Mira Hamermesh family papers
Extent and Medium
1 folder
- Hamermesh, Mira
Biographical History
Mira escaped from Poland with her brother, Mietek. She moved first to Vilnius, Lithuania, where her brother was arrested by Soviet troops. Mira made it to Palestine where she was reunited with her sister, Genia, who had already moved there in 1938. Mira studied at the Bezalel Art School and after a scholarship from the British Council she moved to the UK in 1947 to study at the Slade School of Fine Arts. She married Richard Coopman in 1952 and together they had one son, Jeremy Coopman. She worked as a painter and documentary director for the BBC and Channel 4. Her documentaries have won many awards, including the special jury award at the Banff festival in 1986, and the Golden Gate award from the San Francisco international film festival in 1992.
Mira died on 19 February 2012.
family papers- 2 folders
Donated 21.1.2014
Donor: Jeremy Coopman
System of Arrangement
Chronolgical by document type
Conditions Governing Access
- Women
- Immigration
- Refugees
- Persecution
- Jews
- Łódź