Łódź (Litzmannstadt) ghetto scrip, 2 mark note
Extent and Medium
overall: Height: 2.625 inches (6.668 cm) | Width: 4.750 inches (12.065 cm)
Archival History
The scrip was donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 1987 by the Zydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Collection, Gift of the Żydowski Instytut Historyczny im. Emanuela Ringelbluma
Funding Note: The cataloging of this artifact has been supported by a grant from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.
Scope and Content
2 [zwei] mark receipt issued in the Łódź ghetto in Poland beginning in May 1940 until the ghetto was liquidated in summer 1944. Nazi Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, and occupied Łódź one week later. Łódź was renamed Litzmannstadt and, by February 1940, the Germans forcibly relocated the large Jewish population of 160,000 into a small, sealed ghetto. All residents had to work and many were forced laborers in ghetto factories. Residents were forbidden to have German currency, and the Jewish Council was ordered to create a system of Quittungen [receipts] that could be used only in the ghetto. The scrip, sometimes referred to as rumkis, after the Elder of the Judenrat, Mordechai Rumkowski, was issued in 7 denominations: 50 pfenning, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 marks, as well as coins. It acted as a labor incentive and facilitated the confiscation of money and goods from internees. There was little to exchange it for in the ghetto. Living conditions were horrendous; the severe overcrowding and lack of food made disease and starvation common. In January 1942, mass deportations to Chelmno killing center began; half the residents were murdered by the end of the year. In summer 1944, Łódź, the last ghetto in Poland, was destroyed and the remaining Jews were sent to Chelmno and Auschwitz-Birkenau killing centers.
Conditions Governing Access
No restrictions on access
Conditions Governing Reproduction
No restrictions on use
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Lodz ghetto scrip on rectangular, offwhite paper printed in brown and orange ink. The face has an abstract trellis patterned underprint. The denomination 2 is in the lower right corner. There is a 1.25 inch right margin, then a bordered rectangle with a background of interlocked Stars of David with a large Star of David in a circle in the upper left corner. A smaller Star of David within a brown square and the serial number in orange ink replace the right border. In the center is the denomination Zwei Mark and German text. The back has the denomination 2 in the lower left corner. There is a 1.25 inch left margin, then a bordered rectangle with a background of interlocked Stars of David. In the center is a 7 branched menorah flanked by the denomination 2 within a set of 9 concentric rings overlaid by a banner with the denomination Zwei-Mark. The scrip is extremely worn with deep creases and tears.
Corporate Bodies
- Litzmannstadt-Getto (Łódź, Poland)
- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)--Poland--Łódź--Money.
- Tokens--Poland--Łódź.
- Łódź (Poland)
- Poland--History--Occupation, 1939-1945--Economic aspects.
- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)--Economic conditions.
- Jewish ghettos--Economic aspects--Poland--Łódź.
- Money
- Object
- Exchange Media