Peter eating fruit (note: Nina's handicapped left in...

  10. Ronald Shapson collection

    Consists of eight questionnaires completed by medical professionals in the Lemberg (Lvov, Lviv) ghetto and one certificate of gratitude issued by the NSDAP Office of Public Welfare for the donation of a park/playground to the German youth towards the recovery of the German people.

  11. Theophil Wurm papers

    The collection consists of the personal records of the Nachlass Landesbischof Theophil Wurm (Bishop Theophil Wurm). The collection is divided into four parts. The first part of the collection contains a variety of speeches, sermons, and correspondence which span the entirety of Bishop Wurm’s professional life. Most bear no immediate relevance to the war but were included as they provide historical context and background information. The second part largely consists of church administrative documents created during the interbellum. The third part of the collection contains records created du...

  12. David Glick's trip to WWI battle sites in France in the late 1920s

    EXT, VS of unidentified town in France, in the vicinity of Verdun, France. Horses and carts pass by, townspeople move about the streets. Three Americans (David Glick, his wife, and an unidentified woman) standing in front of a monument and memorial to the fallen in World War I. The monument is in a town square, children are visible playing in the BG. It is difficult to make out the inscription on the monument due to the poorly shot footage, but the year inscribed on one of the stone pillars is "1918". Camera pans this pillar from top to bottom, a wreath lies at the foot of the monument. Ano...

  13. Rabbi Bernhard Brilling collection

    This collection contains extensive correspondence files from Brilling, documenting his role as an archivist and historian of the Jewish communities in Silesia, and in particular in Breslau, during the years prior to his own emigration to Palestine in 1939. Also included are correspondence files pertaining to Jewish genealogy in those regions, collections of printed materials collected by Brilling from the German Jewish diaspora in Palestine during the early 1940s, documents collected by Brilling about the Jewish community of Breslau, as well as documents he collected about the deportation o...

  14. Selected records of the Grand Loge de France

    Consists of personnel card files for the Free Masons of the Grand Loge de France. Each card contains the member's name along with brief biographical and residence information. Also contains documents pertaining to the expropriation of property belonging to the Masons and files related to the post-war purging of members who collaborated with Nazi or Vichy officials.

  15. Selected records from police departments in the German occupied countries (R 70)

    This collection includes Security Service (SD) decrees and reports relating to the treatment of forced laborers; concentration camp Hertogenbosch (Netherlands); police measures against the resistance (France); police actions and raids against Jews and Roma (Slovakia); deportation to concentration camps in Poland and Czechoslovakia (Theresienstadt), including an index of names; denunciations; looting of Jewish assets; slave labor camps (Slovakia); Jewish councils (Judenräte), Gestapo function, forced resettlement of Jews, including an index of names of people executed (Poland).

  16. Selected records of the Archives départementales du Tarn

    Contains records pertaining to the administration and functioning of the Saint-Suplice, Tarn, and Bren internment camps together with documents related to prisoner transfers to and between Gurs, Graulhet, Noé, Récébédou, Eysses, Septfonds, Nexon, and Le Vernet internment camps. Also includes documents pertaining to French Freemasons, Nomades (i.e. Roma-Sinti), and refugees in Tarn.

  17. Selected records related to Jewish immigration and settlement in Argentina

    Contains records pertaining to the immigration and settlement of Jews in Argentina before, during, and immediately after World War II.

  18. Aron Straser photograph collection

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of Aron Straser (born Aron Struczanski) and his family, originally from Smorgon, Poland (Smarhoń, Belarus). The collection consists of photographs depicting Aron’s father Jona Struczanski prior to his wedding in Smorgon, his family gathered around the grave of his grandparents, Aron shortly after liberation, and Aron’s future wife Gucia Widawska (later Judy Straser) shortly after liberation at Bergen-Belsen.

  19. Selected records of the Sturmabteilungen der NSDAP - Oberste SA -Führung (NS 23)

    Contains records created by the command and staff of the Sturmabteilungen der NSDAP (SA), related to the establishment, organization, administration, and activity of the NSDAP.

  20. Tennenbaum family vacations

    The Tennenbaum family on vacation in the Austrian countryside in August 1937, opening with a panning shot of a lake. A man on a hiking trail with a camera around his neck. People dancing at a hotel or resort; a man paddling a kayak; more leisure activity and nature scenes, some shot from a moving car. Label on the film can identifies the trip as a tour between Poertschach and Heiligenblut, Austria with Dr. Finkler. [Dr. Finkler was a friend of the Tennenbaums. In his memoir, Marcus writes of trying to convince Dr. Finkler to flee Austria, but Finkler felt he could not leave his elderly pare...