Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 20,541 to 20,560 of 55,889
  1. Von Papen speaks

    Title: "Reich Chancellor talks to you - Count von Papen declares through Movietone that all Germany asks is justice from the other nations." A format very similar to story 3729, in which Bruening speaks. Franz von Papen is shown seated at a desk and reads in English from a speech that he holds in his hands. He first dons and then removes his glasses toward the end of the speech. The camera moves closer after the first couple of sentences. He says he is glad to have the opportunity of "addressing a few words to the American public" and speaks of the "discriminating provisions of the Treaty o...

  2. Jews support the Hitler boycott

    A street demonstration in London by 50,000 Jews in favor of Hitler boycott. HASs, crowds gathered for demonstration, carrying placard reading " Hitler's eyes, Guilty of Treason". MSs, men in suits and hats parading through streets, women follow. Distributing leaflets. People standing on automobile.

  3. Oral history interview with Fraim Ronel

  4. Einstein leaves

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 5, No. 128, Part 2. Release date, 03/16/1933. VCU Einstein with smiling older woman at his right; crowd mingling (seen from behind) then Einstein again. Other parts of the newsreel include: 01:12:38 Rome, Italy "Excavations reveal priceless art ruins over 2000 years old" 01:13:09 New York, NY "Katherine Spector is chosen 'Queen Esther' in NY beauty contest" 01:13:52 San Pedro, CA "Admiral Leigh views US ships and planes in big Marine parade" 01:14:56 Miami, FL "'Dark Horse' winner of Florida Derby in final Hialeah event" 01:15:59 Clearwater, FL "Newark 'Bears' show ...

  5. Murdered prisoners buried by German civilians

    (LIB 5907) Murder, Gardelegen, Germany, April 22, 1945. HSs, long line of German civilians carrying grave markers and shovels leave village. CUs dead, skulls, corpses. VS, German civilians burying murdered prisoners who were burned to death. VS, German civilians carrying bodies in cemetery. (LIB 5908) Mass Murder, Leipzig, Germany, April 20, 1945. HSs, burned building in concentration camp with bodies lying in the wreckage. CUs, 2 survivors. CUs, partially burned bodies entangled in electrified barbed wire fence. Corpses in a shed and burned barracks. MCUs, Russian women, forced laborers, c...

  6. Oral history interview with Sophie Miklos

  7. Family business; market; shops

    Reel 3. Marketplace in Humenne with tents and shops. The Klein family's shop was located across from this market. Peasants from the local villages traveled to Humenne on Mondays and Fridays to sell their wares. Local policemen pose for the camera with one of the American relatives (Louis or Harry Sommer in a dark suit and hat). Cousins stand before their leather goods shop owned by uncle Jacob Grossman. Pan up to sign on store: "Jakob Grossmann. Obchod Kozou." Carts with horses and people pass through streets of village. 01:15:32 Hermann Klein's brick-making factory. Smoke stack. Pan up and...

  8. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case, judgement and sentencing

    (Munich 619) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Sentencing of defendants in the Nuremberg "Medical Trial." Most are sentenced to death by hanging or life imprisonment. Slate reads: "Army Pictorial Division. War Crimes Trials. Sentencing. 20 Aug. Last 700. Case #1. CAM 369, MAG 522. Nuremberg War Crimes Trials: "Medical Case" " MHSs, defendants individually step into prisoners' dock to hear sentencing (expressionless faces). Camera remains on defendants as voice of presiding judge is heard sentencing each one. Sentences are handed dow...

  9. Jack and Sonia Rubin papers

    The papers consist of an immunization certificate, certificate of identity, D.P. identification card, two D.P. passes, two passenger tickets to the United States for the United States Lines Company, and two embarkment cards for Sonia Rubin and Zawel Rubinstein [donor's first husband]; six photographs from a proofsheet of scenes from the boat on which Sonia Rubin's brother emigrated to the United States; one photograph of children playing in Bremenhaven, Germany; and six pre-World War II photographs of Jack Rubin and his family.

  10. Jews (Refugees? Deportees?) moving along a city street with belongings

    Wartime. Large group of Jews being moved along a city street with bundles, children, scarves, etc. Busy, a lot of activity. Medium close view of 2 or 3 people in a closed space, presumably refugees or deportees. People moving along a train platform, German military man in foreground.

  11. Berlin scenes: Kranzler Cafe, shops, streets

    Quiet street scene, brick building is the Froebelhaus Kindergarten. Woman walking dog, and another. VAR shots of outdoor cafe "Kranzler" with seated customers, some reading newspapers and waitress serving drinks. Also with Nazi banners in BG. Swastika. Street activity including double decker buses, trolleys, EXT of Woolworth store. CU poster of Hitler and Mussolini.

  12. Soviet POWs; German Army waits

    Pan at edge of road, German Army standing around (some officers visible). Soviet POWs grouped together, under guard of German soldier. Wounded German soldiers receive medical aid from Red Cross.

  13. Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip, 20 kronen note

    Scrip, valued at 20 kronen, issued in the Theresienstadt (Terezin) ghetto-labor camp in 1943. All currency was confiscated from deportees upon entry and replaced with scrip and ration coupons that could be exchanged only in the camp. The Theresienstadt camp existed for 3.5 years, from November 24, 1941 to May 9, 1945. It was located in a region of Czechoslovakia occupied by Germany, renamed the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, and made part of the Greater German Reich.

  14. Camp in Argeles, Southern France

    Argelès - An "escaped prisoners" camp, people who have escaped from "Red Spain." General shots of men sitting around tents, performing manual labor. Men carrying twigs on their backs. Seated by a fire. Smoke from cigars drifts up through the air. LS of camp, little tents, lots of men (dirty and disheveled). Barbed wire.

  15. Goebbels speaks re: international Jewry

    Goebbels delivers address at "Front gegen Moskau" rally in the Kongresshalle in Berlin, standing at podium wearing Nazi party uniform (MS and MCU). He says: "During the NSDAP new formation of European enlightened culture, we'll declare war on Bolshevism and international Judaism, the anti-middle class, anti-cultural. Nazis are trying to build new culture. Jews are against culture itself....It means the destruction of all economies, social and civilized achievements.... Behind all this is the international conspiracy, representing the Jews." He is applauded as he finishes. No shots of crowd.

  16. Hindenburg reviews Naval honor company

    Hindenburg reviews Naval honor company at Wilhelmshaven, Germany

  17. Torchlight parade; SS take oath

    At night, SS swear allegience to Hitler at the Feldherrnhalle in Munich, Germany. Various shots of the building with torchlights, leader of oath on steps with Hitler and other officials, CUs of SS soldiers swearing, lines of SS with torches and standards.

  18. Desecrated Torah scroll recovered postwar by a Polish Jew

    Desecrated Torah scroll recovered in Pultusk, Poland by Jerome Lipowicz after the war in the former ghetto. Jerome had lived in Pultusk prior to 1940. After the end of the war in May 1945, he relocated to Szczecin and lived there with family. He and his father-in-law, Abraham Zielinski, traveled to Pultusk together in search of Jerome's family Torah. While in Pultusk, they were approached by a non-Jew who offered to sell them a scroll. The man claimed that it had been used as the backdrop for executions of Jews in a courtyard in Pultusk. It is not known how the man knew this information. Je...