Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,461 to 10,480 of 55,889
  1. U.S. soldiers in Europe

    LS, EXT, large unidentified city/town. Trolleys passing by on busy street, civilians, buildings, fountains, cathedral. Cut to VS, American soldiers at barracks, walking about, open fields and mountains in the BG. VS, countryside surrounding the base camp. MCU, local woman with young girl sitting in a car speaking to cameraman and smiling. VS, aerial views of unidentified town, ships docked at port. MLS, amphibious tank type vehicle emerging from water, moving onto land. More aerial views, beach head, soldiers on hillside, etc.

  2. Book, "St. Christopher School 1915-1975"

    Book by Reginald Snell

  3. Barbie Trial -- Day 2 -- Case of Lesevre

    16:57 Charges may be brought against Klaus Barbie in the case of Mme Bogatto, concerning the crimes against humanity commited against her husband M Lesevre.

  4. Striking public transportation workers

    A strike by the public transportation workers of Berlin. A group of streetcar workers stand around and talk. A police car leaves the station and arrives at the street car depot. They talk with the workers and drive away in a street car. Shots of demonstrating citizens, under watch of the police. A long line of people walking down the street.

  5. Georg Unger letter

    The Georg Unger letter, dated 12 November 1938, was sent from Georg Unger in Berlin, Germany to Henry Unger in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In the letter, Georg explains that he and Henry Unger could be distantly related, but regardless, he needs an affidavit of support in order to emigrate from Germany, as he is no longer allowed to work under Nazi restrictions. Also included is the envelope in which the letter was mailed.

  6. Agro-Joint in Odessa

    Young men work with hammer and anvil at the industrial training school Jevrabmol Technicum. MS young man posing. Several young men working on truck wheels and tires. Great CUs of young boys and girls, some play trumpets and ham it up for camera. MLS of JDC inspection team and members of workshop staff standing in front of construction rubble. Quick CUs of the group.

  7. Burning Russian villages; German officers examine papers

    Reel 1: 00:00:00 Panning shot of a village on a hill, with many of the buildings on fire. A German soldier walking through a street fires a (flare?) gun into an open doorway of a building. Another soldier walks up to a home, breaks a window and throws in a hand grenade; cameraman starts to pan away as the explosion knocks him over; subsequent shot shows half of the home blown away. Panning shots of burning, damaged homes. Brief shot of German soldiers cooking. Several shots from different angles of groups of Russian locals (only women and children) fleeing down a country rode with bundles a...

  8. Barbie Trial -- Day 3 -- Barbie's psychiatric and medical evaluation

    18:08 Psychiatric expert M. Jacques Vedrinne lists the medical history of Barbie. 18:14 Psychiatric expert M. Didier Weber presents the role of psychological tests. 18:21 Results of the evaluation of intellectual ability test. 18:33 Results of the memory test. 18:35 Results of the personality test. 19:05 Psychiatric expert M. Daniel Gonin discusses how Barbie views morality, secrecy and death.

  9. Válas family collection

    Consists of the April-June 1944 correspondence of the Válas family and a 1945 document written by the donor's mother about the early start of the deportations of the Jews from Alsógöd (Hungary, 8km north of Budapest). Collection includes typed transcripts of the documents and a note written by the donor about the family relationship of people mentioned in the correspondence.

  10. Crematorium tag from Dachau concentration camp acquired by a US soldier

    Crematorium tag from Dachau concentration camp in Germany. The tag was picked up by an American soldier on a tour of the camp in the spring of 1945, after the camp’s liberation. A numbered tag was placed with each corpse to be able to identify the ashes after cremation. The numbers on the tags did not correspond to prisoner numbers. Produced in large quantities, not all the tags were used. Dachau was the first concentration camp established by the Nazi government in 1933, originally for political prisoners. Over time, other groups were interned at Dachau, such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Roma, ...

  11. March of Time -- outtakes -- Allied troops in the French territory of New Caledonia

    Men unload barrels from an American ship in the port of New Caledonia, a French territory in the South Pacific. An American soldier patrols the area. 01:23:00 An American camp in New Caledonia. Soldiers march through the countryside and then dig communication trenches. The March of Time story cards indicate that these are American troops but their helmets look British. 01:25:29 A training exercise in New Caledonia. An American soldier is overwhelmed by an Australian commando, who steals his uniform and then, with some confederates, blows ups a bridge. The commandos hack through the jungle w...

  12. Barbie Trial -- Day 7 -- The defense questions two expert witnesses

    19:12 The defense questions the witnesses as to differences in the handwriting on the arrival notices written on both the Izieu telex and the Marseille telex 19:12 Cerdini asks the witnesses to remain in the area and available to the Court for further questions for a few days 19:15 Cerdini calls a recess

  13. Safety fountain pen used by a courtroom illustrator at the Major War Crimes Trial

    Waterman-style safety fountain pen used by Edward Vebell, 24, to create courtroom sketches at the 1945 Trial of Major German War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany. The sketches were published in the U.S. Army newspaper Stars and Stripes on December 9, 1945. A young commercial artist when he was drafted for the US Army, Vebell was the first staff illustrator for Stars and Stripes. His assignments included combat zones in Italy and France. For the Nuremberg trial assignment, he sat in the press gallery for 3 days and used field glasses to “bore into th...

  14. German radio communications; Gen. Zorn and German military prepare for advance

    Reel 1: 00:00:00 Klappe 2-Lo 55: German soldiers swinging in a double swing with others looking on. Officers looking at orders. Soldiers walking through a field, with one soldier operating a radio(?) in a trench. Two Russian soldiers surrendering to a German soldier, with their hands raised. The German soldier looks at their papers. German soldiers firing a machine gun as other soldiers advance. Military vehicles moving through a town as soldiers mill around. CU of a soldier holding a map gesturing to other soldiers. German soldiers enter a house to search it. Klappe 4-Lo 57: Several differ...

  15. Drawing