
Displaying items 1,761 to 1,780 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Rosenberg questioned at Nuremberg Trial ; US publishers observe

    (Munich 111) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 16, 1946. MS, LS, Alfred Rosenberg testifying. US publishers seated in press section of audience. Rear and side views, US prosecution counsel Thomas J. Dodd questioning Rosenberg. First Rosenberg talks about a blockade (Stalingrad?) and the necessity to reconsider the food provisions for the German people, which meant also consideration of an evacuation of Russian forced laborers once they were no longer "employed" in German industries [He refers to document 1056 of German Ost Ministry.] Later, when Dodd hands him a document and ques...

  2. County Command of the State Police in Zawiercie Komenda Powiatowa Policji Państwowej w Zawierciu (Sygn. 1050)

    Reports and information from police officers and police informers relating to political, social and labor organizations; as well outgoing correspondence from the Police.

  3. Field Marshal von Paulus testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 552) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 13, 1946. MLSs, ex-Field Marshal von Paulus on the witness stand. MS, defendants in prisoners' dock. LSs, three defense counselors speaking in the courtroom (one is Dr. Fritz Sauter, talking in German). Attorney questions von Paulus about his strong reserves "against such an enterprise" ("gegen ein solches Vorhaben", probably referring to an attack on Russia). Von Paulus testifies his reserves were of a military as well as a moral nature and were shared also by Generalstabschef Halder, his direct superior, to whom he talked about t...

  4. County Command of the State Police in Końskie. Police Station in Borkowice Komenda Powiatowa Policji Państwowej w Końskich. Posterunek w Borkowicach (Sygn. 1336)

    Police control book of investigations. The book is divided by fourteen sections with the following information: e.g. location, committed crimes, damages; names of victims, their occupation and whereabouts, result of investigations, and how the case was investigated and revealed.

  5. War Crimes Trial: Franz Strasser

    Summary: Austrian Franz Strasser is tried for the murder of Lt E Warren Woodruff and an unknown airman. His testimony is in German. Cpl. Henry Halperin is the interpreter for all witnesses; Sgt. Sessler interprets for Franz Strasser. The six-officer Army Military Commission included Capt. Victor Miles, Lt. Harvey Szanger, and Col. Raymond E. Zickel. Reel 1: Pan courtroom; spectators; some take pictures. Strasser testifying. Back view, defense table; everyone rising for entrance of six-officer Military Commission. Pan, spectators; defense attorney Capt Arley Bjella speaking. Strasser, Sessle...

  6. Day 4 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 4 - Friday, November 23, 1945 - Session opens with Dr. Otto Nelte (Counsel for Defendant Keitel). Major Frank Wallis reads documents of the case known as the Common Plan. Dr. Alfred Seidl (Counsel for Defendant Frank) presents an objection and asks the proceedings be postponed. Col. Storey states that documentation will be provided to the Court and the Defense Counsel. Dr. Robert Servatius (Counsel for Defendant Sauckel) makes a motion to obtain documents. Mr. Thomas J. Dodd (Executive Trial Counsel for the United States) presents the economic preparation for aggressive war. Mr. Alderma...

  7. Day 10 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 10 - Saturday, December 1, 1945 - Tribunal decides that Rudolf Hess is competent enough to stand trial. Prosecution continues to question. Cross-examination of witness Lahousen by German defense.

  8. Day 11 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 11 - Monday, December 3, 1945 - Sidney J. Alderman, Prosecutor from the United States, begins to outline Nazi aggression in Czechoslovakia. This takes up almost the entirety of the day, save for a brief moment when Dr. Otto Stahmer, representing the German defense, objects to the use of an affidavit written by Gottlob Berger, a motion which is upheld by the tribunal. Alderman discusses the circumstances around the German occupation of Czechoslovakia, such as the Nazi’s ultimate goal of occupying all of Czechoslovakia, not just the Sudetenland, and Fall Grün, the planned German invasion ...

  9. Day 12 International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg (Set A)

    1. Archives of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal

    Day 12 - Tuesday, December 4, 1945 - Hartley Shawcross, chief prosecutor for the British, speaks about German plans for the invasion of Poland, Germany’s eventual annexation of Poland and Danzig (note that Soviet involvement in the invasion is never mentioned), as well as the eventual German invasion of the majority of Europe and Operation Barbarossa. Towards the end of the day, Sidney Alderman is given the chance to finish his statement made the day before, which he does.