
Displaying items 1,461 to 1,480 of 10,320
  1. Records of the Organisation Internationale pour les Réfugiés

    Contains records of the Organisation Internationale pour les Réfugiés (International Refugee Organization), and other supra-national institutions, allied in the effort to repatriate or immigrate refugees to safe havens. The bulk of the materials concern refugee Jews during the years immediately following World War II.

  2. Deportees; scenes suggesting Warsaw Ghetto in flames; rubble

    Wartime. VLS from ceiling rafters of enormous barn-like room filled with refugees/ deportees (?) and their bundles. Soldiers in action, various locations (probably including USSR, Berlin, many countries), edited to represent the attack on the Warsaw Ghetto during the Uprising, and intercut with contemporary shots of smoke blowing across closeup portions of Rappaport sculpture commemorating the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Night time shot of buildings on fire (various locations; unclear if any is actually the Warsaw Ghetto). Expanse of rubble after the ghetto was destroyed and razed, likewise int...