Ephraim family papers
Extent and Medium
Archival History
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Archives received these papers from Diane Saltzmann, Deputy Director Collections Division, on August 21, 1998. Diane Saltzmann received it from Raymond Santangelo from the Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation. Ernest G.Growald, a friend of Elsie Ephraim, sent it to Raymond Santangelo after her death.
Scope and Content
Contains correspondences and Red Cross messages between Elsie Ephraim, Hildegard Ephraim (mother), and Elizabeth Ephraim (sister) from June 1941-December 1942. Elsie orignally was a nurse in Berlin, Germany, but found refuge in England and worked for a hospital in London during the war. Hildegard and Elizabeth were deported to Theresienstadt where they both perished.
- Document