German educational film: North Polar Submarine Expedition, 1931

Language of Description
Alt. Identifiers
  • 2005.547.1
  • RG-60.4357
Level of Description
  • Silent
EHRI Partner


Scope and Content

Film documents the Wilkins-Ellsworth North Polar Submarine Expedition in 1931, where valuable scientific information was collected in the hopes of reaching the Arctic. The mission failed due to repeated mechanical problems of the 'Nautilus' ship. German intertitles (in quotation marks). "Im 'Nautilus' unter das Polareis!" "Ein Kinagfafilm aufgenommen mit der Agfa Movex auf Agfa Umkehrfilm 16mm" "I. Akt. Von Bergen bis zur Eiskante" "'Nautilus' am Kai in Bergen" Man on pier, boat anchored. "Der Bug des U-Bootes mit dem Stossfaenger" CU ship. "Das Heck des 'Nautilus' das noch mehrene Meter unter Wasser vorspring" Men on boat. "Der grosse Bohrturm mit dem Eisfraesser" CU, ropes on boat. 'Nautilus' vor dem Star - am 5. August" MS, boat with "Nautilus" on side. "Professor Sverdrup, der Chef des Wissenschaftlichen stabes." CU, Sverdrup, the founder of the modern school of physical oceanography. "Kapitaen Darenhower" CUs. "Wilkins verabschiedet sich" CU, Wilkins as he gets on the shop. Submarine 'Nautilus' departs from the dock. "De Abfahrt" The departure of the ship, men waving from deck (film reversed). Water tube reading "Arctic Sub Nautilus". CU, boat head. Men bundled up, on ship, smoking. "Nordwarts durch die malerischen Fjorde der norweigeschen Westkueste" Norwegian flag flying at mast. Boat traveling in the water. "Die Sieben Schwestern-Gruppe in Nebelhauben" Boat traveling in the water, Norwegian flag, men on expedition. "Der beruchtigte Westfjord mit starket Duenung" CU, boat. Man with binoculars, ship in distance. "Die Lofotberge" The mountain range, ocean, frigid temperatures. US flag flying at mast [the expedition was funded with a grant from the Carnegie Institute of Washington.] "Spitzbergen in Sicht (Homsund)" Another mountain range seen in the distance. Ocean, more shots of the sub. "Einfahrt in den Eisfjord" Scientists on deck of boat. "Der Radiotelegraphist Ray Meyers" CU, Meyers. "An der Kohlenstation Advendba - wirs zum letzten mal Oel getankt" Fueling up at a tank station in Norway, talking to men on shore. "Noerdlich von Spitzbergen wird das erste Eis angetroffen" Man climbs out from boat, exercising. "An der Eiskante warden die elektrischen Batterien aufgeladen" Shooting a rifle from the boat, inspecting mechanical problem, clouds of exhaust. "Jagd auf seltene Eiswasservoegel fuer ein amerikanisches Museum" Shooting rifles off the boat again, hunting? "'Aportieren' der Beute im Klapp-Holzbroot" Small boat, man rowing, trying to get small boat attached to side of 'Nautilus' sub. "Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten auf Deck" Working on the deck, men operating a pully. "Das Planktonnetz hoh Tiefseele bewessen aus em Porlarmer" Pulling net from deep water, cage holds a barometer/thermometer with important recordings. "Wasserproben aus 1000m Tiefe" Operating pully. "AGFA"




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