Songs of the Ghetto

Language of Description
Alt. Identifiers
  • RG-91.1975
1 Jan 1966 - 31 Dec 1966
Level of Description
EHRI Partner


Scope and Content

Phillips/Mercury. Sarah Gorby, vocalist, with orchestra directed by Jacques Lasry. Side A Track 1: S' Brent, Briderlech (Our Village Is Burning) [Unzer shtetl brent.] Music and words: Mordecai Gebirtig. Side A Track 2: A Yidish Kind Fun Poilen (A Jewish Child From Poland) [A yidish kind fun poyln]. Words: Samuel Czesler. Side A Track 3: Moide Ani (I Confess, Oh Lord). Music: Mark Schweid. Words: Mikhl Gelbart. Side A Track 4: Dein Mamme Kimt Nit Zurik (Your Mother Will Not Come Back) [Dayn mame kimt nit tsurik; Alt. title: Dremln feygl oyf di tsvaygn (Birds Are Dreaming on the Branches)]. Music: Leyb Yampolsky. Words: Leah Rudnitski. Side A Track 5: Mach She Daine Eigalech Tzu (Makh'zhe dayne eygelekh tsu) (Close Your Dear Little Eyes) [Alt. title: Az du vest batsoln bruder (If You Pay Your Money, Brother)]. Music: Liebu Levin. Words: Moyshe Leyb Halpern. Side A Track 6: Tzien Sich Machnes Far Tribene (Marching Toward Death) (Tsien zikh makhnes fartribene). Music and words: Unknown. Side B Track 1: Gayen Zay In Shvarze Reien (Mournful Lullaby) (Geyen zey in shvartse reyen). Music: Mikhl Gelbart. Words: Mani Leyb. Side B Track 2: Rifkale (Massacre Of The Men In The Ghetto On A Saturday Night) (Rivkele di shabesdike / Rivke the Sabbath Widow). Music and words: Peysakh Kaplan. Side B Track 3: Dos Ingele Ligt Farbrent (Here Lies The Little Body, Burned To Death/ After The Biblical Prophecy) (Dos yingele ligt farbrent). Music: B. Sobel. Words: Leivick Halpern (H. Leivick). Side B Track 4: Und Der Krig Iz Geendigt (And The War Is Over) [Es hot ziikh der krig geendikt]. Music: Unknown. Text: Abraham Szewach. Side B Track 5: Kinderlech (My Darling Children) [Kinderlekh, kleyninke]. Music: Henekh Kon. Text: Abraham Szewach. Side B Track 6: Letzen Vaig (Song Of The Partisans) [Zog nit keynmol az du geyst dem letstn veg]. Music: Daniel and Dmitri Pokrass. Text: Hirsh Glik.


  • Item could be related to RG-91.2066 Dos Yidishe Lid Fun Nekhtn UnFun Haynt. Additional discographical details: Cover and "gatefold booklet" includes lyrics in Yiddish and English.


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