Lietuvos SSR valstybės saugumo komitetas (KGB)
- Security Committee (KGB) of Lithuania SSR
Extent and Medium
96156 files.
Scope and Content
Criminal proceedings (protocols of interrogations, information which deals with personal data of the arrested persons, photos, sometimes-small personal belongings (certificates, books, checks, drawings, photos of the members of the family and ect.), protocols of the questioning to witnesses, various decrees and reports (part of them with the sign: Secret). The subfonds includes approx. 1034 criminal files for people who have been suspected or accused of colaboration, for people who partipicated in mass killings of Jews ect.).
Criminal files No. 8890/3, 36137/3, 739/3, 45275/3, 36138/3, 20046/3, 47746/3, 43057/3: related to activities of the Special Squad in Lithuania.
Criminal files for persons who were involved into the Holocaust:
- 36533/3, 18423/3, 47397/3, P20044: in Ukmergė district. - 9107/3, 34707/3, 37244/3, 44819/3, 45615/3, P14950: in Trakai district.
Existence and Location of Copies
VVGŽM HE/Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum Holocaust Exhibition collection of the copies (partial copies).
Publication Note
Holokaustas Ukmergėje/Holocaust in Ukmergė, sudarytoja/compiled by Neringa Latvytė-Gustaitienė, Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono žydų muziejus/Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum. Vilnius, 2012.
Neringa Latvytė-Gustaitienė. Holokaustas Trakų apskrityje. Vilnius. 2002.
Holokaustas Ukmergėje/Holocaust in Ukmergė, sudarytoja/compiled by Neringa Latvytė-Gustaitienė, Valstybinis Vilniaus Gaono žydų muziejus/Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum. Vilnius. 2011.
Archivist Note
Entry written by Neringa based on survey, information provided by LYA and data of Genocide centre.
Entry updated by Neringa on 21 March 2015.
New information added by Neringa on 3 March 2016 based on survey and also information provided by Mantas Šikšnianas.
Lietuvos SSR valstybės saugumo komitetas (KGB).
Extent and Medium
96156 bylos.
Scope and Content
Baudžiamosios bylos (tarp kurių yra apie 1034 bylų asmenims, įtariamiems ir kaltinamiems kolaboravimu su naciais, dalyvavusiems ir prisidėjusiems prie žydų žudynių ir kt.).
Archivist Note
parengta pagal Neringa tyrimus, archyvo ir Genocido centro duomenis.