
Displaying items 1,361 to 1,380 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. History of Nazi party and evidence discussed at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 373) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 22, 1945. US Army Major Frank Wallis addressing the court, telling part of the history of the Nazi Party. MS, defendants' lawyers sitting in courtroom. MS, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Wilhelm Frick, Walther Funk, and Hjalmar Schacht. Cut back to Major Wallis addressing the court. MS, Hermann Goering, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Franz von Papen, and Alfred Jodl listening in prisoners' dock. MS, Dr. Rudolf Dix, defense counsel for Hjalmar Schacht, addressing the court. Dix asks that certain documents, which have not yet...

  2. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy; Jaeger testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    02:01:20 (Munich 194) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, March 23, 1946. HSs, Camp Dachau. LS, entrance of War Crimes court building. LS, bunker in which defendants are quartered. 02:02:03 (Munich 206) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 3, 1946. Justices Parker, De Vabre and Falco. Dr. Robert Servatius, counsel for Sauckel, questions Dr. Max Wilhelm Jaeger. MSs, von Ribbentrop and Keitel; MP standing at left; Sauckel in BG. Pan, from prisoners' dock to Dr. Jaeger testifying. MS, two attorneys of the Russian staff at table. MS, Jacques Herzog, member of the French prosecuti...

  3. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy

    (Munich 167) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, May 24, 1945. MS, military defense counselor questions Lt. Perl about the interrogation cells used by War Crimes Branch. Lt. Perl answering the questions. Mr. Elowitz, civilian employee of War Crimes Branch, wearing uniform, is questioned about prisoner Hermann Priess. MCU, Gen. Josiah T. Dalbey on bench approves numbering of documents for evidence. MLS, prisoner is sworn in and questioned about his background. MLS, another prisoner is questioned by Lt. Col. Barton J Ellis. Prisoner is asked to identify defendants. As Col Ellis calls ...

  4. Barbie Trial -- Day 1 -- Judge lists plaintiffs; Interrogation of Klaus Barbie

    13:05:30 Klaus Barbie enters the courtroom, visible at upper screen right. He sits next to two interpreters: Margit Lipsker and Martine Billaud. 13:05:00 Presiding Judge André Cerdini lists the plaintiffs and their lawyers and the consequences of illegally reporting the court proceedings. 13:30:00 The interrogation of the accused begins. Barbie is asked his name, date of birth, profession, address, name of his parents and double identity. He was born on 25 October 1913, in Godesburg, Germany. 13:48:15 There is discussion concerning the double identity of Klaus Altmann. Barbie refuses to ans...

  5. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy

    (Munich 250) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, June 20, 1946. Former German Col. Joachim Peiper (#42) reading notes on witness stand about his treatment while being held as a prisoner by the Poles. CU, Peiper reading notes. MS, two German attorneys for the defense whispering to each other during trial. (Part of film showing Peiper testifying is out of focus.) MS, Lt. Col. Dwinell, counselor for the defense, as he conducts a cross-examination of Peiper (latter not in scene). MS, Peiper, back to camera, pointing to area on map which he covered during his encounter with US troops in ...

  6. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy

    (Munich 167) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, May 24, 1946. First witness for the prosecution, US Army Lt Wiiliam R Pearl, interrogator for the War Crimes Branch, identifies Gen Joseph Sepp Dietrich. Pearl tells about his interview with Dietrich who told him how he was kicked in the back by a Polish guard. Pan, map of the Malmedy campaign as Lt. Col. Barton J. Ellis, Chief Prosecutor, tells of the killing of American and Allied prisoners by men of the SS Panzer Regiment. Pan, approx 75 prisoners in dock as Ellis reads the charges. CU, Col. Ellis reading charges.

  7. Goering supporter Dehlerus testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 67) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 19, 1946. Berger Dehlerus, Swedish engineer, taking the witness stand. Delherus says he knew England well because he had lived there for 12 years. LS, translators in courtroom. Dehlerus testifies in support of Goering. He talks about several visits he made from Berlin to England in 1939 on behalf of Goering and Hitler in order to prevent a war. He recounts that the situation was serious because an agreement with Poland had not been reached and he was asked to go to London to explain the situation. He could not say whether the trip hap...

  8. War Crimes Trials: I.G. Farben Case - Opening Statement by Telford Taylor

    War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 6 (I.G. Farben Case), Nuremberg, Germany. 17:12:16 High angle Med close views of defendants in dock as they are arraigned and individually asked if they've read the indictment and how they plead. To 17:13:06 Motion for continuance was denied - judge at bench. 17:15:30 Taylor to podium and begins: The grave charges in this case have not been laid before the Tribunal casually.... It accuses them of wholesale enslavement, plunder and murder. ... There is no laughter in this case. Neither is there any hate.

  9. Tribunal, Hess's amnesia at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 398) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 30, 1945. LS, Tribunal consisting of Robert Falco, Henri Donnedieu de Vabre, John J. Parker, Francis Biddle, Lord Justice Geoffrey Lawrence, Justice Birkett, Maj. Gen. I T Nikitchenko, and A F Volchoff. They enter courtroom and take their seats. Dr. Gunther von Rohrscheidt, counsel for Rudolf Hess, addresses the court about Hess' alleged amnesia. MS, Hess seated in prisoners' dock. LS, Lord Justice Lawrence requests that the medical report be read. The Lord Justice goes on to say that the only thing wrong with Hess is his forgetful...

  10. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case

    (Munich 464) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. LSs of courtroom. As their names are called, defendants stand up in prisoners' dock: Karl Brandt, Zugfried Handloser, Paul Rostock, Oskar Schroeder, Karl Genzken, Karl Gebhardt, Kurt Blome, Rudolf Braunt, Walkheim Mrugowsky, Helmut Poppendick, Wolfgang Sievers, Gerhardt Rose, Ziegfried Ruff, Victor Brack, Hans Wolfgang Romberg, Hermann Becker-Freysing, George A. Weltz, Konrad Schaeffer, Fritz Fischer, Adolf Prokorny, and Herta Oberhauser. The defendants are seated and Brig. Gen. Telford...

  11. Ohlendorf testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 487) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 3, 1946. Rear view of US Col. Amen cross examining Otto Ohlendorf. Ohlendorf talks about the type of command structure and "task sharing during operations" between the Einsatzgruppen and the Army Command (Security Police - Army Command - Einsatzgruppenkommando). The Army command could give orders in specific situations, there was a liaison officer between the Einsatzgruppen and the Army Command. He is then asked about his own role. Ohlendorf sais he was Head of the Einsatzgruppe D and Assistant (Adjutant) of the Head of the Security...

  12. Theodore P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Theodore P., who served in the United States 3rd Army. He recounts being trained to interrogate German POWs; deployment to Europe in October 1944; moving through France; assignment to the 261st regiment; front line interrogations in Germany; entering Ohrdruf hours after liberation; corpses stacked "like wood"; a prisoner showing him a mass killing site; shock at the condition of the prisoners and learning of their experiences; local Germans denying knowledge of the camp; traveling to Mauthausen weeks after its liberation; speaking with the few remaining survivors and ...

  13. Nuremberg Trials - IMT Collection

    The Nuremberg Trials - IMT Collection is a wide-range collection of documents related to the well-known trial against 23 major Nazi war criminals, held by the International Military Tribunal (IMT) in Nuremberg between 1945 and 1946. Nuremberg documentation includes: the trial’s transcripts, the archival series NG (Nazi Government), NO (Nazi Organization), OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Supreme Command of the Armed Forces), NI (Nazi Institutions), RSHA (Reichssicherheitshauptamt, Reich Security Head Office), SD (Sicherheitsdienst, Security Service), Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei, Secret S...

  14. Prof. Leo van der Essen testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 541) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 4, 1946. Pan of courtroom; Chief Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence is heard saying, "Do any defense counselors wish to ask any questions?" MSs, MLSs, Professor Leo van der Essen, General Secretary of the Louvain University in Belgium, testifying. A defense attorney questions the professor. LS, Thomas J. Dodd of the US prosecution states that the prosecution does not wish to question the witness. MSs, Professor van der Essen being sworn in. Rear views, French prosecutor Faure questioning Van der Essen.

  15. Lahousen testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 399) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 30, 1945. MS, rear view, Russian Gen. Rudenko speaking to the court. MS, rear view, German defense counsel addresses the court. Gen. Lahousen (Austrian Intelligence Service) taking stand and being sworn in. Lahousen identifies Wilhelm Keitel and Alfred Jodl and proceeds to testify, recalling what was said and decided of a conference, and mentions Ribbentrop. Rear view, Soviet counsel Gen. Rudenko questions Lahousen. Voice is heard asking, "Were orders for the killing of the Russians in written form?" He answers saying, that yes, he...

  16. Selected records from the State Archives of Ivano- Frankivsk (formerly Stanislav) Oblast

    Contains reports and decisions from the Stanislavskaia Oblast’ State Extraordinary Commission to Investigate Crimes Committed by the German-Fascist Forces and by Their Collaborators in Ukraine. Also included is information on other activities of the Germans and their allies, details on various localities, and lists of Soviet citizens abused or killed. The collection also includes reports by local bureaus of the People’s Commissariat for State Security (NKGB).

  17. Milch testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 41) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 11, 1946. MLSs, witness and prosecutor. Erhard Milch, General Field Marshal and Secretary, Permanent Deputy of the Ministry of the Reich Luftwaffe, is cross-examined by Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson. Milch held positions of Quartermaster General of the Air Force and IG for the same branch, was a member of the Armament Council, and directed air operations against Norway in 1940. Jackson questions the witness in English; Milch answers in German. Jackson attempts to establish that Germany was prepared for war by questions leading...

  18. War Crimes Trial: Bergen-Belsen guards

    "Belsen Death Camp Leaders Meet Justice." Four British soldiers guarding door. CU, SS camp guards arriving for trial and climbing out of a truck. VCU, Josef Kramer. Crowds behind barriers in street. SS woman, including Irma Grese (the "bitch of Bergen-Belsen") and Juana Bormann, climbing out of truck. Filing into courtroom. Numbers hanging on defendants. Soldiers/military seated, Fritz Klein. Hundreds of corpses laid out in rows on ground. Newsreel footage also includes the following parts: 01:32:31 "Sailing Ship 'Danmark' Goes Home Again" 01:33:44 "14 Marines and Sailors Win Highest Award"...