Warsaw ghetto uprising and postwar immigration to Israel

Language of Description
Alt. Identifiers
  • 2013.129.1
  • RG-60.1477
Level of Description
  • Yiddish
EHRI Partner


Biographical History

In 1938 and 1939, Shaul and Yitzhak Goskind of Warsaw-based Sektor Films produced six short films about urban Jewish communities in Poland. One, about Łódź, is lost. The other five-on Bialystok, Cracow, Lwow, Vilna, and Warsaw-have survived and are now called "Five Cities." These low-budget 35mm films were made for Landsmanshaften groups in America for fundraising purposes. On the eve of war, the Goskinds sent the films to Joseph Seiden, the prolific director in New York who distributed Yiddish newsreels and feature films in the US and Europe.

Scope and Content

00:01:16 Credits on screen in Yiddish. Yiddish narration. Young men in Hashomer Hatzair uniforms march up a hill carrying torches as part of a nighttime commemoration of the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto. One of the members sings to the group. 00:03:50 Footage of the Warsaw ghetto: a sign over a wooden fence warns of the danger of epidemics. A uniformed German looks into a passing car. Panning shot of the brick ghetto wall dividing the ghetto from "Aryan" Warsaw. The narrator says something about the Umschlagplatz, from which Jews were deported to death camps. Shots of Jews hurrying along crowded streets. A group of Jews stands with arms raised, guarded by Germans. 00:04:25 Well-known footage of old woman being menaced by a whip, Jews being forcefully loaded into trucks and trains for deportation, and other scenes found on USHMM Film IDs 2661 and 200 (Story 145). Wooden bridge connects two parts of the ghetto. Reenacted scene of a man reading a Yiddish-language leaflet about the resistance in the ghetto. Close-up of a ZOB (Jewish Fighting Organization; Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa) poster plastered on a wall. 00:05:52 Cut back to the youths at the commemoration ceremony, then footage purporting to show the German assault on the ghetto during the uprising. Explosions and automatic weapons light up the night. German soldiers carrying flamethrowers storm buildings. The soldiers use flamethrowers to set buildings on fire. Reenactment of a Jewish fighter tossing a hand grenade out a window at passing German troops. German rockets fire. Reenactment of a wounded fighter. CU of German with SS insignia on helmet firing weapon with implication that his gun killed the resistance fighter. Reenactment of Jewish fighter shooting a soldier in the back. More scenes of authentic footage showing wartime fighting and destruction (although not destruction of the Warsaw ghetto) mixed with reenacted scenes, including one showing a female fighter. 00:08:15 Dark nighttime shots of fighting and destruction. Destroyed buildings in the ghetto. Shot of Manielwicza street completely destroyed, with the street sign still standing in piles of rubble. 00:09:27 Footage of a monument commemorating the Warsaw ghetto uprising. 00:09:59 A procession of Hashomer Hatzair members parades through streets with ruined buildings in the background. Jewish youth march with flags and signs in Polish, Hebrew, and Yiddish, while others play drums. A group of civilians follows, carrying flowers and wreaths. A unit of armed Polish soldiers watches the procession approach the monument. CUs of mourning people. An indoor commemoration ceremony. Portrait of Mordechai Anielewicz. A band plays inside the densely packed hall. Resistance fighter (from Bialystok) Haika Grosman addresses the crowd. CUs of audience listening to speech intently. 00:12:27 A truck filled with child survivors drives down a country road. Scenes of the children singing and playing. The truck stops in front of a group home and the children hastily disembark with much noise. The children, wearing Zionist youth uniforms, smile and chat while waiting for their food inside a dining room. Other children in white clothes serve the meal. Scenes of the children dining. A girl lies in bed and plays with a cat. A caregiver inspects the children's dormitory, while the little girl hides the cat under her blanket. 00:14:20 Various scenes of children inside a classroom. The restless students play, laugh, and argue with one another. Some girls sew, while other children play ball. A boy snatches a ball of wool from a girl. A fight ensues, as some of the girls grab the boy by his ears. A teacher enters the classroom and the children immediately return to their seats and start reading and writing. 00:15:00 Children sing and dance the Hora in a forest in summer. A second group of older students dances the Hora inside a large room. Montage of youth dancing and singing. 00:16:50 Scenes of men and women at work in the countryside in Israel. Camera pans a wheat field. A woman feeds chickens while men and women gather hay. A group of young men and women carry their tools to the fields. A man steers horses and plows the fields. Men and women sew clothing inside a workshop. CU of a young woman sewing buttons on a coat. A young man, holding a cigarette in his mouth, repairs a shoe. Several workers operate large machinery to produce metal tools. 00:19:36 People relax in a large room, chatting, laughing, reading, and playing chess. Three people stand beside a podium and a sign in Hebrew that reads, "To Zionism, to Socialism, and to the Brotherhood of Nations." People sing outdoors, while a young man plays an accordion. 00:20:26 Various scenes of Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, the kibbutzim, and the Israeli landscape. Various scenes of physical laborers. A woman wearing a wide hat and overalls feeds chickens. The woman removes her hat and wipes the sweat off her forehead. Others transport heavy rocks in large trucks to the countryside where they unload the rocks in a field. CUs of Jewish laborers bearing tattooed numbers on their arms erect new homes and other buildings. Camera cuts back to the singers and accordion player. 00:22:53 Children play drums and trumpets. Dramatization of children and animals hearing the herald; children run toward the sound. Members of the Hashomer Hatzair stand at attention before performing military drills. 00:24:30 Scenes of ma'apilim (immigrant) ship approaching the shores of Palestine from Europe (Exodus?). British soldiers direct disembarking immigrants. A British soldier carries one immigrant on a stretcher. The immigrants are loaded onto another ship surrounded by barbed wire. 00:25:57 Poppendorf displaced persons camp. British military police armed with batons guard the camp. One boy hold a hat with "Exodus" written on it. 00:26:18 CUs of the Warsaw ghetto monument and people posing as if they are reenacting the scene in the monument. Smiling immigrants pass through a gate and into Israel.


  • Chaim Grade - screenplay Naftali Radenbloom - narrator




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