
Displaying items 9,701 to 9,720 of 10,320
  1. Łódź Ghetto grave marker for a Jewish woman recovered by her daughter

    Engraved marker for the grave of Chaja Gitla Fortunska recovered in Łódź, Poland, after the war by her daughter Alicja Dworzecka. On January 28, 1943, Chaja, 55, was buried in the Jewish cemetery in Łódź Ghetto, having passed away after unsuccessful intestinal surgery at the ghetto hospital. Chaja, husband Jankiel, children Dawid, Alicja, and Moniek, with their spouses, were residents of Łódź, which was occupied by Germany in September 1939. Many punitive restrictions were placed on the Jewish populace, including forced labor and confiscation of property. Jews were interned in a ghetto whic...

  2. Erwin Schattner family papers

    The Erwin Schattner family papers contain documents and correspondence related to the career of Dr. Erwin Schattner, a Polish-born physician in Vienna, his wife Ernestine, and their two daughters, Ruth and Hannah. Includes birth, education, residency, citizenship, academic, legal, and professional documents related to Erwin Schattner’s education and career in Austria, his emigration with his wife and daughters from Vienna to the United States in 1938-1940, his establishment as a physician in New York, and attempts to gain restitution in the 1960s. Also contains correspondence related to eff...

  3. Liberation: Germany; Czechoslovakia: Soviet and American Armies

    VS, high angle, woman in an overcoat walking down street; man in U.S. Army uniform holding a box, walking down street. Two separate shots of the woman walking. Cut to VS, pan of sky and clouds, for a brief moment a small plane is visible, flying low. Plane on an airstrip, the man in Army uniform seen earlier in a very LS walking on a concrete walkway between two buildings, presumably a U.S. Army base of some sort. Two airplanes are parked on the air strip. A group of boys and girls (4-6 years old) in FG, all dressed in red shorts and white shirts, walking hand in hand in an open field, tree...

  4. Lob family papers

    The collection primarily documents the Holocaust-era experiences of Marcel Pierre Lob, originally of Paris, Frace, including his arrest and deportation to Auschwitz II-Birkenau and return to Paris after liberation. It also includes documents related to the experiences of his wife Helene Lob (née Bybelezer), a survivor of Drancy, Auschwitz II-Birkenau, and Bergen-Belsen, and tracing documents regarding the Holocaust fates of his mother Lucie Levy Lob, sister Stephanie Carrance, her husband Ernest Carrance, and their daughter Jacqueline Carrance, all of who perished at Auschwitz II-Birkenau. ...

  5. Dina Ostrower photographs

    1. Dina Ostrower collection

    Collection of ten photographs depicting Josef Ostrower, Dina Pickholz's husband, as a student in the Jewish Gymnasium in Stryj, Poland in 1931 and images showing Dina Pickholtz and Josef Ostrower and friends in DP camps in Germany and Cyprus after the war.

  6. Rabbi Jacob G. Wiener papers

    1. Jacob G. Wiener collection

    Consists of pre and post-war documents, pamphlets, correspondence, and photographs of Jacob Wiener (born Gerd Zwienicki) and his family's experiences from 1936-1948. Included in this collection is his copy of a 1942 pamphlet on "Questions and Answers on Regulations Concerning Aliens of Enemy Nationalities" from the U.S. Department of Justice; Josef Zwienicki's (Jacob's father) 1916 driver's license; a 1948 marriage certificate issued to Gerd Zwienicki and Gertrud Farntrog (Jacob's wife); correspondence from Selma Stiefel Zwienicki (Jacob's mother), dated 1937-1938; correspondence from Jacob...

  7. Manfred and Anita Lamm Gans family collection

    1. Manfred and Anita Lamm Gans family collection

    Correspondence between Manfred and Anita Gans.

  8. Raus marchen der Bruder Grimm Children's book

    1. Ruth Mondschein Zimbler collection

    Child's book of fairy tales brought with Hella and Markus Mondschein when they left Vienna in fall 1939 to join their children, Ruth, 11, and Walter, 6, in the United States. Nazi Germany annexed Austria in March 1938. Anti-Jewish laws were immediately enacted. Markus was arrested on Kristallnacht, November 9-10, and sent to Dachau concentration camp. He was released on the condition that he leave the country. He arranged for Ruth and Walter to escape on the first Kindertransport [Children's Transport] to the Netherlands on December 10, 1938. The children later were sent to an aunt in the U...

  9. Okresní úřad Příbram

    • District Office of Příbram / NAD 38

    The fonds contains official books and files. The following documents are relevant: Records of changes in religion 1882-1948 with registers; Lists of trades 1856-1949; Citizenship and emigration 1920-1940; Citizenship A-Ž 1937-1948; Lists of Jews who emigrated to Příbram in 1940; Seizure of Jews' bicycles 1941-1942; A list of Jewish trades 1942, Census sheets from 1921, Police population register approx. 1939-1945. Presidium files: Filling the post of the temporary rabbi for the former Beroun region. Supporting the candidacy of Moses Schiffmann of Votice for the district of Příbram 1866; A p...

  10. Okresní úřad Kutná Hora

    • District Office of Kutná Hora / NAD 7

    The fonds originated from the activities of the political administrative office of first instance. It contains official books, file material, and accounting material. The fonds contains the census of 1921 from the judicial districts of Kutná Hora and Uhlířské Janovice.Documents on the history of Jews can mainly be found in the following documents: religious, federal and assembly matters, domicile especially in the 5th handling period (1936-1946), Groups III Security and VII Education; religion, marriage, registry and endowment matters, and matters; specifically, inv. no. 1381 VIII/19 Jewish...

  11. Gniwosch-Spergel family. Collection

    This collection contains: three family photos of the Gniwosch-Spergel family ; post-war correspondence regarding the redeeming of Suzanne Gniwosch by her uncle Chiel Spergel ; judicial correspondence regarding the court case ; administrative letters from Jewish organisations such as the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre [Aid Society for Jewish War Victims], the Commission on the Status of Jewish War-Orphans in Europe, the Rabbi of Brussels, the Agence Juive pour la Palestine - Alyah de la Jeunesse [Jewish Agency for Palestine – Youth Aliyah department], and the Palestine Office of t...

  12. Bornstein family. Collection

    This collection contains six photographs, showing members of the Bornstein family: Franciska Bornstein, Abraham Kampf, Albert (Avraham) Gunzburg, Arthur (Aaron) Kampf, Lora / Sara Bornstein, Rezi Bornstein, Herman Bornstein, Samu Weinstein, Betty / Basha Schachner, Samuel Bornstein, Eta Kampf-Stieglitz, Harry Stieglitz and Avraham Stieglitz.

  13. Julius Mehrer

    This collection contains: two postcards from Krajndel alias Karoline Mehrer-Hitnik in Lemberg (today Lviv, Ukraine) to her son Julius Mehrer in Antwerp, 21 March 1940 and 1 April 1940 ; a postcard from Rosa Bellak-Ehrenstein and her sister Margit Friedmann-Ehrenstein in Vienna, Austria, to Rosa’s son-in-law and daughter Julius and Stella Mehrer-Bellak in Brussels, 8 July 1942 ; a postcard from Rosa Bellak-Ehrenstein in Vienna, Austria, to her son-in-law and daughter Julius and Stella Mehrer-Bellak in Brussels, 29 July 1942 ; a postcard from Julius Mehrer, who was being detained as a forced ...

  14. M.52.DAIFO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Ivano-Frankovsk Region

    M.52.DAIFO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Ivano-Frankovsk Region History of the Archives: The Archives was established in December 1939 and was called the Regional Historical Archives of Stanislawow until 1941. Before its establishment, all of the documentation was kept in institutions of the authorities and in public institutions. This documentation began to be collected by the Stanislawow UNKVD as of November 1939 in the new regional Archives after the same institutions and organizations were cancelled by the Soviet authorities. The name of the Archives was changed during ...

  15. Goldmann family papers

    The Goldmann family papers consist of correspondence, biographical records, immigration documents, school notes and records, photographs, and military documents relating to Kurt Goldmann's prewar life in Germany, immigration to the United States in 1939, experience as a student at Pennsylvania State University, service in the United States Army during WWII, and his postwar life in the United States. Also included are documents related to Kurt’s parents, Paul and Hedwig (Hede) Goldmann, and their emigration from Germany to England and the United States, as well as prewar documents relating t...

  16. Cantor David Aptowitzer Family fonds

    Mohel Cantor D. Aptowitzer Circumcision Register, Book 1, bris 1 to 190 - September 1965 - September 1972; Mohel Cantor D. Aptowitzer Circumcision Register, Book 2, bris 191 to 858 - April 1973 - January 1986; Mohel Cantor D. Aptowitzer Circumcision Register, Book 3, bris 859 to 1444 - January 1986 - March 2000; Mohel Cantor D. Aptowitzer Circumcision Register, Book 4, bris 1445 to 1464 - July 2000 - July 2006; Mohel Cantor D. Aptowitzer Circumcision Index Book (alphabetical); File 1 - Biographical Information, Wall, Lawrence. “Aptowitzer memoirs document lines of turmoil, survival.” The Bu...

  17. Leo Frobenius

    1. Biographical press cuttings collection (1945-1970s)

    "Leo Viktor Frobenius (29 June 1873 – 9 August 1938) was an ethnologist and archaeologist and a major figure in German ethnography."--wikipedia (English)(viewed 26.7.2016). "Carl August Hugo Froelich (5 September 1875 – 12 February 1953) was a German film pioneer and film director. He was born and died in Berlin."--wikipedia (English)(viewed 26.7.2016). "Gustav Fröhlich (21 March 1902 – 22 December 1987) was a German actor and film director. He landed secondary roles in a number of films and plays before landing his breakthrough role of Freder Fredersen in Fritz Lang's 1927 film Metropolis....

  18. Karny-Chamech family. Collection

    This collection contains: pre-war photos of the Karny-Chamech family from Liège ; a group photo of the Comité de l'Union Sioniste de Liège, 1928 ; pre-war photos of Léa Karny, her future husband Stanislas Gol and her future brother-in-law Samson Ajzenberg while in medical school ; war-time photos of Léa Karny and husband Stanislas Gol in Portugal ; photos of Stanislas Gol, husband of Léa Karny, while serving in the Brigade Piron ; war-time photos of Jean Gol, son of Léa Karny and Stanislas Gol ; post-war photos of meetings of the Brigade Piron ; military documents of Stanislas Gol and Samso...

  19. Fonds Ministères.

    Ce fonds comprend la correspondance échangée entre le CCIB et plusieurs ministères. Le ministère de la Justice traita de questions de traitements, pensions, nominations de rabbins, des aumôniers, de la reconnaissance légale de communautés ou encore de décorations octroyées (1911-1938) [dossier], correspondance diverse (1874-1904) [dossier], correspondance diverse relative à l’attribution de subsides, aux aumôniers de prison, à la reconnaissance de communautés (1870-1925) [dossier], correspondance diverse notamment concernant la Communauté Israélite orthod...

  20. Dossier A Physionomie d'ensemble du Gouvernement dit de l'Etat français 1 et 2. lettre adressée par le Maréchal Pétain à Charles Maurras le 24 juillet 1944 (2 ex.) 3. cote vacante 4 à 4 ter. copie d'une lettre de Charles Maurras au Maréchal Pétain lui transmettant des messages des Carmélites de Lisieux

    1. Haute Cour de justice. Volume 9 Haute Cour de justice. Rép. num. détaillé dact., par M.-Th. Chabord, 11 vol., 2420 p. Volume 7 : 3w/217-3w/250

    Dossier A Physionomie d'ensemble du Gouvernement dit de l'Etat français 1 et 2. lettre adressée par le Maréchal Pétain à Charles Maurras le 24 juillet 1944 (2 ex.) 3. cote vacante 4 à 4 ter. copie d'une lettre de Charles Maurras au Maréchal Pétain lui transmettant des messages des Carmélites de Lisieux, 11 octobre 1940 5 et 5 bis. notes concernant la dissolution des partis, s.d. 6. constatations et réflexions d'un maire d'une petite commune de France, août 1940 7. compte rendu des entretiens de Vichy des 4, 5 et 6 août 1943 8. tendances de l'opinion, 1°-2 octobre 1940 8 bis. nouvelles de la...