Files compiled by Renée Grabiner as a member of the Jewish community Indemnification Commission (Buysse Commission II)

Language of Description
1 Jan 2002 - 31 Dec 2009
Level of Description
  • French
  • Dutch
  • German
EHRI Partner


Biographical History

In 1997, in the context of international discussions regarding the restitution of stolen Jewish property, the Commission d’études des Biens juifs – Studiecommissie Joodse Goederen (Buysse I) [Jewish property study commission – Buysse I] was created. It was presided by Lucien Buysse. The study commission researched which Jewish assets still resided with the Belgian government, with financial institutions and with insurance companies, leading to the law of 20 December 2001 regarding the indemnification of members of the Jewish community of Belgium whose property was plundered or abandoned during the war (1940-1945). Based on the study commission’s final report a grant was made available to the Commission de dédommagement des membres de la Communauté juive – Commissie Schadeloosstelling leden van de Joodse gemeenschap (Buysse II) [Jewish community Indemnification Commission – Buysse II] which was founded in 2001 and which started its activities on 30 September 2002. The Indemnification Commission – Buysse II was again presided by Lucien Buysse, who was assisted by four public servants (Daniel De Brone, Raymonde Foucart, Renée Grabiner and Karin Wastiau) as well as by two members of the Jewish community (Anna Landau and Foulek Ringelheim). Every Jewish victim or their beneficiaries could file a restitution claim if the victim had been in Belgium at any point between 10 May 1940 and 8 May 1945, and if they had been robbed in Belgium, or if they had to leave property behind because of anti-Jewish measures or events caused by the occupying authorities. Initially all requests had to be filed before or on 19 March 2003, but because of the larger number of foreign beneficiaries the term was prolonged until 9 September 2003. A total of 5620 claims was filed with the Indemnification Commission. Compensation could be requested for the following types of property: household contents, objects confiscated at the time of arrest or deportation, wages for obligatory labour not paid to the worker or his family, financial assets with general financial institutions or the Bestuur der Postchecks and the Algemene Spaar- en Lijfrentekas, businesses and companies, the diamond industry, the life insurances industry, the real estate industry and cultural items (archives, libraries and art). Apart from financial compensation, the claims could also include the ‘Relieken’ (documents confiscated at the Dossin barracks) and the ‘Gesloten Omslagen’ or ‘Kluizen’ (safety deposit boxes). 88% of the requests led to financial restitution. The last claims were evaluated in December 2007. The Indemnification Commission was subsequently dissolved. All remaining funds were then transferred to Stichting Belgisch Jodendom, a Jewish aid society of public use.

Archival History

Renée Grabiner, Director of the Ministry of the French Community in Belgium, acted as a member of the Jewish community Indemnification Commission (Buysse Commission II) from its creation in 2002 until its dissolution in 2009. She thus compiled administrative files and dossiers per meeting. In 2017 Renée Grabiner donated the original documents to Kazerne Dossin. This collection has not been digitised and, due to privacy restrictions, is not freely accessible at the Kazerne Dossin reading room. Motivated research requests will be evaluated by both Kazerne Dossin and Renée Grabiner before allowing or denying access.


Renée Grabiner, member of the Jewish community Indemnification Commission (Buysse Commission II), 2017

Scope and Content

This collections contains: 0001 - Administrative documents regarding Renée Grabiner’s work for the Jewish community Indemnification Commission (Buysse Commission II) 0002 - Preparatory documents for the annual reports, 2002-2006 0003 - Preparatory documents for the final report, 2007 0004 - Dossiers per meeting (111 files) of the Jewish community Indemnification Commission (Buysse Commission II). Each file contains one or multiple of the following elements: the meeting invitation, the report of the previous meeting (including a summary of the decisions regarding the claims discussed both in first and second review), an overview of the claims discussed, additional documents discussed, 2002-2009 0005 - Forms filled out for pending claims 0006 - Documents collected by Renée Grabiner to support her claim for her parents Charles Grabiner and Debora Brandstatter with the Jewish community Indemnification Commission (Buysse Commission II)


No further accruals are to be expected

System of Arrangement

0004 - The dossiers per meeting are ordered chronologically. Please note that the decisions on claims are stored as an annexe to the meeting report in the file of the subsequent meeting.

Conditions Governing Access

Due to privacy restrictions, this collection has not been digitised and is not freely accessible at the Kazerne Dossin reading room. Motivated research requests will be evaluated by both Kazerne Dossin and Renée Grabiner before allowing or denying access.

Conditions Governing Reproduction

Reproduction of items from this collection is prohibited.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

An index has been created containing the names of the Jewish war victims for who a claim has been filed with the commission.

Related Units of Description

  • National Archives of Belgium 2 - Depot Joseph Cuvelier, Fonds 'Dossiers dommages de guerre, traités par la Commission Buysse', BE / ARA2-AGR2 / 545-269; 'Relieken', Kazerne Dossin, collection KD_00005; 'Kluizen', Kazerne Dossin, KD_00018.

Publication Note

Commission Buysse, Les biens des victimes des persécutions anti-juives en Belgique, Brussel, 2001; Commissie voor de schadeloosstelling van de leden van de Joodse Gemeenschap van België voor hun goederen die werden geplunderd of achtergelaten tijdens de oorlog 1940-1945, Eindrapport, Brussel, 2008; Commission pour le dédommagement des membres de la Communauté juive de Belgique pour les biens dont ils ont été spoliés ou qu’ils ont délaissés pendant la guerre 1940-1945, Rapport final, Bruxelles, 2008.


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