
Displaying items 1,041 to 1,060 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy; various scenes of the Nuremberg Trial

    16:00:40 (Munich 263) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, June 27, 1946. Different shots of Capt. Raphael Schumacher questioning former Lt. Heinz Tomhardt. MS, visiting newspaper men seated in courtroom. 16:04:41 (Munich 211 and 222) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 1946. (silent) LS, defendants in prisoners' dock. CU, assistant British prosecutor at table. CU, an American prosecutor at table. MS, Gen. Telford Taylor. MS, Sir Maxwell-Fyfe speaking to colleague. MS, showing part of the interpreters' bench. Pan to prisoners' dock. Two defense lawyers conversing during reces...

  2. Gisevius testimony at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 128) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 26, 1946. LSs, Dr. Rudolf Dix, counselor for Schacht, questions the witness Hans Bernhardt von Gisevius. MLS, Gisevius testifying. Pan to Hermann Goering scribbling notes. 19:02:40 Pan to dock, Ribbentrop. CU, Gisevius testifying. MCU, Dr. Otto Stahmer and another defense counselor making notes. 19:07:33 MCS, right side of dock, including Speer, Von Hindenburg, Fritsch, Frank, Frick, Streicher, and Funk listening to Gisevius testify. LSs, Gisevius speaking of the relationship between the German Army and the Gestapo. Pan from Chief Pr...

  3. War Crimes Trials: I.G. Farben Case - Opening Statement by Telford Taylor

    War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 6 (I.G. Farben Case), Nuremberg, Germany. High angle medium-close views of defendants in dock as they are arraigned and individually asked if they've read the indictment and how they plead. Motion for continuance denied - judge at bench. American Prosecutor Telford Taylor to podium and begins: "The grave charges in this case have not been laid before the Tribunal casually.... It accuses them of wholesale enslavement, plunder and murder. ... There is no laughter in this case. Neither is there any hate."

  4. War Crimes Trials: I.G. Farben Case

    (Munich 624) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 6 (I.G. Farben Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Judge Curtis Grover Shake, presiding, calls upon Carl Lautenschlaeger (defendant) to plead. Judge Shake states in part that a petition put forth by the defendants for more time to prepare their answer to the indictment is denied. Brig. Gen. Telford Taylor at lectern, reading the indictment says that the prisoners are accused of leading the world into the most catastrophic war known to mankind, etc. What these men did, Gen. Taylor says, was not something that was done in a rage, but ...

  5. Ferencz lecture: Berkeley Law School

    Ferencz contends that the Nuremberg trial should demonstrate in penal action man's right to live in peace and dignity. Therefore, he concludes that law has a large role to play in establishing peace. Those principles sufficiently developed at Nuremberg (crime of aggressive war and crimes against humanity) help us to create a peaceful world. He advises implementing the following mechanisms in an international arena to reverse "international anarchy": 1) laws; 2) courts; and 3) enforcement. Furthermore, Ferencz outlines his idea for a better international structure in the United Nations: 1) d...

  6. Selected records of the Prison in Sieradz Więzienie w Sieradzu (Sygn.199) : Wybrane materialy

    A daily calendar from January 17, 1923 to November 7, 1928 with the names and surnames of prisoners admitted and released, a list of prisoners (prisoner category and penalties); personal files with information related to an admission order, a prisoner's description, a visit permit, an exemption order, petitions and complaints, reasons for conviction, like as: propagating communism, pedophilia, pimping, theft.

  7. Prosecution explains collection of documents for Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 374) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany. LS, prisoners and others in court stand at attention as court is called to order (23:09:48). Pan to Tribunal as it is seated. 23:14:30 MCU, Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop, Keitel, and Doenitz listening to prosecutor. MS, rear view of unidentified American civilians, members of the prosecution, as he tells the court how documents and briefs were obtained by special units attached to the advancing military units. 23:11 " the US army advanced into German territory. These were attached to each army and...specialized military personnel...duties ...

  8. Global Structures Convocation panel discussion on ICC

    Panel Discussion: "Permanent International Criminal Court" Global Structures Convocation, Crystal City, VA. February 3-6,1994. (tape 10 in conference series) Panelists include: Michael Scharf (law professor at New England College of Law), Walter Hoffmann (president of the Center for UN Reform Education), Melinda Borrell (activist, lobbyist), Diane Orentlicher (law professor at American University), David Kreeger (president of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation), and Benjamin Ferencz. The moderator is John McDonald. Ferencz explains the precedent of an international military tribunal set up at...

  9. Policja Bezpieczeństwa-Komisariat Kryminalny Garwolin Selected records of the Security Police, Criminal Commissar in Garwolin Sondergericht Sicherheitspolizei Kriminalkommissariat Garwolin (Sygn.1057/II)

    Official newsletter “Nachrichtenblatt” published by the Kommandeurs der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD fűr den Distrikt Warschau Abt IV (Kriminalpolizei); incomplete issues from 1940, 1941 and 1942. Newsletters contain reports of criminal activities in the region, information relating to administrative matters, arrest warrants, lists of people sought by the police.

  10. Goering interrogated by Soviet prosecutor, Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 68) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 21-22, 1946. Courtroom scene before session begins. (Rebecca West? talking to man, left of screen) Gen. Rudenko, Chief Russian prosecutor, cross-examines Goering on the authenticity of certain documents. 01:47:46 Goering says clearly, and with disdain, in response to Rudenko's question: "Jawohl. Dafuer war er der Fuehrer." [Of course. That's why he was the Fuehrer.] 01:48:20 Very good character CU, reply by Goering - methodical, slow, clear, "Das war versheiden..." 01:50 He makes reference to Bodenschatz. Goering is asked if he subscr...

  11. March of Time -- outtakes -- Execution of Dostler; bombing on USS Savannah

    1425 P (14:00:44) Official Motion Picture Release - Bureau of PR #1589. Signal Corps. Aversa, Italy. Execution of German General Anton Dostler. Pan shot of Dostler accompanied by guards, walking down embankment steps to place of execution through early morning mists. HS, group including Chaplain walking to post on execution spot. Close shot and HS of Dostler being tied to post. LS, group of GIs lined up at attention. HS, Dostler being blindfolded at stake. MS, man walking away from blindfolded Dostler. HAS, execution groups with firing squad walking in. Another angle, same with part of squa...

  12. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy, sentencing

    (Munich 298) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Sentencing of Accused, Dachau, Germany, July 16, 1946. LS, spectators in courtroom. 1st Lt. Friedrich Crist sentenced to death by hanging. Maj Diefenthal receiving sentence of hanging. Gen. Sepp Dietrich receiving sentence of life imprisonment. PFC George Fleps sentenced to death. MS, defendants in dock as court president is heard sentencing Willi Heinz Hendel to death. PFC Joachim Hofman sentenced to death. PFC Friedel Kies sentenced to death. Mjaor Knittel sentenced to life imprisonment. Fritz Kraemer, Chief of Staff of the 6th SS Panzer, receiving ...

  13. R. Lauterbacher, F. Wieshover, and F. Sauckel testify at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 195) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 27, 1946. MS, Richard Lauterbacher, witness for von Schirach, is sworn in and begins testifying under questioning of defense attorney Dr. Fritz Sauter. MS, Fritz Wieshover, formerly 1st Lieutenant in SS, sworn in and questioned by Dr. Sauter. MS, Dr. Robert Servatius, counsel for Fritz Sauckel, questioning his client on the recruitment of slave labor. Documents are handed to Sauckel by the attendant.

  14. Police Station of the Polish Police of the city of Warsaw Komisariat Policji Polskiej miasta Warszawy (Sygn 1711, XV)

    The collection contains control books of the 15th Police Station of the Polish Police to register reported crimes and record the results of investigations.

  15. Schellenberg testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 476) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 4, 1946. LSs, Walter Schellenberg, Chief of the Security Police and SD, continues testimony. LS, Russian judge questions the witness. Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe questions the witness about a conversation he had with Ernst Kaltenbrunner about the Red Cross wanting to know what happened to fifty American or British prisoners. Chief Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence asks whether it was about shooting the prisoners. Schellenberg explains that he did not take part in the conversation, but was a passive listener. The inquiry was forwarded to the ...

  16. Goering testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 47) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. Hermann Goering testifies that the Nazi Party came into power legally: 1) Because of the 30 elections held in the years between 1925-1932; and 2) If Germany had a type of government similar to the US and Great Britain, power would have been theirs immediately. LS, several American and British prosecutors seated at table during trial. Goering testifies that after Hitler came to power, he suggested to Goering the formation of a government along the same lines as that of the US. More generally, Goering talks about how he saw hi...

  17. Dr. Sievers on the stand at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 354) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 8, 1946. HAS, MSs, British prosecutor Mr. Jones questioning the witness Dr. Sievers. The cross-examination concerns the decapitation of concentration camp victims and sending the skulls to laboratories for pathological research. Pan shot of defendants (Goering) in prisoners' dock. Repeated mention is made of a report by Prof. Hirt, who was mainly responsible for the "acquisition" of skeletons and skulls. Sievers repeatedly delegates questions away from him to the report, prosecutor's assistance repeatedly points to the fact that he ...

  18. Prof. Orbelli testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 04) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 21-22, 1946. LSs, MLSs, Professor Joseph Orbelli of the Soviet Academy of Science testifying. MSs, Russian Justice Maj. Gen. I T Nikitchenko, British Justice Birkett, and Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence. Whispered conversation between Birkett and Nikitchenko and then between Birkett and Lawrence. Rear views, Robert Servatius, defense counsel for Political Organizations, addressing Tribunal. MSs, Justices John J. Parker, Francis Biddle, Henri Donnedieu de Vabre. LSs, MSs, Prof. Orbelli answering questions of Servatius. MSs, Justices...

  19. Ravensbruck Trial: The Sentencing [Das Urteil]

    Welt im Film. Issue no. 90 Ravensbruck Trial. INTs, Curio House in Hamburg, Allied Military Tribunal presided over by British Gen. Westropp, sentences those responsible for the Ravensbruck women's camp. MCUs, Johann Schwarzhuber; Dorothea Binz, former SS woman guard; Carmen Maria Mory; and others sentenced to death by hanging. 01:12:40 The three women guards shown are: Dorothrea 'Thea' Binz (Stellvertrende Oberaufseherin/Replacement Chief Officer); Wachterin Margarete Mewes (who served as guard in the Ravensbrueck 'bunker'-jail); and Arbeitseinsatzfuehrerin Greta Boesel (born Mueller) who d...