Book, Missals et Vesperals
Archival History
The book was donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 2016 by Rosie Ajlkichen Leibman.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collection, Gift of Rosie Ajlkichen Leibman
Scope and Content
Missal given to Jacques Lajbman by Father Philippe Laurent Cleeremans (1878-1944) while he was in hiding in the Belgian village of Tourinnes-St. Lambert.
Conditions Governing Access
No restrictions on access
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Brown leather bown volume. Includes some marginalia and has an inscription inside.
En souvenir de 1 ere Communion Solennelle faite pieusement a l’Eglise de Tourinnes St. Lambert pour Jacques Lajbmann, 1944. Le Curé L. Cleeremans. [In remembrance of Communion Solonnelle made piously at the church of Tourinnes St. Lambert, for Jacques Lajbmann, 1944. Father L. Cleeremans.]
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