Museum für Geschichte der Stadt Dresden papers
Extent and Medium
Archival History
Museum für Geschichte der Stadt Dresden
The papers were donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 1990 by the Museum für Geschichte der Stadt Dresden.
Scope and Content
The papers consist of two receipts for donations to Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes (WHW - a winter relief campaign), one antisemitic flyer, and an Aryan genealogy chart.
System of Arrangement
Arrangement is thematic
Conditions Governing Reproduction
Copyright Holder: Museum für Geschichte der Stadt Dresden
- Charity -- Associations, institutions, etc.
- Human services--Germany.
- Germany
- Antisemitism--Germany.
- Fliers (printed matter)
- Ration books.
- Document
- Receipts (Acknowledgments)
- Genealogical tables.