Correspondence with Leber, Annedore - Mosaik Verlag

Language of Description
Alt. Identifiers
  • 110604
28 Apr 1953 - 18 Sep 1963
Level of Description
  • German
  • English
EHRI Partner


Biographical History

Annedore Leber (1904-1968) was a German Nazi opponent, publicist, centre-left politician, and widow of prominent resistance fighter Julius Leber, who had been executed by the Nazis. After the war the social democrat was elected to the state parliament of West Berlin. Having founded the Mosaik) publishing house in the early 1950s she published intensively on the Inner-German Anti-Nazi resistance. See Geyken, F., Wir standen nicht abseits: Frauen im Widerstand gegen Hitler, Munich, C. H. Beck, 2014.

Scope and Content

Documenting the close association between Leber and The Wiener Library the correspondence focuses on various subjects including among others: assistance for Leber’s intention to publish her book Das Gewissen steht auf in England (1954); research support for two of Leber’s book projects (1955-57 and 1963) including the provision of published material, documents, photographs, information, and contact details for further investigation; arrangements for a non-public talk by Leber to a selected British/German audience in London (1959). Addressed were German exiles and expats (Club 43, Theodor Heuss Kreis), German and British journalists, and British MPs.

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