
Displaying items 9,741 to 9,760 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Amerikanische Kriegsgefangenschaft; Verteidigung im Nürnberger OKW-Prozess (Fall XII)

    1. Sammlungen
    2. Busse, Theodor (OKW- u. Manstein-Prozess/ Betreuung verurteilte Generäle)

    Angaben zur eigenen Laufbahn; Lebenslauf, 02. Juni 1947; masch. und handschr. Verzeichnisse der inhaftierten Wehrmachtoffiziere in den PoW Camps / Internierungslagern Neu-Ulm, 21. Juni 1946, Dachau, 24. Juni 1946, und Zedelghem (bei Brügge), o.D.; Zertifikate, 21. Juni 1947 u. o.D.; Rundbriefe der amerikanischen Besatzungsbehörde bezügl. der Mitarbeit bei der Erschließung historischer Tatsachen, 25. Oktober 1947 u. Weihnachten 1947; Schreiben Hans Speidel, 12.10.1947; Schreiben Kurt von Storch [revers Notizen], 25. September 1947 [vgl. Bände 17-19]; handschr. und masch. Eidesstattliche Erkl...

  2. Pressed aluminum cap badge with Nazi insignia acquired by a German Jewish refugee and US soldier

    1. Alfred Hirschfeld family collection

    SS cap badge with an eagle and oak wreath owned by Hans Hirschfeld, who left Germany at age twenty in 1939 for the US and later served in the US Army. From 1936 to 1945, this type of cap badge was worn by the SS-Ordnungspolizei, or order police, the regular uniformed police force in Germany, which included municipal and rural police, firemen, and the coast guard. When Hitler came to power in January 1933, Hans and his parents, Alfred and Maria, lived in Breslau, Germany, where Alfred was Director of the Chamber of Commerce. Maria was Protestant and Alfred was Jewish and Hans identified hims...

  3. Pressed aluminum cap badge with Nazi insignia acquired by a German Jewish refugee and US soldier

    1. Alfred Hirschfeld family collection

    SS cap badge with an eagle and oak wreath owned by Hans Hirschfeld, who left Germany at age twenty in 1939 for the US and, from 1941-1945, served in the US Army. From 1936 to 1945, this type of cap badge was worn by the SS-Ordnungspolizei, or order police, the regular uniformed police force in Germany, which included municipal and rural police, firemen, and the coast guard. When Hitler came to power in January 1933, Hans and his parents, Alfred and Maria, lived in Breslau, Germany, where Alfred was Director of the Chamber of Commerce. Maria was Protestant and Alfred was Jewish and Hans iden...

  4. Pressed aluminum cap badge with Nazi insignia acquired by a German Jewish refugee and US soldier

    1. Alfred Hirschfeld family collection

    SS cap badge with an eagle and oak wreath owned by Hans Hirschfeld, who left Germany at age twenty in 1939 for the US and later served in the US Army. From 1936 to 1945, this type of cap badge was worn by the SS-Ordnungspolizei, or order police, the regular uniformed police force in Germany, which included municipal and rural police, firemen, and the coast guard. When Hitler came to power in January 1933, Hans and his parents, Alfred and Maria, lived in Breslau, Germany, where Alfred was Director of the Chamber of Commerce. Maria was Protestant and Alfred was Jewish and Hans identified hims...

  5. Pressed aluminum cap badge with Nazi insignia acquired by a German Jewish refugee and US soldier

    1. Alfred Hirschfeld family collection

    SS cap badge with an eagle and oak wreath owned by Hans Hirschfeld, who left Germany at age twenty in 1939 for the US and later served in the US Army. From 1936 to 1945, this type of cap badge was worn by the SS-Ordnungspolizei, or order police, the regular uniformed police force in Germany, which included municipal and rural police, firemen, and the coast guard. When Hitler came to power in January 1933, Hans and his parents, Alfred and Maria, lived in Breslau, Germany, where Alfred was Director of the Chamber of Commerce. Maria was Protestant and Alfred was Jewish and Hans identified hims...

  6. Pressed aluminum cap badge with Nazi insignia acquired by a German Jewish refugee and US soldier

    1. Alfred Hirschfeld family collection

    SS cap badge with an eagle and oak wreath owned by Hans Hirschfeld, who left Germany at age twenty in 1939 for the US and later served in the US Army. From 1936 to 1945, this type of cap badge was worn by the SS-Ordnungspolizei, or order police, the regular uniformed police force in Germany, which included municipal and rural police, firemen, and the coast guard. When Hitler came to power in January 1933, Hans and his parents, Alfred and Maria, lived in Breslau, Germany, where Alfred was Director of the Chamber of Commerce. Maria was Protestant and Alfred was Jewish and Hans identified hims...

  7. First Comunion Souvenir Bible

    1. Sophie Turner-Zaretsky collection

    Catholic bible given to 7 year old Selma (Zofia) Scwarzwald in January 1945 in celebration of her communion. It was a deluxe edition with a color picture on the cover. Selma, born Jewish, was living in hiding with her mother as a Polish Catholic under the name Zofia Tymejko and completely adopted this identity. She attended church and, after liberation by Soviet troops, celebrated her First Communion. Selma and her mother, Laura, escaped from the ghetto in German occupied Lvov, Poland (Lviv, Ukraine) after her father was shot by the Gestapo in 1942. They adopted false identities as Catholic...

  8. Belgian Nationalist Movement armband stencilled M.N.B. issued to a Jewish resistance fighter

    1. Menachem and Ita Blinbaum Konkowski families collection

    Belgian Nationalist Movement white cloth armband stencilled with M.N.B. (Mouvement National Belge) owned by Menachem Konkowski, a Jewish resistance fighter in Belgium, during the German occupation. Belgium was conquered by Nazi Germany in May 1940. The Germans enacted anti-Jewish legislation to persecute the Jewish population. Beginning in late 1941, Menachem, under the alias, Moliere, organized a Jewish resistance group, also called Moliere, the 9th Brigade of the Belgian Nationalist Movement in Uccle, a civil resistance organization. His unit committed acts of sabotage against the German ...

  9. Gantman-Fischer family. Collection

    This collection consists of: an invitation and a menu from the wedding of Adolphe Fischer and his bride Irene Fischer, pre-war shares of the Antwerp Diamond Circle, pre-war photos of the Gantman family including a photo of the graduation of Joseph Mendel alias Jos Gantman at the Koninklijk Atheneum in Antwerp, high school diplomas and documents regarding Jos Gantman’s education and his studies at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Free University of Brussels), pre-war photos of the Fischer family including photos of First World War comrades of Adolphe Fischer and vacation photos taken in th...

  10. Swaab-Tygel family. Collection

    This collection contains: three pre-war photos of members of the Antwerp sports club Joodse Arbeiders Sportklub or JASK [English: Jewish Workers Sports Club (Antwerp) or YASK], including Philip Swaab and possibly a brother or future brother-in-law called Marcel ; a pre-war group photo of pupils at a school or colony, including Bertha and Eugenie alias Jennie Tygel ; two pre-war photos of Philip Schwaab with friends ; one post-war portrait of Philip Schwaab ; a certificate issued by the Dutch branche of the Red Cross in Switzerland to Philip Schwaab for passing an exam

  11. Records of the Geneva office of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee

    The Geneva files of 1945-1954 constitute the documentary record of JDC’s global overseas operations in the immediate post-World War II (WWII) period. These files testify to the complex and multi-faceted nature of JDC’s global rescue and relief efforts, primarily focused on: resettling Jewish refugees and Holocaust survivors around the world; facilitating the renewal of Jewish life in Europe; rebuilding Jewish communal institutions; and providing sustaining aid to the remnants of Jewish communities worldwide. The collection documents JDC’s work in over 70 countries. These records provide num...

  12. Records of the Subprefect of Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County

    • Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun vármegye alispánjának iratai

    The fond of the records of the Subprefect is one of the key collections pertaining to the history of the Jewish communities and the Holocaust in Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County. The most relevant parts are the following: IV.B. 408.a-b. Classified and Administrative records, 1876-1944 The survived material from the years 1938-1943 (Boxes 240-259), include records concerning the implementation of the anti-Jewish laws and instances of bureaucratic and illegal antisemitic measures, including the withdrawal of trade licences and permits, quitting rental agreements of Jews, exclusion of Jews from t...

  13. Esther Lurie papers

    1. Esther Lurie collection

    The Esther Lurie papers include biographical material, restitution files, correspondence, subject files, and photographs relating to Esther’s wartime experience in the Kovno ghetto, Stuthoff concentration camp, and Leibitsch forced labor camp. The collection also includes correspondence, exhibition and publication development material, programs, and photographs relating to Esther’s professional career as an artist. Biographical materials include Esther Lurie’s British passport and copies of her curriculum vitae. Correspondence includes Esther Lurie’s personal and professional correspondence...

  14. Holocaust Commemoration Day Remember card received by a Latvian Jewish survivor

    1. Esther Lurie collection

    Yad Vashem Remember card owned by Esther Lurie, ca. 1960s?, distributed with a Remember Pin to be worn on Holocaust Commemoration Day as a visible symbol of mourning. Esther, a professionally trained artist, originally from Liepaja, Latvia, settled in Palestine in 1934. She was visiting her sister in Kovno (Kaunus), Lithuania, in summer 1941 when it was occupied by Germany. She was confined to the ghetto and had to create artwork for the Germans. She also, at the request of the Jewish Council, dedicated herself to recording the daily life of the residents. In July 1944, the ghetto was liqui...

  15. Portraits of a fellow concentration camp inmate by Esther Lurie

    1. Esther Lurie collection

    Two portraits of the same woman drawn by Esther Lurie, 1976 recreations of a drawing she created while both women were prisoners in Leibisch slave labor camp. It was exhibited and published soon after the war in 1945 in her book, Jewesses in Slavery. Esther, originally from Liepaja, Latvia, settled in Palestine in 1934. She was visiting her sister in Kovno (Kaunas, Lithuania] in summer 1941, when it was occupied by Germany. She was confined to the ghetto and had to create portraits and paintings for the Germans. She also, at the request of the Jewish Council, dedicated herself to recording ...

  16. Commemorative postage stamp mockup with art by Esther Lurie

    1. Esther Lurie collection

    Sheet of four Israeli postage stamp designs featuring sketches by Esther Lurie based upon her experiences while incarcerated in Kovno Ghetto and Stutthof and Leibisch concentration camps from 1941-1945. The stamps were designed by Roli Studio, a major firm in Tel Aviv who created the postal logo, as well as many national stamps. Esther, originally from Liepaja, Latvia, settled in Palestine in 1934. She was visiting her sister in Kovno (Kaunas, Lithuania] in summer 1941, when it was occupied by Nazi Germany. She was confined to the ghetto and had to create portraits and paintings for the Ger...

  17. Sketches of men with Judenstern by Esther Lurie

    1. Esther Lurie collection

    Ink sketch of two men with Star of David patches drawn by Esther Lurie based upon her experiences while incarcerated in Kovno Ghetto. Esther, originally from Liepaja, Latvia, settled in Palestine in 1934. She was visiting her sister in Kovno (Kaunas, Lithuania] in summer 1941, when it was occupied by Nazi Germany. She was confined to the ghetto and had to create portraits and paintings for the Germans. She also, at the request of the Jewish Council, dedicated herself to recording the daily life of the residents. In July 1944, the ghetto was liquidated. Esther was sent to Stutthof concentrat...

  18. Sketch of people digging near a house by Esther Lurie

    1. Esther Lurie collection

    Ink sketch of a group of people digging in the ground drawn by Esther Lurie based upon her experiences in Kovno Ghetto. This study drawing is a 1957 recreation of a scene she saw and drew in 1946. Esther, originally from Liepaja, Latvia, settled in Palestine in 1934. She was visiting her sister in Kovno (Kaunas, Lithuania] in summer 1941, when it was occupied by Nazi Germany. She was confined to the ghetto and had to create portraits and paintings for the Germans. She also, at the request of the Jewish Council, dedicated herself to recording the daily life of the residents. In July 1944, th...

  19. Drawing of people digging for potatoes by Esther Lurie

    1. Esther Lurie collection

    Ink sketch of a group of people digging for potatoes in a large field drawn by Esther Lurie based upon her experiences in Kovno Ghetto. This study drawing is a 1957 recreation of a scene she saw and drew in 1946. The original drawing was hidden in Kovno but lost in the destruction of the ghetto. It had been photographed in the ghetto with a Leica camera by the lawyer Avraham Tory. Esther recreated the drawing in its original 25x35 cm. size in 1957 for the album A Living Testimony. Esther, originally from Liepaja, Latvia, settled in Palestine in 1934. She was visiting her sister in Kovno (Ka...

  20. Eleven preparatory figure sketches by Esther Lurie

    1. Esther Lurie collection

    Study sketches of eleven figures for the drawing, Raiding a Potato Field, done by Esther Lurie based upon her experiences in Kovno Ghetto. This drawing is a 1957 recreation of a scene she saw and drew in 1946. The original drawing was hidden in Kovno but lost in the destruction of the ghetto. It had been photographed in the ghetto with a Leica camera by the lawyer Avraham Tory. Esther recreated the drawing in its original 25x35 cm. size in 1957 for the album A Living Testimony. Esther, originally from Liepaja, Latvia, settled in Palestine in 1934. She was visiting her sister in Kovno (Kauna...