
Displaying items 1,421 to 1,440 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation regarding persecution of the Jews in Germany by the Nazis

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation regarding persecution of the Jews in Germany by the Nazis In the file: - Series of reports sent to B. Sagalowitz by the "Jewish Central Information Office" in Amsterdam regarding the deterioration of the situation of the German Jews during the 1930s, including a special and detailed report regarding Kristallnacht, entitled "The German Pogrom, November 1938"; - SA report regarding persecution of the Jews in the cities of Bavaria, 20 July 1933; - Copy of orders obligating the Jews of Germany to wear the yellow badge, 1941-1942; - Letter from Stefan A...

  2. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Copies of documents from the Nuremberg Trials regarding the role of the German Foreign Office in the persecution of the Jews of Italy and their annihilation

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Copies of documents from the Nuremberg Trials regarding the role of the German Foreign Office in the persecution of the Jews of Italy and their annihilation - Two cables from the German embassy in Rome to the German Foreign Office regarding German policy towards the Jews of Italy and Greece (NG 2242, NG 5051), 13 March 1943 and 18 March 1943; - Directives issued by Hans Lammers, director of the Reichskanzlei in Germany, regarding the German administration in Italy, 04 April 1944; - Protocol from the interrogation of Albrecht von Kessel, a senior German Foreign O...

  3. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Copies of documents and newspaper clippings regarding Auschwitz and its commander, Rudolf Hoess

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Copies of documents and newspaper clippings regarding Auschwitz and its commander, Rudolf Hoess In the file: - Summary of the "non-medical" activities of the SS doctors, 1946; - Article by Gerald Reitlinger, written in 1959, regarding the memoirs of Rudolf Hoess; - Reproduction of the regulations for concentration camps of 1936 by Hoess, 01 October 1946; - Sworn statement given at the Nuremberg Trials by Hans Wilhelm Muench, a doctor in Auschwitz, 10 October 1948; - Excerpt from the report regarding Auschwitz presented by Vrba and Wetzler, 19 June 1944; - Copy o...

  4. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Copies of documents from the Nuremberg Trials and the Eichmann Trial regarding Nazi crimes in Belgium and Denmark

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Copies of documents from the Nuremberg Trials and the Eichmann Trial regarding Nazi crimes in Belgium and Denmark In the file: - Cable from Bargen, German Foreign Office emissary in Brussels, regarding preparation of the deportation of 10,000 Belgian Jews (NG 5209), 09 July 1942; - Cable from Rajakowitsch, sent from the Hague regarding the deportation of Dutch Jews from Belgium (Eichmann Trial, Document No. 1243), 12 August 1942; - Danish government declaration regarding Nazi crimes in Denmark, 25 October 1945. Also in the file: - Newspaper clipping regarding th...

  5. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: JUNA (Juedische Nachrichten, press agency of SIG [Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland]) correspondence including copies in chronological order, 1963-1964

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: JUNA (Juedische Nachrichten, press agency of SIG [Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland]) correspondence including copies in chronological order, 1963-1964 In the file: - Letters to newspaper editorial boards; -Correspondence with the WJC (World Jewish Congress), specifically with Gerhard Riegner; the CDJC (Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine), specifically with Isaac Schneerson; various Jewish Swiss personalities, for example, Georges Brunschvig, Georg Guggenheim, Alfred Goetschel; Jean Nordmann and Robert Wieler; Paul Vogt, the Protestant minister...

  6. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation regarding the Swiss Neo-Nazis G. Oltramare and G.A. Amaudruz and others, 1947-1958

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation regarding the Swiss Neo-Nazis G. Oltramare and G.A. Amaudruz and others, 1947-1958 In the file: - Indictment issued by the Attorney General's Office versus Georges Oltramare, the Swiss Nazi and others (Paul Bonny and Rene Fonjallaz), because of their collaboration with the Nazi regime in France during World War II (on the charge of infringement on the independence of Switzerland and its democratic constitution), 30 June 1947; - Summary of the 10-11 November 1947 trial held in Lausanne, and verdict against Oltramare, Bonny and Fonjallaz; - Issue of ...

  7. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation from Nuremberg Trials regarding the deportation of the Jews of Germany to eastern Europe

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation from Nuremberg Trials regarding the deportation of the Jews of Germany to Eastern Europe In the file: - Documentation taken from evidence gathered for the Nuremberg Trials regarding deportation of the Jews, mainly from Bavaria (southern Germany), to Eastern Europe, 1941-1943; - Among other things, a letter from Alfred Rosenberg, the Minister for the Occupied Areas in the East, regarding the deportation of the Jews of Germany to Minsk, 16 January 1942; - Orders from the Wuerzburg Gestapo office, 1942.

  8. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Copies of documents from the Nuremberg Trials regarding the persecution of the Jews of France and their deportation to the East, 1941-1942

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Copies of documents from the Nuremberg Trials regarding the persecution of the Jews of France and their deportation to the East, 1941-1942 In the file: - Copies of documents from the Nuremberg Trials regarding the persecution of the Jews of France and their deportation to the East, 1941-1942, including letters from Theodor Dannecker, Otto Abetz, Adolf Eichmann and Martin Luther. Also in the file: - Article in the French periodical, "Le Monde Juif", July 1956, regarding the arrest of Jews in Paris, 16-17 July 1942.

  9. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Newspaper clippings regarding the trial of the Nazi film director who directed the film, "Jud Suess", Veit Harlan, 1949-1952

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Newspaper clippings regarding the trial of the Nazi film director who directed the film, "Jud Suess", Veit Harlan, 1949-1952 Among the material in the file: - Article from the "Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger" regarding the antisemitic film, "The Rothschild’s", 17 July 1940 (p. 140); - Article from the "Neues Wiener Tageblatt" including an interview with Veit Harland regarding his film, "Jud Suess", 24 January 1940 (pp. 141-142). Also in the file: - Photocopy of an article from the "Voelkischer Beobachter" regarding Veit Harlan's methodology, 05 May 1933 (p. 143). There...

  10. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Press clippings regarding the Nazi criminal pasts of General Hans Speidel and General Adolf Heusinger, 1952-1962

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Press clippings regarding the Nazi criminal pasts of General Hans Speidel and General Adolf Heusinger, 1952-1962 In the file: - Press clippings regarding public disputes about the NATO appointments given to the generals despite their Nazi pasts; - Press clippings of reactions to Spiedel's appointment as Commander of the NATO Land Forces in Central Europe; the clippings deal with his past activities as head of Internal Security in France, and responsible for the murder of Jews and Communists (pp. 1-136); - Press clippings of reactions to Heusinger's appointment a...

  11. Correspondence with medical associations in Israel and overseas regarding organizational matters; correspondence with medical associations in Israel and overseas regarding medical problems among Holocaust survivors, 1945-1974

    1. P.10 - Archive of Mark Dworzecki, physician, Vilna Ghetto underground member and researcher of Lithuanian Jewry during the Holocaust, 1945-1975

    Correspondence with medical associations in Israel and overseas regarding organizational matters; correspondence with medical associations in Israel and overseas regarding medical problems among Holocaust survivors, 1945-1974 Two volumes. A) Holocaust Survivors-Physicians Association and the O.S.E. Association The file includes: - report of the Holocaust Survivors-Physicians Association, from a press conference relating to Nazi war criminal Carl Clauberg; B) Israel Medical Organization and the National Association of Physicians in Israel; The file includes: - correspondence of the "Dapim Re...

  12. Testimony of Fruma Hochman, born in Swieciany, Poland, 1925, regarding her experiences in the Swieciany Ghetto, the Vilna Ghetto, Kaiswerwald and Stutthof

    1. O.71- Koniuchowsky Collection: Testimonies Regarding the Holocaust of Lithuanian Jewry, 1945-1981

    Testimony of Fruma Hochman, born in Swieciany, Poland, 1925, regarding her experiences in the Swieciany Ghetto, the Vilna Ghetto, Kaiswerwald and Stutthof Life before the war in Swieciany. Deportation of Jews to a poligon, 27 September 1941; abuse of Jews; looting of jewels and property; ghetto life including deportation to forced labor; detention of Jews; activities of the Lithuanian Police Commissioner Antanas Kenstavicius and his assistant Skawbutenis; activities of the German commanders Bek and Grul; deportation of Jews from Lodz and Dubno to the Swieciany Ghetto; deportation of Jews to...

  13. Testimony of Loyba Klar, born in Saukena, Lithuania, 1927, regarding her experiences in Saukenai, Zagare, in hiding, Uzventis, Siauliai and camps in Germany

    1. O.71- Koniuchowsky Collection: Testimonies Regarding the Holocaust of Lithuanian Jewry, 1945-1981

    Testimony of Loyba Klar, born in Saukena, Lithuania, 1927, regarding her experiences in Saukenai, Zagare, in hiding, Uzventis, Siauliai and camps in Germany Life in Saukenai before the war. German occupation, 26 June 1941; restrictions on the Jews; looting of Jewish owned property; forced contribution; attacks on the Jews by the Lithuanians Girdravings and the Jocas brothers; murder of Jews; deportation with Jews to Zagare; murder of some of the Jews on the way; murder of the Jews from Vaiguva, Radviliskis, Kursenai and Uzventis; escape and hidden by the farmer Jonas Peleckis; life in hidin...

  14. Testimony of Dawid Kagan, regarding his experience in the Siauliai Ghetto and Stutthof

    1. O.71- Koniuchowsky Collection: Testimonies Regarding the Holocaust of Lithuanian Jewry, 1945-1981

    Testimony of Dawid Kagan, regarding his experience in the Siauliai Ghetto and Stutthof Move to Siauliai, 1938. Soviet occupation, 1940; German occupation, 27 June 1941; restrictions on the Jews; arrest of Jews; establishment of a ghetto; ghetto life; crimes committed by Commander Krause and the collaborator Stankus of the Lithuanian police; deportation of Jews to forced labor; deportation of Jews to forced labor in the villages of Baciunai, Akmene, Daugai and Radviliskis; deportation of Jews to Zagare; murder of Jews with Jews from the area; "Aktion" against children, 05 November 1943; crim...

  15. Collective testimony of Szlomo Peretz, Leib Kobrowski, Chaim Kobrowski and Chana Garfing, regarding the experiences of the Jews in the Marcinkonis Ghetto and with the partisans in Belorussia

    1. O.71- Koniuchowsky Collection: Testimonies Regarding the Holocaust of Lithuanian Jewry, 1945-1981

    Collective testimony of Szlomo Peretz, Leib Kobrowski, Chaim Kobrowski and Chana Garfing, regarding the experiences of the Jews in the Marcinkonis Ghetto and with the partisans in Belorussia Jewish life before the war in Marcinkonis. Germans occupation, 24 June 1941; restrictions on the Jews; Judenrat activities; establishment of the ghetto, spring 1942; liquidation of the ghetto; escape to forests; Jewish life in Belorussia including combat of Jews with the partisans; includes list of names of Lithuanian perpetrators; an article written by Leib Kobrowski on the extermination of Jews from M...

  16. War Crimes Trials: Krupp Case; Speech for Army Day

    17:22:43 (Munich 662) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 10 (Krupp Case), Nuremberg, Germany, December 16, 1947. LS, witness box with Georg Hayn, witness. MS, defendants talking with counsel among whom are Alfred Krupp, Loeser, Houdremont, Mueller, Janssen, Pfirsch, Ihn, and Eberhardt. CU, Judge Edward F. Carter. Gen. Telford Taylor, chief prosecutor, addressing the Tribunal. MS, German defense counsel at lectern. 17:26:22 Maj Gen Hubener's Speech for Army Day 1947, March 1947. Speech by Gen. Clarence R. Hubener. (Transcript available with original captions at NARA).

  17. Herbert Solow Papers

    Correspondence, speeches and writings, memoranda, depositions, clippings, and other printed matter, relating to the communist movement in the United States, the Non-Partisan Defense League, the Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made Against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials, Soviet espionage in the United States, Whittaker Chambers and the Alger Hiss case, Zionism, the Nuremberg Trial of Major German War Criminals, 1945-1946, and post-World War II international business enterprises. Includes some papers of Sylvia Salmi Solow, 1964-1976. Notes: American journalist; editor, Fortune magaz...

  18. Friedrich Katz Collection

    Clippings, notes, and pamphlets, relating to international relations, international economic conditions, the oil industry, domestic conditions in Croatia, Croatia's role in international relations, the history and condition of Jews throughout the world, and military operations during World War II. Section IV of this collection, separated into folders l 4, deals with the "Jewish question, l9l9-l945." Most of the material consists of newspaper and magazine clippings organized by subject such as "Jews and Economics," "Jews and Freemasonry," "Jews as Criminals," as well as the "History of Jews ...