
Displaying items 1,841 to 1,860 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Hoover reviews troops; Nuremberg Trial closeups

    Herbert Hoover Reviews 1st Cavalry Div, Atsugi, Japan, May 5-6, 1946. Herbert Hoover accompanied by Lt. Gen. Robert L. Eichelberger reviewing elements of the 1st Cav. Div. From an M-8 armored car and later from the reviewing stand. C-54 taxiing on airfield. Mr. Hoover coming off plane. MS, Hoover posing with Maj. Gen. William F. Marquat. Rear view, cars driving off airfield. 22:03:11 Closeups - War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 1946. INT, CUs of the following prisoners wearing earphones: Julius Streicher, Walther Funk, Hans Frank, Wilhelm Frick, Franz von Papen, Alfred Jodl, Hans F...

  2. Concentration camps in Norway; Spanish photographer imprisoned in Mauthausen testifies re. Nazi leaders who visited camp at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 531) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 29, 1946. Hans Cappenlen, Norwegian, testifying in English (a court interpreter sits beside him). Cappenlen tells about concentration camps in Norway. 08:20:00 He testifies of Roma sent to Struthof concentration camp. 08:22:00 Cappenlen mentions that Gross Rosen was a "bad camp" and that the worst was the evacuation of Gross Rosen in February. French prosecutor Dubost calls this witness. Justice Lawrence asks the defense counselors if they are able to question the witness. Friedrich Bergold, defense counselor, claims he is not prepa...

  3. Streicher's lawyer speaking at Nuremberg Trial; Palace of Justice; Dostler execution

    23:00:40 (Paris 387) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 15, 1945. HS tribunal. MHS, Dr. Hans Marx, Julius Streicher's lawyer, speaking to the court. MLS, Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence and Justice Francis Biddle on the bench. 23:01:54 (Paris 388) Aerial Shots of the Court and MP Block, November 19, 1945. LS, M-18 tank traversing its turret in front of the Palace of Justice. MS, two men in tank turret; one speaks over radio while the other traverses. LS, MPs directing traffic near Palace of Justice. MS, MP at detour barrier speaking over phone. CU, sign, "Detour." CU, sticker o...

  4. Ferencz lecture: Wiesenthal Holocaust Center

    Ferencz lecture. Wiesenthal Holocaust Center, Los Angeles, CA. Second in five part series on Nazi war crimes trials. Ferencz discusses how the Nuremberg proceedings informed his life, his involvement in major restitution programs, and his understanding of "Never Again" through developing international law, an international criminal court, and defining aggression. He explains the legal precedents established at Nuremberg, including a) crime of aggression; b) crimes against humanity; c) trying heads of state; and d) guaranteeing rights to every prisoner (innocent until proven guilty in a cour...

  5. The Peoples' Court in Linz (court cases with a verdict and court cases without a verdict) Volksgericht Linz (Verfahren mit Urteil and Verfahren ohne Urteil)

    Contains 322 post-war trials of defendants accused of Nazi war crimes. The trials took place in the Volksgericht Linz (People's Court in Linz), Austria from 1946 to 1955. These cases mostly relate to Jewish victims. Includes cases from Salzburg over which the Volksgericht Linz also had jurisdiction.

  6. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case - Taylor explains medical experiments in indictment

    (Munich 479) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Brig. General Telford Taylor continues the reading of the indictment and tells of the torture and death of concentration camp inmates during the so-called "scientific experiments." HS, MS defendants in the prisoners' dock. Pan of the courtroom from defendant to Gen. Taylor reading the indictment. 04:11:06 "The victims who did not die in the course of such experiments, surely wished that they had. A long report written in July 1942 by Rascher, and by the defendants Ruff and Romberg, desc...

  7. Official documentation regarding the solution of the "Jewish Question", the Umwandererzentralstelle (UMZ- Center for Emigration Matters) and members of the Nazi party in Guatemala and the status of the Nazi jurists during the war and afterwards

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Official documentation regarding the solution of the "Jewish Question", the Umwandererzentralstelle (UMZ- Center for Emigration Matters) and members of the Nazi party in Guatemala and the status of the Nazi jurists during the war and afterwards - Suggestions for the solution of the "Jewish Question" in Warhtegau that were discussed in the office of the Reichstatthalterei (Reich governor), July 1941: maximum concentration of Jews in labor camps and ghettos; liquidation of those unfit for labor; sterilization of women; - Center for Emigration Matters; - List of members of the Nazi party in Gu...

  8. Reports prepared by the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission regarding the murder and deportation of Jews in Kishinev and Bravicha, July-September 1941

    1. O.32 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Soviet Union from the Holocaust period

    Reports prepared by the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission regarding the murder and deportation of Jews in Kishinev and Bravicha, July-September 1941 - Testimonies of Kishinev residents regarding the murder of Jews in Kishinev and in the Kishinev Ghetto, including testimonies regarding the establishment of the Kishinev Ghetto, Kishinev Ghetto life and mortality; deportation of Jews to Transnistria; murder of Jews en route to Transnistria; murder [of Jews] in the city [in Transnistria?], including the places of burial, number of people who perished and some of the names of the people who ...

  9. Documentation of the Office of the Lwow District Attorney regarding the investigation of Nazi war crimes during the German occupation

    1. O.32 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Soviet Union from the Holocaust period

    Documentation of the Office of the Lwow District Attorney regarding the investigation of Nazi war crimes during the German occupation - Decision of the attorney regarding the start of the investigation process, 10 October 1944; - Reports of the deputy prosecutors regarding the course of the investigation and information regarding the verdict signed by the prosecutor in the name of the Communist Party District Committee Secretary, the local Soviet authorities and the head of the Chrezvychaynaya Gosudarstvennaya Komissiya (ChGK - Soviet Extraordinary State Commission) in the Lwow district; - ...

  10. Joint testimony of Leime Plishko, born in Wysokie Mazowiecki, Poland, and Abram Sokol, born in Wysokie Mazowiecki, Poland, regarding the Sonderkommando Uprising in Auschwitz

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Joint testimony of Leime Plishko, born in Wysokie Mazowiecki, Poland, and Abram Sokol, born in Wysokie Mazowiecki, Poland, regarding the Sonderkommando Uprising in Auschwitz Decision of the Sonderkommando workers in Auschwitz to resist under the command of Zalmen Gradowski from Suwalki; betrayal of the resistance; execution of the Sonderkommando Kapo by Otto Mohl and Musfeld; outbreak of the uprising by the Sonderkommando workers in Birkenau, Sukkot (02 October) 1944; burning of Crematorium Number 4 by the Sonderkommando workers; murder of the Sonderkommando workers; killing of a German by ...

  11. Testimony of Eliezer regarding his experiences in the Grodno Ghetto

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Testimony of Eliezer regarding his experiences in the Grodno Ghetto "Action" in the Grodno Ghetto, 13-16 February 1943; arrangement of hiding places in the ghetto; description of the hiding place; concentration of approximately 400 women in the Great Synagogue, 12 December 1943; participation of the Jewish police in the "Action" under the command of Kurt Wiese and Otto Streblow, the Gestapo men; attempt of the women to escape en route to the synagogue; murder of the women by shooting; surrounding of the Judenrat courtyard by the Schupo (German police); transfer of the Judenrat members to th...

  12. Testimony of Elke Fomin, born in Grodno, Poland, 1926, regarding her experiences in the Grodno Ghetto, Kielbasin, the Bialystok Ghetto, Stutthof, Auschwitz and other places

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Testimony of Elke Fomin, born in Grodno, Poland, 1926, regarding her experiences in the Grodno Ghetto, Kielbasin, the Bialystok Ghetto, Stutthof, Auschwitz and other places Deportation to the Grodno Ghetto; ghetto life including anti-Jewish legislation, yellow badge, forced labor, abuse and murder of Jews; deportation to the Kielbasin camp, October 1942; camp life including hunger and murder of Jews; "Aktion" under the command of Fritz Friedel; deportation with the family [no destination given], 20 January 1943; escape from the train; transfer to the Bialystok Ghetto, 21 January 1943; "Akti...

  13. "Struggle and Liquidation of the Bialystok Ghetto, 1945": Article written by Dr. Szymon Datner regarding the fate of the Jews of Bialystok

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    "Struggle and Liquidation of the Bialystok Ghetto, 1945": Article written by Dr. Szymon Datner regarding the fate of the Jews of Bialystok Occupation of Bialystok by the German Army, 27 June 1941; burning of 800-1,000 Jews in the Great Synagogue by the Germans; capture of 300 members of the intelligentsia and their disappearance without a trace; murder of the elderly, women and children; start of the final liquidation of the Jewish community in Bialystok and its surrounding areas, 16 August 1943; torture and murder of Jewish men, women and children by Germans and collaborators; uprising of ...

  14. "The Destruction of Bialystok": Report by Zipora Kaplan regarding the fate of Jews in the Bialystok Ghetto

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    "The Destruction of Bialystok": Report by Zipora Kaplan regarding the fate of Jews in the Bialystok Ghetto Deportation of Jews from the Bialystok area to Treblinka, November 1942; murder of the Jews in Treblinka; escape of Jews from villages in the area to the Bialystok Ghetto; transfer of the civilian government in the ghetto to the Gestapo; sealing of the ghetto; prevention of Jews from leaving the ghetto to go to work outside the ghetto, February 1943; "Aktion" conducted by the Gestapo, Kripo and Schupo, 05 February 1943; refusal of Jewish policemen to cooperate with the Germans; murder ...

  15. Testimony of Feiche Shuster-Rosenbaum, born in Jasinowka, Poland, 1912, regarding the fate of the Jews of Jasinowka

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Testimony of Feiche Shuster-Rosenbaum, born in Jasinowka, Poland, 1912, regarding the fate of the Jews of Jasinowka Jewish life in Jasinowka before the war. Outbreak of the war, September 1939; general drafting of men; occupation of Jasinowka by the German Army; decrees, robbery of property and murder of Jews; occupation of Jasinowka by the Red Army; life under Soviet occupation; occupation of Jasinowka by the German Army; deportation of the Jews by train; escape of approximately 300 Jews from the train; Jews hiding in villages in the surrounding area; escape of Jews from hostile villages; ...

  16. Report by an unknown writer regarding the fate of the Jews of Grodno

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Report by an unknown writer regarding the fate of the Jews of Grodno Deportation of 1,200 Jews from Grodno to Bialystok, 12 March 1943; declaration of Grodno as "Free of Jews" by the Germans; cooperation of the Jewish police in revealing hiding places of Jews; liquidation of Ghetto 2 in an "Aktion", November 1942; transfer of Jews from Ghetto 1 to the Kielbasin camp, December 1942; deportation of approximately 10,000 Jews, 16 January 1943; deportation of approximately 3,700 Jews, 13 February 1943; transfer of the Jews remaining in Grodno to Bialystok, 13 March 1943; Judenrat activities in t...

  17. Survey of the condition of the Jews in Nazi-occupied countries, Eretz Israel and neighboring countries, as reported in the Nazi and local press, November 1943

    1. M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959
    • צרור רשימות 21/52

    Survey of the condition of the Jews in Nazi-occupied countries, Eretz Israel and neighboring countries, as reported in the Nazi and local press, November 1943 Poland: Help to Jews from Poles; fate of the Belorussian Jews; murder of the Jews of Kiev; success of the exhibition, "The Jewish World Plague", in Krakow; Germany: Article by Goebbels; German morale during the war; Slovakia: Confiscation of Jewish land; Hungary: Accusation made against members of the Hungarian theater for sitting with Jewish actors; trials of Communists, among them many Jews; proposal in the Hungarian parliament to c...

  18. Collective testimony of Moshe Chertok, born in 1901, and Shmerl Grinshtejn, born in 1892, regarding their experiences in the Bialystok Ghetto, Lublin and Auschwitz

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Collective testimony of Moshe Chertok, born in 1901, and Shmerl Grinshtejn, born in 1892, regarding their experiences in the Bialystok Ghetto, Lublin and Auschwitz Work as firefighters in Bialystok, 01-24 August 1943; work burying bodies of Jews in pits which had been dug beforehand; resistance of members of the Jewish underground to the deportation; shooting directed at Germans by members of the Jewish underground; deaths of Germans; deaths of Jews; burning of houses in the ghetto; orders given by the Jewish police to dig pits for burial of murdered Jews, 17 August 1943; participation of C...

  19. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Drafts and articles regarding the Nuremberg Trials and various topics, 1948-1964

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Drafts and articles regarding the Nuremberg Trials and various topics, 1948-1964 In the file, among other things: - Draft of an article regarding the visits of Swiss personalities, like Carl Burkhardt and Carl Ludwig, to Israel; - Drafts of articles regarding the Holocaust, based on 1948 IMT (Nuremberg Trial) documentation published in German; - Notes on the 11 June 1945 meeting of the ICZ (Israelitische Cultusgemeinde Zuerich; Federation of Jewish organizations in Zurich), including a lecture by Dr. Ornstein regarding the Christian attitude towards the Jews, in...