
Displaying items 1,521 to 1,540 of 2,734
  1. Prisoners' dock at Nuremberg Trial; Yamashita Trial

    23:09:57 (Paris 391) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 30, 1945. MS, Rudolf Hess sleeping in prisoners' dock. Joachim von Ribbentrop with sunglasses, consulting person behind him. Unidentified counsel from defense speaking in courtroom (in German). MS, defendants in dock during session. German naval captain, counsel for Doenitz, making plea. MS, Keitel standing in dock speaking to his lawyer at two US MPs look on. MS, Streicher chewing gum and Funk sleeping in prisoners' dock. 23:14:34 Yamashita Trial, 31st day, Manila, Philippines, December 5, 1945. ML, MS Col. Harry E. Clark...

  2. British prosecutor and map at Nuremberg Trial

    02:10:04 (Paris 419) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 5, 1945. MLSs, rear views only, Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe, Chief Prosecutor for Britain, speaking before the Tribunal. Cut-in animated map, "Violations of Treaties, Agreements, and Assurances." 02:12:24 (Paris 436) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 11, 1945. Rear views only, counsel for Fritz Sauckel, Dr. Robert Servatius, makes a plea before the Tribunal, requesting that the defending counsels be given copies of the evidence. Pan to Tribunal as Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence requests the counsel to clear up so...

  3. Crimean Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate Nazi Crimes (Fond p 1289)

    Contains records related to the Crimean Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate Nazi crimes for the territory of Crimea during World War II.

  4. Testimony by Buhler, Gisevius at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 119) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 25, 1946. Dr. Alfred Seidl, counselor for Hess and Frick, questions Dr. Joseph Buhler. Pan from Buhler to prisoners in dock. Defendants, especially Kaltenbrunner, listen intently. MS, pan, Goering, Hess, von Ribbentrop, Doenitz, Raeder, and Schirach to prisoners' dock. Hans Bernhardt von Gisevius is sworn in and questioned by Dr. Seidl. MS, Gisevius testifying. 18:36:20 Close view as he speaks. 18:36:50 MS of Gisevius testifying. SEQ: Justices enter courtroom and take their seats. Dr. Seidl continues to question the witness.

  5. Selected records of the Prosecutor of the District Court in Kielce Prokuratura Sądu Okręgowego w Kielcach (Sygn. 1119)

    Indexes of names related to cases handled by the office of the Prosecutor of the District Court in Kielce.

  6. Yamashita Trial; Jackson and map at Nuremberg Trial

    22:44:35 Yamashita Trial, 20th Day, Manila, Philippines, November 21, 1945. Gen. Muto on stand answers in part the question: "Describe the military administration in the Philippines." 22:47:08 (Paris 374) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 22, 1945. LS, prisoners sitting in dock. Pan to US Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson speaking. Rear view, Jackson addressing the court. MS, Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop, Keitel, Doenitz, Raeder, von Schirach, and Sauckel in prisoners' dock. Goering makes notes on pad. LS map on wall showing German aggression. Note: Voice of Jackson heard throug...

  7. Questioning von Schirach at Nuremberg; War Crimes Trials: Malmedy

    17:07:15 (Munich 187) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 24, 1946. HAS, Dodd, US prosecutor, questions Baldur von Schirach about a song printed in the Hitler Youth Song Books (witness not seen). HAS, Dr. Fritz Sauter cross-examines Schirach. (English interpreter is heard translating the questions and answers). 17:10:47 (Munich 176) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, May 21, 1946. Former Lt Virgil P Lary tells how he and fifteen of his men made a break after witnessing the massacre of approx one hundred US soldiers. Former soldier Carl Daub is questioned about his background...

  8. March of Dimes drive; War Crimes Trials: Buchenwald

    16:10:46 The March of Dimes Drive in the 88th Infantry Div, Italy, February 7 (6?), 1947. MS, enlisted man and officer counting money received for drive. CU, Major's hand handling script. Thermometer showing Division progress in drive. Group at American Red Cross: One enlisted man drops money into wishing well. Maj Gen Bryant E. Moore, Commanding General, 88th Inf Div, receiving check from Maj Chirico. CU, sign: "Blue Devils" showing March of Dimes campaign. 16:13:48 (Munich 541) Buchenwald Trial, Dachau, Germany, April 12 (11?), 1947. LS, MS, war crimes courthouse at Dachau. CU, sign: "War...

  9. Ohlendorf testifies in Einsatzgruppen Case

    War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 9 (Einsatzgruppen Case), Nuremberg, Germany, October 15, 1947. Ohlendorf, in suit and tie, wearing earphones, testifies about the number of persons his Einsatzgruppe D killed. Curtained windows behind him. Camera remains on Ohlendorf as he is cross examined by US prosecutor James Heath. 17:02:10 - 17:02:28 side view of Heath. Camera continues on Ohlendorf. 17:03:53 View of Heath & pan to Ohlendorf. 17:04:45 Close view of Ohlendorf in witness box. Musmanno (voice from off camera) 17:06:26 Musmanno and judges on bench. Musmanno rules ...

  10. Prosecutors and defendants at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 112) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 12, 1946. MSs, MHSs, Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe questions an unidentified witness, possibly Ribbentrop. MSs, Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, and Wilhelm Keitel seated in prisoners' dock. HASs, defense counselor Dr. Kurt Kaufman at stand interrupts a US military member of the prosecution and addresses the Tribunal. HASs, judges on bench as Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence speaks to Dr. Kaufman and reprimands him for delaying the trial. MLSs, Maxwell-Fyfe seated at prosecution table. MSs, Kaltenbrunner looking over lawyer...

  11. Erich Priebke extradition files from the Federal Court of Bariloche Erich Priebke extradición files (Juzgado Federal de Bariloche)

    Contains documents relating to the Italian government's request for the extradition of Erich Priebke, including newspaper clippings, documents from the Military Tribunal in Rome, Priebke's arrest, and records from the Federal Appeals Chamber.

  12. General State Prosecutors Office of the State Court of Berlin records (Fond A Rep. 358)

    Contains the trial records of over 150,000 criminal cases processed in the vicinity of Berlin during the Nazi era. It includes many “routine” types of ordinary crime, as well as cases where the crime involves being Jewish, homosexual, or “asocial.”

  13. "The United States Army's War Crimes Trials Program in Post-World War II Germany and Austria"

    "The United States Army's War Crimes Trials Program in Post-World War II Germany and Austria" is an unpublished manuscript written by Scott McKay Wallace as an independent study project in 1976-1977. The manuscript describes the administrative and legal aspects of the American war crimes trials, which took place almost exclusively at the former Dachau concentration camp, as well as a history of the trials themselves. The manuscript also includes appendices with photographs and documents regarding the executions of the convicted war criminals.

  14. The Trial of Adolf Eichmann

    Universal Newsreel Vol. 34, No. 31, Part 2. Release date, 04/13/1961. Adolf Eichmann is brought before court tribunal in Israel on war crimes charges. MLS of courthouse building. HA MLS seats for three judges and tables for prosecutors and defense. MLS Eichmann enters bulletproof witness box with guards. CU of Prosecutor Hausner, then previous shot of courtroom. MS Eichmann seated, stands, MLS three judges enter. MS of Chief Judge, then MS of Eichmann standing. Voice of judge: "The accused together with others during the period 1939 to 1945 caused the killing of millions of Jews in his capa...

  15. Translators; Russian prosecutor addresses Nuremberg Trial

    20:00:40 (Munich 70) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 26-27, 1946. MLSs, MSs, translators' section: Voice of witness is heard testifying in French as civilian interprets in English; voice heard speaking in German, translated to English by same man. References to Lord Halifax, Goering. 20:03:09 A woman translator is heard interpreting into Russian. German translator speaks into microphone. 20:04:24 Silent scenes: MSs, sailor operates console where sound is mixed and routed to different headsets. MSs, translators at work. MCUs, defense attorney at speaker's stand places headphones...

  16. Barbie Trial -- Day 13 -- Witness testifies

    The President, André Cerdini, enters and the session begins. Witnesses present at this time are called from the viewing public and brought out of the court room to a separate chamber. The session is temporarily suspended as the witnesses exit. The President enters and the session restarts. The bailiff reads the charges being filed against Klaus Barbie. The President then introduces Mme. Sabina Zlatin (maiden name Chwast). She describes her activity as a nurse in 1939, where she worked in a hospital in Argentan and then in Montpellier. She assisted with the movement and placement of children...

  17. Selected Belgian war crimes tribunals and investigation records

    Contains selected records of the Belgian post-war commission of inquiry regarding war crimes, particularly as they relate to the operation of concentration camps.

  18. Chart of Nazi party at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 374) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 22, 1945. Chart of Nazi party organization set up in front of courtroom. Ralph Albrecht, US assistant counselor, describes the different officers and positions of the National Socialist Party. "Hoheitstraeger," bearers of the sovereignty in the party, are pointed out in the chart. MS, Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop, Keitel, and others in prisoners' dock. MS, Goering and Hess lean over prisoners' dock and look at chart in lawyer's hand. MS, Goering makes notes as he listens with one earphone. LS, people standing during recess. MS, Goerin...