
Displaying items 1,541 to 1,560 of 2,734
  1. Selected files from the collection: Amtsgericht Mitte, Berlin (A Rep. 341-02)

    Contains records relating to 52 criminal cases (selected out of over 6,000 similar cases from the Amtsgericht of Berlin-Mitte). Includes records of persons arrested for refusal to work; "pro-Jewish behavior;" enticement; receiving stolen goods; and breach of work contract.

  2. Evidence collected for Russelsheim Case

    Russelsheim Case, Russelsheim, Germany, July 21, 1945. LS, Frankfurterstrasse. Pan, Arc Hotel, where accused are billeted. Pan, from Frankfurterstrasse to Tannusstrasse. SEQ: US soldier walks route taken by American fliers. The solder points out where they were beaten, stoned, and finally died. LS, cemetery, sign in FG: "Bensheim American Military Cemetery." SEQ: men and women accused of murdering the fliers coming out of courthouse in Darmstadt and boarding truck under MP guard. CUs, still photographs showing civilians digging up the bodies. Three sketches showing wounds that killed the me...

  3. State Court Graz: Nazi-related court cases Landesgericht Graz : NS-Verfahren

    Postwar court and investigative records of Nazi-related cases in Styria, Austria for the years 1954 to 1992. The collection includes court case against Franz Murer, the deputy of the SS commandant of the Vilna (Vilnius) ghetto ("Stellvertreter und/oder Adjutant des Gebietskommissars der Stadt Wilna und Referent für Jüdische Angelegenheiten"); includes both cases that did and did not reach verdicts.

  4. Selected records of the Court of the First Instance in Żyrardów Sąd Grodzki w Żyrardowie (Sygn.1746)

    Court civil and criminal cases related to repayment of debt, beatings, insulting public officials, embezzlement, theft and other matters. The cases relate to Jews who were inhabitants of Żyrardów. The files contain personal data about participants of lawsuits.

  5. M.52.DATO - Documentation of the State Archive of the Ternopil Region

    M.52.DATO - Documentation of the State Archive of the Ternopil Region History of the Archive: The archive was established in 1939 as the Regional Historical Archive of Ternopil. In 1941 and until the present it has been called the State Archive of the Ternopil Region, except for the period of 1958-1980 when it served as the Regional State Archive of Ternopil. During the period of World War II some of the documentation was transferred to Uzbekistan, but most of its collections were destroyed during the war. Following the liberation in late 1944, the archive renewed its work. The Sub-Record G...

  6. Mauthausen prisoner testifies at Nuremberg Trial; Homma Trial

    09:19:05 (Paris 525) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 25, 1946. Maurice Lampe, 46 year old former inmate of Mauthausen, testifying in French. MS, Justice Biddle making notes. Pan to Justice Lawrence, Justice Birkett, and the Russian justices. Pan back to witness. 09:23:28 Homma Trial, 28th Day, Manila, Philippines, February 11, 1945. MLS, Gen. Masaharu Homma enters courtroom and sits at the defense table. MS, Maj. John H. Skeen, Chief Defense Counsel, and Gen. Homma conversing. HS, MLS, courtroom. MLS, Commission members enter and take their seats. Maj. Gen. Leo Donovan readin...

  7. State Attorney Hamburg Staatsanwaltschaft Landgericht (213-12)

    Court proceedings relating to post-war Nazi court cases after 1945. Files mostly contain documents concerning preliminary research, state attorney, court proceedings, and sentences. The collections contains 3,451 procedures, 1946-1995 and 320 charges against 598 persons.

  8. Kaltenbrunner pleads not guilty, Shawcross speaking at Nuremberg Trial

    01:28:18 (Paris 427) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 7, 1945. Ernst Kaltenbrunner enters courtroom for the first time and is seated in the dock between Wilhelm Keitel and Alfred Rosenberg. LS, Kaltenbrunner stands and pleads not guilty. Rear LS, Asst. Prosecutor Sydney Alderman (US) addresses the tribunal. 01:34:27 (Paris 418) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 1, 1945. Rear view, address by British prosecutor Sir Hartly Shawcross. Rear view, von Ribbentrop's counsel, wearing black cap, questioning Gen. Lahousen. Shawcross concluding his speech, quotes Hitler, "...

  9. German surrender; crime investigation

    02:10:05 (LIB 6209) German Surrender, Schwerin, Germany, May 2, 1945. Groups of German soldiers and civilians moving about streets after their surrender. MSs, long column of German horse-drawn vehicles moving past soldiers of the 121st Regt, 8th Div. SEQ: German soldiers getting off German operated freight train to give themselves up. MSs, large mass of German prisoners assembling in POW cage. CUs, German women talking to prisoners. 02:15:42 (LIB 6210) Atrocity Crime Investigation, Recklinghouser, Germany, May 2, 1945. SEQ: Officer and soldier questioning German civilians accused of war cri...

  10. Hoess testifies at Nuremberg Trial; questioning Kaltenbrunner

    (Munich 105) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 15, 1946. Dr. Kurt Kaufman, Kaltenbrunner's counselor, questions Rudolf Hoess, the Camp Commandant of Auschwitz. CU, Hoess testifying. 18:13 MSs, Justices Birkett and Lawrence; Justices Biddle and Parker listening with earphones. 18:14 Col. John Amen of the US prosecution asks Kaltenbrunner, "Who was responsible for the deaths of all inmates in Mauthausen concentration camp?" Dr. Kaufman objects. 18:15:25 Justice Lawrence asks, "What is the point of delaying the trial? The application must be made in writing. You know perfectly well....

  11. Testimony re: Hitler's death, Horstenau testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    23:37:34 (Munich 275) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 12, 1946. LS, US prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd asking unidentified witness whether he was present at Hitler's death. HMS, Dodd asking witness if he wasn't the man who carried Hitler's body to the bunker and set it on fire. Witness actually testifies that he carried Hitler's wife out of the bunker and saw Hitler's body wrapped in a blanket. Asked whether he actually saw Hitler, he answers no, he could only see his legs hanging out of the blanket, which was a bit too short to cover the whole body. 23:40:30 (Munich 224) War Crimes T...

  12. Taylor speaks of experiments and rules of war at Medical trial

    (Munich 464) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. LS, Taylor tells of concentration camp victims being injected with epidemic jaundice and being used for sterilization experiments. Numerous healthy victims were injected with spotted fever virus. Experiments in cholera, typhus, and other infectious diseases were also conducted. Experimental patients were shot poisoned bullets. General Taylor accuses the defendants of violating the rules of war, the rules of the Geneva convention pertaining to prisoners of war.

  13. Defendants talk in dock at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 425) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 7, 1945. Prisoners enter courtroom in groups, take their places, greet each other and talk. The prisoners enter in the following order: Hermann Goering, Karl Doenitz, Rudolf Hess, Erich Raeder, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Baldur von Schirach, Wilhelm Keitel, Fritz Sauckel, Hjalmar Schacht, Hans Fritzsche, Walther Funk, Constantin von Neurath, Julius Streicher, Albert Speer, Wilhelm Frick, Arthur Seyss-Inquart, Hans Frank, Franz von Papen, Alfred Rosenberg, Alfred Jodl (similar to scene in Story 2799, Film ID 2341).

  14. Brauchitsch testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 40) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. Witness Berndt von Brauchitsch, former colonel in the German Luftwaffe, is sworn in and testifies. Brauchitsch is being questioned concerning a document apparently referring to a meeting in which destructive measures of the Luftwaffe during operation "Barbarossa" were outlined. He insists not knowing or remembering the document, now having been present at the meeting and thus not able to elaborate on any of the issues discussed there. To his knowledge at the time, the targets for the Luftwaffe were exclusively airports, not ...

  15. Selected records of the Provincial Headquarters of the State Police in Łódź Komenda Wojewódzka Policji Państwowej w Łodzi (Sygn.183) : Wybrane materialy

    Police reports, include name lists of police officers, surveys and surveillance journals, arrest warrants, and photographs of detainees from the register of the State Police, 1938-1939.

  16. Case against Hans Frank presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 490) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 10, 1946. Rear views, Lt. Col. Baldwin of the US prosecution presenting the case against Hans Frank, making reference to several of Frank's diary entries about the appropriation of Polish grain for use in Germany. LS, prisoners' dock during recess as some of the defendants talk to their attorneys. MS, Hermann Goering, Alfred Rosenberg, Walther Funk, and Fritz Sauckel talking during recess. The defendants eat as they talk. MS showing left side of prisoners' dock during trial session. 06:29:32 Re. "resettlement" and "dispossession of ...

  17. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case

    (Munich 619 and 620) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Judgment and Sentencing, Nuremberg, Germany. MHSs, defendants enter the dock. Camera remains on defendants presiding judge hands down the following sentences: Wilhelm Beiglboeck, fifteen years imprisonment Herta Oberhauser, twenty years imprisonment Fritz Fischer, life imprisonment Hermann Becker-Freyseng, twenty years imprisonment (Reel is silent from here on) LS, MSs, Tribunal as sentences are read. Cut-ins, defendant Waldemar Hoven (death sentence). LS, counsel tables. CU, Judge Walter B. Beals ...