Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,261 to 11,280 of 55,889
  1. Anniversary of Munich Putsch

    Anniversary of the 1923 Munich Putsch. Reenactment of the burial of the party members killed in the Putsch, at the Feldherrnhalle in Munich. Horse-drawn hearses carry coffins into the Feldherrnhalle. The event appears to be taking place at night and is lit by torches. Good views of the hall, including two large stone lions flanking a staircase. Flag-draped coffins line a wall; above them are banners bearing the names of the dead. A uniformed man stands behind each coffin. The scene switches to a solemn outdoor parade headed by Julius Streicher. Streicher stops, salutes. A wreath is laid. Hi...

  2. March of Time -- outtakes -- Head shaving of French women accused of collaboration with the Germans

    Scenes of retaliation against accused collaborators in Cherbourg (first scenes), Rennes, and perhaps elsewhere in France. A group of women with shaved heads, who collaborated or consorted with the Germans, sit in the back of an open truck. The truck is surrounded by male onlookers. Two men hold a paper sign above the heads of the women. The women start moving down the street, and a man lifts and then drops a pile of hair. Shots of men cutting the hair of two women. The women hide their faces while a man cuts off their hair with scissors. Close-up of the sign, which reads, "Le Char des Colla...

  3. Selected Records of the NSDAP (NS 20)

    Contains documents created by or relating to the Freunde des Neuen Deutschlands, Gauleiter Rudolf Jordan, Nationalsozialistischer Dozentenbund, Welt Dienst, and records related to the organization and political development of the NSDAP.

  4. March of Time -- outtakes -- NY at war parade: "Free French" and "Defeat Hitlerism" floats

    An anti-Axis parade in New York City. Boy scouts carry American flags; American soldiers and sailors march by. A contingent of British or Canadian soldiers, followed by women in uniform. Floats include: one with a sign reading, "Holland;" a horse-drawn hearse with a sign that reads: "The Crime of Lidice." Women in evening gowns ride a float with a globe atop it; a decorated float labelled "Bataan and Corregidor." USSR float; one encouraging people to buy war bonds; Norwegian seamen aboard a float designed to look like a merchant ship.

  5. Alexander Bachnár papers

    The Alexander Bachnár papers consist of correspondence and biographical, photographic, and printed materials documenting Bachnár’s forced work on Sixth Labor Battalion (VI Prapor) in Slovakia during World War II, his confinement to the Nováky labor camp for Jews, his participation in armed resistance with partisans, awards he received for his wartime service, and his work as a journalist after the war. Biographical materials include certificates, correspondence, lists, speeches, and an interview documenting Alexander Bachnár, his forced work on the Slovak Jewish labor battalion, his confine...

  6. March of Time -- outtakes -- Paris in April-May 1939

    Children and their mothers at the Place du Carrousel in Paris, with the Eiffel Tower visible in the background. The children dig in the sand. The next scene shows workmen digging in the earth around the Eiffel Tower, presumably building fortifications of some kind. These shots are interspersed with scenes of Parisians shopping and other shots of famous landmarks. An old man is shown painting in the Tuileries gardens. The last scenes are of people buying flowers and plants at an open-air market.

  7. Non-Aggression Pact -- von Ribbentrop to Moscow

    Newspapers with headlines about the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, which was signed by Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop in Moscow on August 23, 1939. Nighttime shots of von Ribbentrop at the airfield preparing to leave Germany for Moscow.

  8. March of Time -- outtakes -- Downing Street, Hore-Belisha

    Politicians enter and exit 10 Downing Street and the houses of Parliament in late August 1939 as Germany threatened to invade Poland. Leslie Hore-Belisha, the Secretary of War, is one of those shown. People protest with signs reading "Churchill." Police attempt to control crowds of people. Placards advertising The Evening Standard newspaper tell of the crisis: one placard reads, "Americans told to leave Britain" and another "Britons told to leave Germany." Politicians arrive at Parliament in cars.

  9. March of Time -- outtakes -- Parisians fitted for gas masks; poison gas drill

    Parisians being fitted for gas masks. Uniformed members of the Garde Mobile assist civilians by helping them put on the masks and checking to be sure that they fit properly. Closer views of women and men submitting paperwork, being fitted, and receiving their masks. Shots of people leaving the building carrying their gas masks in canisters. 01:45:28 People wearing head-to-toe protective clothing and gas masks in an underground shelter practice what appears to be a drill enacting the treatment of victims of a poison gas attack. The dope sheet calls the victims "yperite-gased people", and a s...

  10. Reichstag election poster with a giant figure of the German worker subduing Communists and Nazis

    Social Democratic Party campaign poster issued for the November 6, 1932, Reichstag election in Germany. The striking Modernist design in orange and black is by Karl Geiss. The poster features a giant statuelike figure of the proletariat grasping the collars of two men, one with a hammer and sickle Communist Party cap and the other with a swastika National Socialist (Nazi) Party hat. The SDP was the major political party in Germany until 1932. No party won a majority in this 2nd election of 1932, but the Nazis received the largest vote percentage, 33%. This was the last democratic national e...

  11. Reichsbischof Mueller's investiture

    Title on screen: "Feierliche Einfuehrung des Reichsbischofs Mueller im Dom zu Berlin in Anwesendheit saemtlicher Bischoefe des Landeskirchen. Begeisterte Begruessung durch Abordunungen aus dem Reich. [Investiture of Reich Bishop Ludwig Mueller, in the presence of all the other bishops. Joyful greetings from delegates from throughout the Reich.]" View of the Berlin Cathedral Four lines of clergy exiting the church. Shots of spectators, close-up of Mueller. Dark shot of Mueller, others, entering the church while giving the Nazi salute. Large crowds waiting outside. Mueller and others exit the...

  12. Giza Wiernik papers

    Papers consist of documents, postcards, and photographs relating to the experiences of Giza Wiernik before World War II in Jamna, Poland, her experiences posing as a Ukrainian woman during the war, and her journey to Israel via displaced persons camps in Germany and onboard the Exodus 1947.

  13. March of Time -- outtakes -- Jewish neighborhood in NYC

    Footage of three ethnic neighborhoods in New York City. People and vehicles on the streets of Chinatown. Storefront signs in English and Chinese. Men read newspapers that have been pasted onto the side of a building. Similar treatment of the Jewish section of New York City: storefronts and signs in Yiddish and English. A group of uniformed Jewish Boy Scouts take the boy scout oath then salute. People come out of a synagogue after services. Shots of the exterior of the synagogue. More street scenes of the neighborhood, shop signs, and an outdoor market. Similar again of the Italian neighborh...

  14. Antisemitic cartoon workers were required to post in a factory in German occupied Ukraine

    Antisemitic flier that a Russian woman was ordered by the German occupying authorities to post in a Messerschmitt airplane factory where she worked assembling bombs in the Ukraine region of the Soviet Union. Removal of a posted flier was a serious offense with punitive consequences. The bulletin features a caricature of a fat, richly dressed Jewish man as the "the true and only goal of the Bolshevik "World Revolution." The woman who posted the flier saved a copy because she did not want the world to forget the "difficulties." She kept it hidden behind a wooden picture frame and took it with...

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- Protests in London demanding Chamberlain's resignation

    Anti-Chamberlain graffiti on walls and sidewalks in London: "Demand Re-election;" "No Pact with Fascist Italy;" "Chamberlain Must Go!" among others. Interior shots of people preparing for a protest. A woman helps two men put on sandwich boards which read: "Chamberlain Must Go!" "No Surrender to Hitler or Mussolini" and "Mussolini, Hitler Shall Not Dictate to Britain!" Staged shots of a man writing anti-Chamberlain graffiti on a brick wall. He runs away as a policeman approaches. Another man serves as a lookout for the graffiti writer. A man affixes small stickers which read "Let the People ...

  16. Pamphlet

    Booklet, Story of Belsen, that documents the liberation and post-liberation experiences of the Bergen Belsen concentration camp and the British Royal Army, published in English in 1945. The book was owned by Major Philip Sharp. Sharp was one of four British soldiers detailed to enter Bergen Belsen on April 15, 1945. Their first task was to arrest the commandant, Kramer. Sharp was tasked with counting the number of dead and arranging the daily burials of nearly 10,000 inmates. The men doing this post-liberation work were picked because they had been immunized against typhus which continued t...

  17. Weimar-era institutions for people with disabilities and the elderly

    The second part in a five part film entitled "Vom Unsichtbaren Koenigreich." This part of the film shows the inhabitants of three institutions in Germany. In addition to those translated below, there are other titles shown on the screen, which describe the patients and their activities. There are also religiously-inspired statements about life and the duty to care for the elderly and disabled. Title on screen: "Die Anstalt fuer bloede und epileptische Frauen in Neuendettelsau in Bayern. [The institution for feeble-minded and epileptic women in Neuendettelsau in Bavaria]." The scenes at Neue...

  18. Prewar Czech Jewish life in Prague and Southern Bohemia

    Home movies of the Lederer and Bruck families in Prague, Plana Nad Luznici, Pacov, and Stechovice, Czechoslovakia [Southern Bohemia]. (color) Landscape, family outside home in the mountains, Peter and Nina Lederer in a field of flowers, VAR shots of family members walking towards the camera, eating oranges, CU Ivan Rechts (cousin) squatting near house. 01:05:29 (black and white) Family swimming, tubing in the water. CUs, Nina and Peter. Family walking down road, stopping to pose. Eating at picnic table. Nina pushes Peter on a swing. 01:11:05 (color) Nina and an older girl jumping rope in a ...

  19. Postwar visionary painting commemorating the first deportation of Jews from Drancy by a Turkish Jewish woman who witnessed the event

    Mystical oil painting created by Louise Abouaf Starr in 2003 to commemorate March 27, 1942, the day she witnessed the first deportation of Jewish prisoners from Drancy via train from Paris. The colorful painting features train cars loaded with prisoners surrounded by symbolic images of angels, animals, and the Torah. On March 27, Louise, age 23, and her mother went to the station looking for her father and brother. They were warned not to go onto the platform, since German soldiers threatened to shoot unauthorized persons. They bought a ticket and snuck onto quay one and hid under a corner ...

  20. Documents and letters from Solomon Golbrikh Archives

    Contains a copy of the personal file (lichnoe delo) of Solomon Golbrikh from the Archives of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, that includes ID’s and membership cards, background information attesting his service as a cameraman who participated in the creation of several documentary movies during the war (Stalingrad, Battle for the Soviet Ukraine; Liberation of Budapest, etc.), Golbrikh’s autobiography, copies of the travel authorizations assigning to Golbrikh work at the front line, etc. Also includes letters of Solomon Golbrikh from front (1943-1944) addressed to his wife (nee Kucherov...