Correspondence with Kartell Jüdischer Verbindungen (K.J.V) in Great Britain
Extent and Medium
56 letters
- Kartell Jüdischer Verbindungen in Great Britain
Biographical History
The Kartell Jüdischer Verbindungen (K.J.V.) was an umbrella organization of Jewish-German student fraternities. It had been founded in 1914 and ceased to function in 1933. After the Second World War former members reconstituted K.J.V chapters in several countries of their respective settlement including the UK.
Scope and Content
The correspondence, with K.J.V secretary R. J. Friedmann exclusively, deals with various subjects including: arrangements for a lecture by Alfred Wiener about the Library at a K.J.V. (1954), the K.J.V.’s subsequent Library subscription, and a visit of the Library by K.J.V. members. Furthermore, requests for contact information, the consignment of K.J.V. material, invitations to events, and a lecture of Eva Reichmann at a K.J.V meeting (1957) are debated.
Conditions Governing Reproduction
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- Friedmann, R. J.
- Student fraternities
- Refugees
- German-Jewish organisations
- Great Britain