Koenigstein fortress in spring, summer, and fall
- Walther Lenger (Camera Operator)
- Agentur Karl Hoeffkes
Scope and Content
Intertitles read, “Lavabildungen im äusseren Krater des Vesuvs,” “ Palermo: 8000 Leichen in den unterirdischen Gängen des Kapuziner-Klosters bieten -unbestattet-einen schaurigen Anblick,” “Oktober Zirkus Krone hält seinen Einzug in Leipzig.” Another intertitle: “W.L. Film 63.” The words “Kriegsjahre auf der Festung Königstein” over a photo of Walter Lenger in Königstein. Intertitle: “2. Teil.” Walter, in his uniform, with a small camera up to his eye. He steps into a car. He opens the car door and waves as the car drives away. Walter in a convertible driving through the countryside. A dog runs along the road following the car. The car with a scenic riverside town in the background. They drive into a city and out along a tree-lined road. View of the Elbe River and Königstein from the Königstein fortress above. A Nazi flag flies next to a dome. The outdoor elevator going up to the fortress. Intertitle: “Frühling.” The men move a bench in the sun and sit on it, enjoying the sun. Walter in the window with a pot of red flowers. A dandelion. Smiling officers walk down a staircase. They play around with an old cannon at the fortress wall. 11:43:29 Intertitle: “Auszug der Polen.” Soldiers, carrying their items, walk in a long line down to red buses where they are driven away. Intertitle: “Kriegsgefangene Franzosen.” HAS, French prisoners of war? walk through a small town. Red triangles. French military leaders. Man drawing a caricature. French soldiers. Intertitle: “Sommer.” Nazi flag flies from the top of Königstein. Walter’s family has joined him on the fortress. The oldest daughter looks out at the land through binoculars with her grandmother by her side. Walter stands with his wife. Walter sits on top of a small cow and then falls off. 11:47:48 Intertitle: Herbst.” A cloud-covered horizon. Planes fly above. Men shovel the road. Others chop down a tree. Men march as soldiers watch. INT Walter drinks from a mug. Intertitle: “In der Zahlmeisterei.” Walter displays stacks of money. They appear to be francs. They undo rolls of coins. Intertitle: “Im Brunnenhaus.” INT a man pushes a lever forward. A bucket of water is poured into something. The process continues and the film becomes very dark. The men drink. The medals on Walter’s uniform. Intertitle: “Fasching.” The men dance around with women. A dog plays with a ball on the stairs. Men enter a car and drive away. Walter smiles in the back seat of the car. The film finishes with an end screen of Walter’s face and the word, “Ende.”
- Koenigstein, Germany
- Elbe River, Germany
- , Poland
- Leipzig, Germany
- Film
- Amateur.