
Displaying items 1,941 to 1,960 of 10,857
  1. Prosecution explains collection of documents for Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 374) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany. LS, prisoners and others in court stand at attention as court is called to order (23:09:48). Pan to Tribunal as it is seated. 23:14:30 MCU, Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop, Keitel, and Doenitz listening to prosecutor. MS, rear view of unidentified American civilians, members of the prosecution, as he tells the court how documents and briefs were obtained by special units attached to the advancing military units. 23:11 " the US army advanced into German territory. These were attached to each army and...specialized military personnel...duties ...

  2. Rommel in Africa

    "Afrika" superimposed over an outline of the continent. German artillery, vehicles, personnel in the desert. Upbeat music as tanks are cleaned and readied for service. Low-angle close-ups of German soldiers drinking water, cutting bread, smoking cigarettes. Good, if brief, shot of Rommel with other officers. Low-angle shot of troops on a tank, signaling to move out. Various views of a line of tanks moving across the desert. View from a German airplane as it attacks British tanks. Ground-level view of a shot-up British tank, with the word "Beacon" on it. Injured British soldiers; burning Bri...

  3. Delousing at Belsen; Red Cross; women at Mobile Bath Unit

    CU, British soldier. Three young women with armbands walk through camp gate (guarded by British). Sign by gate "Dust Spreads Typhus 5 MPH." CU, two soldiers and two women: "One woman has travelled from Osnabruck to enquire after her husband who she believes has been interned in Belsen". MCU as captain uses DDT duster on companion outside "Dusting Room." In FG, two men sleeping by roadside. Ambulances pass. Rear shot of Sgt. Oakes of Army Film Unit talking to two Hungarian Jewish women, sitting by barbed wire and cooking lunch. Same survivors with soldier (now crouched down) with bowls of so...

  4. Nazis advance in Montenegro; Serbian POWs

    Nazis continue their push Eastward. Nazis fighting partisans in rugged terrain of Montenegro. Nazi soldier setting up a telegraph machine. Soldiers on trucks on road. LS, mountain range. Nazis advance, fire artillery, scramble up mountainside. Firing. Very rugged terrain. Small forest, cavalry troops. Firing, bombing housing. Pan of "partisan" Serbian POWs, bedraggled, Asian features, swarthy skin, wearing turbans. CUs, weapons. POWs marching. Serbian villagers handing eggs to Nazi soldier as welcome gift, swastika flag visible. Farming, MS oxen plowing field. (Commentary: "The Volk thanks ...

  5. German occupation of France and Belgium

    Tank crossing river. MCU, workmen building bridge. MCU, horse-drawn wagon driven by German soldiers. German soldiers on bicycles, motorcycles, scooters, side cars. Tanks fording small stream. Truck hauling large German mortar. German aircraft in flight. City below. Pilot of German aircraft, taken from nose of plane. City smoking. Wreckage around railroad yard. German soldier firing machine gun, digging foxhole, firing into city streets, talking in street. Street is ablaze. Bullet in hand of soldier. Pan, burning building, city. German trucks moving through wrecked city. Inspecting destroyed...

  6. Russian Collaborator General Vlasov in Czechoslovakia

    Russian General Vlasov visits Germany and Czechoslovakia Reel 1: 4:47:35 German Air Force ace Maj. Walter Novotny receives award, visits Hitler with his parents, in military parade, then shot of his casket at funeral, CU of inscription (looks like "Hero"). 4:49:00 MS Soviet General Vlasov reviews troops in Prague. 4:49:07 LS Large hall in Prague full of officials (Gen Vlasov is walking through, seated officers include (Karl Frank?). LS Vlasov reading statement, CUs of various officials, CU Vlasov. 4:49:46 CU Flags LS Vlasov enters thru audience, banner in balcony. LS and CUs as Vlasov makes...

  7. Allied Invasion

    Part 1: Winston Churchill and Jan Christian Smuts wish luck to Allied troops boarding landing craft. General Eisenhower broadcasts to the French people. Shows street scene in London. Airborne troops board planes. The Navy and Air Force blast Normandy shore positions. Part 2: U.S. troops enter Rome. Shows General Clark. Stalin and Marshal Zhukov review Russian troops. Part 3: The 9th Air Force bombs German positions and airborne troops land in Normandy. General Eisenhower and General Montgomery inspect the beach positions.

  8. Meeting of German soldiers

    INT of an office where a meeting is being held. Camera pans around the table, showing perhaps a dozen men, mostly German officers, smoking and a female secretary (one of the women seen earlier?) Maps on the wall. Some men in civilian clothes (French collaborators?) Marked map on the wall, one of the Germans (shown in Stories 4405 and 4407, and earlier in Story 4412 wearing lighter-rimmed glasses at 01:12:10) points to parts of the map and gives a presentation to the others.

  9. Funeral; Speech in Brussels; Germans training; SS advance in Normany; Russian front

    29/44 No. 38. Part 1, Adolf Hitler speaks at the funeral of Gen. Dietl as Himmler and Keitel look on. Part 2, Leon Degrelle makes an anticommunist speech in Brussels. Part 3, German officer candidates train near the fighting front. Part 4, German coastal guns fire on a U.S. cruiser off Cherbourg and set it afire. Part 5, wrecked U.S. equipment on a beach and along roads, destroyed tanks in ruined villages, and captured U.S. paratroopers. Part 6, German SS troops and tanks advance in Normandy. Part 7, German tanks and rocket guns fire on the Russian front.

  10. Eisenhower at Ohrdruf; liberated prisoners with radio

    04:31:58 (LIB 5416) General Dwight D. Eisenhower Visits Atrocities Concentration Camp at Ohrdruf, Germany, April 12, 1945. MSs, CUs, Eisenhower looks at dead bodies, GIs standing in BG. Former prisoner (survivor) with scarf talking to officers. CUs, dead bodies of prisoners. MSs, Gens Eisenhower, Omar N. Bradley and Lt. Gen. George S. Patton, Jr. leave camp. MSs, CUs, US soldiers look at dead bodies of camp victims. 04:32:37 (LIB 5562) Liberated Yanks, Russians, and British, Duderstadt, Germany, April 10, 1945. CUs small radio built by one of the prisoners. CU, one of the liberated men cook...

  11. Potsdam Conference; troops invade

    Staff Film Report, no. 65; Combat Bulletin, no. 65 Reel 1: "E.T.O. Big Three Conference in Session" Truman and Byrnes inspect the 2nd Armored Division along the route to Potsdam and pose with Stalin and Molotov at the Russian headquarters. Churchill and Eden arrive. Truman talks with Eisenhower, Bradley, and Leahy. US and British Chiefs of Staff confer. 08:56:35 "Pacific - Navy Attacks Underwater Obstacles at Balikpapan" Shows beach obstacles exploding. Australian troops invade Borneo at Balikpapan (July 1) and advance under fire. 08:58:41 "Pacific - Additional Films Balikpapan Invasion" Sh...

  12. Anti-Polish propaganda just prior to outbreak of war

    Excerpts from the last newsreel before the outbreak of war. Women and children who have allegedly suffered at the hands of the Poles are interviewed in a German refugee camp. A weeping woman tells her story. The ship Schleswig-Holstein arrives in Danzig harbor. Joyous civilians and members of the Kriegsmarine wave to the the ship from the shore. Men in formal navy dress uniforms leave the ship and review sailors lined up on the dock. A banner reads "Wilkommen Schleswig-Holstein". German draftees, still wearing civilian clothes, stand at attention at roll call, then are issued shoes and unif...

  13. German invasion of Poland; start of WWII

    Reel 5: German troops attack fortifications, running, explosions. Shelling Gydnia harbor. "Soldiers in civilian clothing" rounded up. Triumphal entry of troops into city. Banner over road "Gelenhafe", POV from car - tanks and motor cycles across bridge. Crowds of troops surround Hitler. Hitler at field camp. Interiors of headquarters, Goering looking over plans, Hitler seated in headquarters. Radio operators. Hitler looking at battle plans. Graphic showing troop movements towards Vistula. Polish troops along road, German soldiers disarming them. CUs of captured Polish equipment.

  14. March of Time -- outtakes -- Allied troops in the French territory of New Caledonia

    Men unload barrels from an American ship in the port of New Caledonia, a French territory in the South Pacific. An American soldier patrols the area. 01:23:00 An American camp in New Caledonia. Soldiers march through the countryside and then dig communication trenches. The March of Time story cards indicate that these are American troops but their helmets look British. 01:25:29 A training exercise in New Caledonia. An American soldier is overwhelmed by an Australian commando, who steals his uniform and then, with some confederates, blows ups a bridge. The commandos hack through the jungle w...

  15. German invasion of Norway

    German planes fly over the mountains of Norway. Planes land at Fornebu airbase outside Oslo and German soldiers unload weapons. A German soldier stands next to a sign, "Fliegerhorst- Kdtr. Oslo Fornebu". The narration explains that a British plane has been shot down while smoke rises from a tree-covered area beyond the runway. Bf 109s pass low overhead in squadron formation. German soldiers performing various activities, including a German soldier talking on a field telephone and aiming guns toward the sky. Good shots of German sailors on the deck of a ship. Swastika painted on the foredeck...

  16. German capture and invasion of France

    LS, pan, small lake with ship. Snow-covered fields in FG. MS, bridge over river with demolition crew. LS, large explosions in buildings at edge of city. MS, German troops in snow-covered hills, firing guns. LS, German paratroopers jumping from large twin-engine aircraft. MS, paratroopers landing in snow-covered field. MCU, German soldiers with equipment. MS, paratroopers marching after landing. CU, German troops and equipment. MS, pan, German Stukas taking off from airfield. LS, Stukas in flight, craters on ground. LS, wrecked airfield, wrecked aircraft. MS, wrecked British planes. LS, Germ...

  17. United States Air Force badge worn by a US soldier

    1. Eddie Mills Murphy collection

    Badge that belonged to Eddie Mills Murphy. Murphy served as a Private First Class in the United States Army, 3264th Signal Photo Battalion. He was stationed in Wiesbaden, Germany, after the war and was assigned as a photographer at the International Military Tribunal during the Nuremberg War Crmies Trials from 1945-1946.

  18. Eva Braun with her family; Berchtesgaden terrace on Easter

    Reel 4 of the private motion pictures of Eva Braun. (Seized Enemy Records.) COLOR. Scenes of buildings, boats, in Copenhagen. Eva with her family on a boat. Scenes of city and the water. Women selling fish. Out at sea, military boats, other boats. Hands from deck of boat in Nazi salute. Docking, man shaking woman's hand. Scenes in countryside taken from car. Herta Schneider and her two children on Berchtesgaden terrace playing with Easter toys. Women and children playing with rabbits. Woman in a rowboat. Children playing, scenes with dog. Military man with wife and toddler. Woman playing wi...

  19. Russian DPs cross Elbe; German prisoners clean camp courtyard

    (LIB 6898) Russian DPs Cross Elbe, Magdeburg, Germany, May 31, 1945. LSs, train carrying DPs arrive at station. MSs, CU, Russian civilians with their belongings waiting at railroad station. CU, child standing next to trunk, crying. MLSs, British officer directing and counting groups as they pass. MLS, US, British, and Russian officers watch the long column of civilians crossing bridge. LSs, trash in camp courtyard which was recently evacuated by Russians. MSs, INTs, two Russian women carving meat in camp kitchen. HSs, platoon of German prisoners marching toward camera under British guard. S...

  20. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case; Tiergarten; Mauthausen Trials

    Welt im Film, issue no. 79. December 9, 1946 "Beginning of Trials against German Doctors" Courtroom personnel stand as tribunal files in. Pan, courtroom. An American officer calls out names of chief defendants as camera pans the defendants in dock, including Karl Brandt, Siegfried Handloser, Paul Rostock, Schroeder, etc. Telford Taylor addressing court (no sound). HS, tribunal. 09:36:54 Karl Brandt standing, pleads not guilty. Handloser and Herta Oberhauser also plead not guilty. Welt im Film, issue no. 52. "Tiergarten Plowed Up, Berlin" Pan of Tiergarten. British tractors help cultivate so...