Correspondence with Det Kongelige Bibliotek/ Bibliotheca Judaica Simonseniana - Edelmann, R.
Extent and Medium
88 letters
- Det kongelige Bibliotek
Biographical History
Det Kongelige Bibliotek (The Royal Library) in Copenhagen is the National Library of Denmark. Founded in 1648, it is now one of the largest libraries in the world. In the 1950’s and early 1960’s R. Edelmann was head of the library’s Judaica department. He was also associated with the Jewish Claims Conference.
Scope and Content
Aside from the exchange of materials the correspondence with Edelmann concerns various issues including among othres an enquiry by The Wiener Library on the numbers of Jews in the Scandinavian countries, and a request for Edelmann’s support of the Library’s grant application sent to the Claims Conference (1953). A recurring subject since 1954 is Edelmann’s project of establishing an association of Jewish libraries in Europe.
Beside letters the correspondence contains a memo of Alfred Wiener’s meeting with R. Edelmann (1955), a German translation of an article about The Wiener Library originally published in a Danish periodical (1955), a copy of a recently discovered inscription by Werner Best, official representative of Nazi Germany in the occupied Denmark (1958), a general report on the activities of the Jewish libraries 1958-1959 (1960), and an undated bibliography.
Conditions Governing Reproduction
This material has been digitised. Readers should book a reading room terminal to access it.
- Edelmann, R.
- Libraries and Archives
- Denmark