Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,441 to 10,460 of 55,889
  1. Barbie Trial -- Day 17 -- A witness testifies

    15:48 A witness, Mrs. Francine Gudefin, testifies; she describes torture carried out by Francis André and by Barbie, and being forced to watch her brother being waterboarded; the witness describes a serious injury to her ear, as well as to her vertebral column; she describes the "chambre des torturés" (room of the tortured people) in the basement of the Gestapo headquarters at Place Bellecourt; description of an injury sustained during torture which left her face permanently disfigured 16:07 President Cerdini asks the witness how many times she was interrogated, and whether Barbie ever expl...

  2. Crocodile hunting in Asia

    Somewhere in Asia, possibly Cambodia or Vietnam. At riverside, bird, men on expedition, canoeing, hunting crocodiles with a spear. Larger boat with flag passes in BG. Men feed the crocodiles. LS, landscape, view of men in knee-deep waters herding the crocodiles, slapping wooden sticks in the water, pulling crocodile on muddy ridge.

  3. Mother of pearl pendant

    Pendant that originally belonged to Magda Lowy. She received it before the beginning of World War II in 1939 and entrusted it to her aunt, Jolie, for safekeeping. Jolie survived the Holocaust by living in hiding in Belgium. In June 1944, 21 year old Magda and her family were deported from Satu Mare, Hungary (Romania) to Auschwitz-Birkenau killing center in Poland. She and her sister, Elizabeth, were able to stay together at Auschwitz and at Ober Hohenelbe, the labor camp in the Sudetenland (Czechoslovakia) where they were sent in November. They worked as forced labor in a factory making ele...

  4. Susan Camis papers

    The papers consist of three photographs, two letters, a telegram, and two certificates documenting the Kollmann family during the Holocaust. Includes a letter and photograph sent to Susan Camis from Anna and Ernst Kollmann, Susan Camis's great aunt and uncle, who fled to Shanghai, China, from Vienna, Austria, in 1939; a telegram from Anna and Ernst Kollmann prior to their immigration to the United States in 1949; a photograph of Herta Kollmann, Susan's great aunt, with her mother; a photograph of her with her husband, Walter, Susan's maternal grandmother's brother; a birth certificate issue...

  5. Drawing

  6. Dunson family at Christian mission; church choir; U.S. soldier

    At the Kiamichi Mountain Christian Mission in Nashoba, Oklahoma, where Harold Dunson and his family were sent as missionaries in 1947. Screen image is mostly decomposition, but behind the emulsion loss and water damage there is an intermittent image of a group of adults in black robes- seems to be a church choir. Various people, friends, family, filing out of building, standing on street corner, talking, etc. VS, soldier and woman (also in military-type uniform) loading items and getting into a car with others. VS, little girls playing outside of a house.

  7. Mascha Benya Matz scrapbook

    The scrapbook consists of photographs and clippings about Mascha Benya Matz's life in Germany as an opera singer with the Kulturbund organization.

  8. Barbie Trial -- Day 11 -- Victims testify

    15:47:55 Mario Blardone was a Resistance fighter assigned to assassinate Barbie. In May 1944, he suffered 18 days of interrogation and torture and was then deported to Dachau. He tells how he saw Barbie watch prisoners return from interrogation, wait until they reached the third step of the prison, and draw his revolver and shoot them. At 16:08:50, President Cerdini calls for recess; video continues until 16:10:06 as audience chats and judges enter chambers. Tape-recording ceases and continues 20 minutes later when judges return to courtroom at real time 16:34:26, although tape time code re...

  9. Anti-semitic and anti-British propaganda

    Excerpt from a propaganda film about the dangers of listening to foreign radio broadcasts. Sergeant Weber, a patient in a hospital, is admonished by a nurse for listening to a BBC broadcast. He begins to argue with her, but she assures him that he will feel better in the morning and leaves the room. She hears him turn on the radio again and stands outside the door, listening, as Weber tunes the radio to the BBC. As the radio music ends and an announcer's voice comes on, the nurse opens the door (she is silhouetted in the doorway) and says, "No, my dear! That is the Jew!" A "Jew" standing be...

  10. Barbie Trial -- Day 14 -- Witnesses testify

    13:42 President Cerdini calls the session to order; asks that the accused present himself; Barbie refuses to appear; Cerdini calls on the bailiff to compel the accused to appear 13:43 The bailiff reads the names of the witnesses scheduled to give testimony in the session 13:45 Cerdini suspends the session while the bailiff goes to Barbie to compel him to appear 14:12 Cerdini calls the session to order; the bailiff reads Barbie's statement, explaining that he refuses to appear; one of the witnesses scheduled to appear has not responded to contact attempts, and is not present 14:16 President ...

  11. March of Time -- outtakes -- American ambassador to Vichy France

    Admiral William Leahy, American ambassador to the Vichy government, with a French general and other officials. Two groups of men, some military and some civilian, leave a building and salute French soldiers standing at attention. The third group of men includes Admiral Leahy. Close-ups of Leahy begin at 01:23:24. More French military personal, including the general from the first scene. They are surrounded by a crowd. The general stops and salutes a group of soldiers.

  12. Barbie Trial -- Day 1 -- Witness statements; Lechene testifies

    14:09:00 Presiding Judge André Cerdini lists the scheduled statements of witnesses. 14:35:00 Cerdini introduces the testimony of Mme. Lechene, concerning her late husband Pierre Louis Lechene. M. Lechene was a member of the resistance. He was captured by the S.S. and interned in Mathausen concentration camp in September 1942. 14:38:00 The plaintiffs Mme. Vogel, Mme. Chartre, Mme. Lara the widow of M. Bianchi and the "Association souvenir du Commissaire Jules Cros" are named.

  13. Nestor Hobe photograph collection

    The Nestor Hobe photograph collection consists of 38 photographs relating to Nestor Hobe (Hochglaube) and his family. There are 37 original photographs of Nestor Hobe and Jacques Hochglaube, his brother, as well as an enlarged photograph of the siblings.

  14. German military transports cargo across a river; signs in wooded areas

    Reel 3: 00:15:45 Sign indicates tonnage that can be carried by road/bridge, and seems to have the signature of "2.Komp." Vehicles of the IV Panzer Division roll across the bridge. Numerous shots of soldiers transporting cargo/men across a river on a ferry. Civilians present as wagons are unloaded. Reel 4: 00:18:40 An officer presents a soldier with an Iron Cross as other soldiers look on. 00:20:00 Signs with unit markings and directions. Survey of a destroyed wooded area. CU of a large sign beside the road: "Hier beginnt der Arsch der Welt!" Various signs: "Gehst du von hinnen, denk an Götz...

  15. Metalworks factory on the Black Sea

    Russian town on the Black Sea. Several shots of the workings of an ore/metalworks factory. Factory/town from a distance with Russian peasants walking in foreground.

  16. Dunson family in Washington and Oregon

    This is wartime footage shot stateside. Harold Dunson was stationed near Lake Steilacoom in Washington state before being shipped to the Aleutian Islands where his unit wintered. VS, two women with a toddler girl (the donor, Joy Marshall) playing in front yard of wood frame house. Playing with puppy, feeding ducks in the lake, etc. MCU, soldiers and their families getting out of car in the state capital of Oregon in Salem, all soldiers are in dress uniforms. Joy is wearing army hat with her dress. VS, large municipal building, woman and child pose on steps of building, insignia and words vi...