
Displaying items 1,381 to 1,400 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Explanation of SA at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 456) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 19, 1945. Rear views, US prosecutor Robert G. Storey speaking to the court about the organization and purpose of the Storm Troopers Organization (SA). CU, chart of the SA displayed at front of courtroom. 23:36:15 Rear views, US prosecutor Charles S. Burdel tells the court about the method of conscription in the SA. 23:39:15 Storey reading letter about the SA written by Goering to Hitler; he speaks about other Nazi documents and speeches called into evidence to indict Goering, and quotes Hitler: "After a grave wound, you again reent...

  2. Sentencing Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg Trial (SOUND ONLY)

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. NOTE: Here, the actual sentences for the defendants are read, but there was a court ruling that no filming and photographs were allowed during the announcement. So the voice of judge is heard, no pictures, white screen,. SOUND ONLY. Sentences pronounced by tribunal: Arthur Seyss-Inquart: Death (02:08:54) Albert Speer: 20 years (02:08:18) Constantin von Neurath: 15 years (02:09:45) Martin Bormann: Death in absentia (02:10:06) 02:10:27 British Justice Geoffrey Lawrence registers dissent of the Soviet Justice on the ver...

  3. Brauchitsch testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 40) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. LSs, MSs, Bernd von Brauchitsch, speaks of April 23 (1945) arrest, separation from Reichsmarshall Goering. Bernd von Brauchitsch, son of Field Marshall Walter von Brauchistch, under cross examination by Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson, is asked the relationship between the Wehrmacht and the SS. 06:14 Medium close of Bernd von Brauchitsch in witness stand. MLSs, some defense counselors seated in front of the prisoners' dock. Q&A regarding Field Marshall von Brauchitsch's differences with Hitler. MSs, member of the B...

  4. Barbie Trial -- Day 5 -- Witness testifies; discussions about Barbie refusing to appear in court

    13:35 President Cerdini asks for the accused, who refuses to appear at the trial, to be introduced. 13:37 A clerk lists the names of testifying witnesses. 13:41 President Cerdini asks Mme Vogel, née Esssner, to speak about the deportation of her parents by Nazi collaborator Paul Touvier. 14:26 Lawyer Welzer requests the Court to decide on whether it can continue to be permitted for Barbie to be absent. 14:46 Lawyer Du Granut says the presence of Barbie at his own trial would be useful and neccessary, but the respect of the French legal tradition excludes the use of force. 14:50 The prosecut...

  5. Agudas Achim Congregation photograph collection

    Photo album: containing black and white photographs taken by the US Army Signal Corps. Contains a variety of images including but not limited to: the reburial of victims of Nazi persecution by German citizens in Nuremberg, food distribution, social and sporting events, behind the scenes at Nuremberg prison and the Palace of Justice, scenes from the Nuremberg Ordnance Depot, a soup kitchen for local children, Army MPs, Nazi war criminals, and visiting dignitaries; all image captioned on verso; dated 1945-1947; in English.

  6. Defendants enter courtroom during Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 426 and 430) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 7, 1945. Various angles of defendants entering prisoners' dock prior to the start of the trial, the first six shake hands. Shot of Erich Räder talking with Hess and Goering. MS, Wilhem Keitel and Alfred Jodl speaking to one another in the dock. Repeat entry scene from a second camera angle - head-on. Some close views. Defendants say "Guten Morgen" to each other. Frank enters and smiles, doesn't like the light so puts on shades. 23:34:00 More close views, brief.

  7. Doenitz testifies at Nuremberg Trial; Reichsbank gold

    (Munich 173) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 17 and 20, 1946. LS, MS, Adm. Karl Doenitz in prisoners' dock speaking to his counselor Dr. Otto Kranzbuehler. MS, Alfred Toms, Frankfurt Reichsbank employee, taking the oath. LS, US prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd questions Toms about his conversation with Emil Johann Rudolf Puhl. Pan from Hjalmar Schacht to Walther Funk to Toms testifying. Puhl is seated just right of Toms. MLS, Dr. Fritz Sauter, counselor for Funk, listening and taking notes. MS, Toms testifying about SS deposits of gold, silver, and dental gold in the Frankfurt Reichsbank.

  8. Defendants pleading not guilty at beginning of Nuremberg Trial

    Nuremberg Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 21, 1945. MS, judges enter courtroom. MS, defense counsel makes plea to the court. Profile, Tribunal as Justice Lawrence speaks. (No sound in this portion). Sound: Justice Lawrence announces fifteen-minute recess so that defendants may confer with their counsel. LS, courtroom during recess. (No sound this scene). MS, Hess standing in dock looking very pleased. VS, Judges' bench as Chief Justice asks defendants to plead guilty or not guilty. MS, Justice Lawrence calls out the names of Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop, Keitel, Rosenberg, Frick, Streiche...

  9. Selected records from the State Archives of the Orel Region, Russian Federation

    Contains records of the Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate Nazi crimes within Orel region. Includes records relating the crimes committed by the Germans and their allies during WWII occupation of the Orel region.

  10. Records of Israel police, Bureau 06, in charge of the investigation and interrogation of Adolf Eichmann

    Contains evidentiary material and the audio recordings of the interrogation of Adolf Eichmann conducted by Captain Avner Less of the Israeli Police. The interrogation took place during a period of nine months in a fortified police station in Yagur, near Haifa in northern Israel. The audio recordings of the interrogation cover the period from May 29, 1960 to February 02, 1961. This collection is a sub-collection of the larger RG 79 Israeli Police, 1948-1985.

  11. Documentation regarding Austrian Jews who were active in the French Resistance movement, 1941-1965

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Documentation regarding Austrian Jews who were active in the French Resistance movement, 1941-1965 - Testimony of Dr. Selma Steinmetz, the fighter, regarding her experiences in Resistance movement activities until her arrest, tortures she endured and her release; her testimony mentions Tucek, the Gestapo interrogator, and his cruel treatment of the prisoners; -Names of Jewish resistance fighters and their families, and their fate; - Separate list of Jews who were active as agents for and collaborators with the Gestapo who handed over Jewish fighters to the Gestapo; the reports were prepared...

  12. "Am Beispiel Walter Reder - Die SS-Verbrechen in Marzabotto und Ihre Bewaeltigung (The Example of Walter Reder - SS War Crimes in Marzabotto and Dealing with Them)": Pamphlet written by Christian S. Ortner, the Austrian journalist

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    "Am Beispiel Walter Reder - Die SS-Verbrechen in Marzabotto und Ihre Bewaeltigung (The Example of Walter Reder - SS War Crimes in Marzabotto and Dealing with Them)": Pamphlet written by Christian S. Ortner, the Austrian journalist - The pamphlet includes official documentation regarding Walter Reder, the SS officer who as commander of SS units in Italy was responsible for the annihilation of the "Stella Rosa" Brigade of Italian partisans in the Marzabotto area and the murder of large numbers of local civilians, September 1944; - The pamphlet includes testimonies and legal material regarding...

  13. Reports prepared by the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission regarding the deportation and murder of Jews in Moldavia, July 1941

    1. O.32 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Soviet Union from the Holocaust period

    Reports prepared by the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission regarding the deportation and murder of Jews in Moldavia, July 1941 Documents of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission regarding war crimes by Nazis and Romanians in the Falesti, Ungeni, Lipceni and Chiscareni districts in Moldavia, July 1941, regarding the deportation of the Jews to concentration camps including Falesti, to which deportees were transferred from Ukraine; acts of robbery and abuse by the Germans and Romanians; names of the perpetrators of the acts of murder; sections of testimonies of residents; numbers of peo...

  14. Reports prepared by the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission regarding the murder of Jews of Gomel, 1941-1943

    1. O.32 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Soviet Union from the Holocaust period

    Reports prepared by the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission regarding the murder of Jews of Gomel, 1941-1943 Documents regarding the murder of Jews of Gomel, received by the Jewish association of Gomel from the district State Archives of Gomel, based on the documentation found by the archive authority, including [information regarding] the establishment of the four ghettos in Gomel, August 1941; murder of Jews in the Gomel Ghetto and other ghettos, August 1941; murder of Jews in the ghettos, November [1941], including the number of murdered people, places of burial of the murdered people,...

  15. Responses to the publication of the book, "Ich War Dabei" written by Schonhuber, the leader of the Republican party, which praises the Waffen SS

    1. P.26 - Heiner Lichtenstein Collection - Documentation collected by a Journalist who wrote about the Holocaust and about Trials of Nazi War Criminals, 1952-1987

    Responses to the publication of the book, "Ich War Dabei" written by Schonhuber, the leader of the Republican party, which praises the Waffen SS Included in the file: - Letters and newspaper clippings regarding the book, 1981-1982, including responses and a discussion concerning the crimes carried out by the Waffen SS, that were aroused by the book; - Documents regarding the murder activities carried out by Waffen SS units in the Pripjet swamps in the Soviet Union, July-August 1941; - Newspaper clippings regarding Josefine Juergens and the Stille Hilfe organization that helped inmates; awar...

  16. Photographs

    1. World Jewish Congress
    2. Non-Print Materials and Miscellaneous

    Consists of photos of families, adults, and child survivors. This subseries is further sub-divided, primarily by subject matter, according to categories established by the WJC archives. Photographs in this series are primarily unlabeled and portray persons, functions, places, and events associated with or of interest to the WJC. Contains mostly photographic prints, but also includes negatives, microfilm, mats for newsphotos, and related documents. The microfilms (located at J15/14) duplicate documents dealing with the Holocaust in Bulgaria and Budapest. A few photographs are related to mate...

  17. Testimony of Pejsach Bursztejn, born in Bialystok, Poland, 1909, regarding his experiences in the Bialystok Ghetto

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Testimony of Pejsach Bursztejn, born in Bialystok, Poland, 1909, regarding his experiences in the Bialystok Ghetto Order disseminated by the Judenrat members in the name of the German authorities regarding the transfer of the Jews from the Bialystok Ghetto to a camp in Lublin, 16 August 1943; shooting at the Germans by ghetto underground members; Jewish casualties; German dead; burning of houses in the ghetto; transfer of Jews to trains by order of Fritz Friedel; selection; separation of children from their parents; deportation of the women to Treblinka; deportation of the men to Auschwitz-...

  18. Testimony of Yaakov Werbowski, born in Akmene, Lithuania, regarding his experiences in the Kaunas Ghetto, in the forests and as a partisan

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Testimony of Yaakov Werbowski, born in Akmene, Lithuania, regarding his experiences in the Kaunas Ghetto, in the forests and as a partisan Liquidation of the Kaunas Ghetto, 08-15 July 1944; hiding of Jews in hiding places during the ghetto liquidation "Aktion"; escape of Jews outside the ghetto; search for escapees; the witness' work as a clerk in the Labor Bureau; deportation of Jews to Danzig by order of Wilhelm Gecke; murder of Jews who attempted to escape; acts committed by the murderers over the course of a week; escape to the forests; combat as a partisan in the "Leningrad" battalion;...