Correspondence with Heimatauskunftstelle für das Industriegebiet Ostoberschlesien
Extent and Medium
4 letters
- Haupttreuhandstelle Ost
- Heimatauskunftstelle
Biographical History
Heimatauskunftstellen (Homeland Information Centres) had been established in the constituent states of West Germany. They were tasked with assisting ethnic German displaced persons (DPs) from former German territories.
Scope and Content
Correspondence regarding a request by the Library for a copy of the accounts of the Haupttreuhandstelle from 1939-1942. This organisation had been established by Hermann Göring in 1939 as part of his Four Year Plan to confiscate assets from the Polish government and Polish citizens including Jews.
Conditions Governing Reproduction
This material has been digitised. Readers should book a reading room terminal to access it.
- Expropriation
- Restitution
- Poland