
Displaying items 9,521 to 9,540 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Emanuel E. and Dorothea G. Minskoff papers

    The Emanuel E. and Dorothea G. Minskoff papers include correspondence, photographs, printed materials, a scrapbook, and subject files documenting Emanuel E. Minskoff’s work for the Individual Assets Investigation Branch in postwar Europe, his work on the I.G. Farben Trial, and Dorothea G. Minskoff’s work on the Ministries Trial, which were part of the Subsequent Nuremberg Proceedings in Nuremberg, Germany. The papers also include information about Emanuel E. Minskoff’s work for the Treasury Department’s Foreign Assets Control Division regarding remittances to and trade with China in the ear...

  2. Records of the Gendarmerie Kreis Hermansbad (Ciechocinek, Poland) (Sygn. 71)

    Contains information about the persecution of Jews and Roma; resettlement of Polish and German nationals; homosexuals placed in preventive custody; deportations of Jews and non-Jews; Jewish communities; Jews transported to Chelmno killing center in April 1942; Jewish labor battalions; escaped prisoners of war; political prisoners; statistics on Jewish populations; expropriation of Jewish property; killing of Jews who tried to escape from Inowroclaw (a.k.a Hohensalza) Ghetto; transports; Warsaw Ghetto Uprising; and compulsory and slave labor, Reel 1 contains collections of newsletters or Mel...

  3. Shames family collection

    The collection consists of pre-war photographs of the Shames family in Warsaw, Poland and post-war photographs in Lwów, Poland (Lviv, Ukraine), Siberia, Berlin, Germany, Israel, and the United States. Includes two photographs of the family on a ship during their immigration to the United States. Some of the photographs are copy prints.

  4. Eichmann Trial -- Session 47 -- Testimony of witness Itzchak Nechama about the July 11, 1942 Aktion against the male Jews of Salonika, Greece

    Opening shot of the courtroom. Adolf Eichmann sits in the booth. Lawyers for the defense and the prosecution are seated at their respective desks with their backs to the camera. The judges enter. All rise and Judge Moshe Landau asks Deputy State Attorney Yaacov Bar-Or to proceed. There appears to have been a brief recess after the entering of many documents into the record and the footage picks up after this. Itzchak Nechama takes the witness stand (00:01:35) and is sworn in. He testifies about his military service in the Greek army, the demobilization of his unit, and his return to Salonik...

  5. Records of the Subprefect of Heves County, 1867-1950

    • Heves vármegye alispánjának iratai, 1867-1950

    The fond of the records of the Subprefect is one of the key collections pertaining to the history of the Jewish communities and the Holocaust in Heves County. The most relevant parts are the following: IV. 404.a. Administrative records, 1876-1944 The material from the years 1938-1943 (boxes 492-748), include records concerning the implementation of the anti-Jewish laws and instances of bureaucratic and illegal antisemitic measures, including the withdrawal of trade licences and permits, quitting rental agreements of Jews, exclusion of Jews from the municipal committees and social organizati...

  6. Friends in Budapest City Park

    “Danubius Pathé Baby Budapest” Schiffer family and relatives walk through the park and pose for the camera. Gyuri Pinter lights cigarette, Alice and Erzsébet in funny hats. Gyuri at left (01:45) kisses his wife Alice (Ernö’s youngest sister). Ernö briefly appears at the right (01:58) (he must have handed the camera over to Gyuri). “Danubius Pathé Baby Budapest”

  7. Waldmann family papers

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of the Waldmann family, originally of Bad Windsheim, Germany. Included are German passports, family history, immigration documents, restitution paperwork, correspondence, and photographs regarding brothers Leopold, Max, and Sigmund, and their families including their mother Emma Esther Waldmann, and Max’s wife Charlotte and sons Kurt and Otto. Biographical materials include Charlotte Waldmann’s German passport which also included her sons Kurt and Otto; Emma Esther Waldmann’s German identification card and passport, packing inventory, r...

  8. Schiffer family in Hungary

    Excursions and leisure time for the Schiffer family, including the locations (in reverse order) of Hűvösvölgy (park-like suburb in Buda hills), Kevely Nyereg, Janoshegy (tallest mountain in Buda), Margit Island, the Tatra mountains, and Zabar (a village where a Berkes cousin had a farm). According to the label, shots include friends: the Berkes family, the Brody family, Laci Fodor, and Jancsi Straus, among others. (00:14) Cousin Andris Berkes rides horse in pasture in Zabar showing off his riding skills. (02:23) Family gathers outdoors at a table at a restaurant in Margit Island, posing and...

  9. UNRRA selected records AG-018-017 : Denmark Mission

    Consists of monthly reports, statistics, financial records and correspondence relating to assistance to displaced persons, repatriation cases, tracing of war victims, and welfare activities of the Danish Red Cross and other voluntary agencies.

  10. Almanacs AZ 1939 (5699-5700) évre

    1. George Pick family collection

    Jewish Hungarian almanac for 1939 edited by the Women's Auxiliary of the National Jewish Girls' Orphanage preserved by Gyorgy Pick and his parents Istvan and Margit during the war in Budapest, Hungary. It includes a calendar with corresponding Hebrew calendar dates, information about major Jewish holidays, essays, and artwork and was sold to provide aid money for those who lost thier jobs. Ten year old Gyorgy and his parents lived in hiding in Budapest, Hungary, from November 1944-January 1945. Hungary was an ally of Nazi Germany and adopted similar anti-Jewish laws in the 1930s. Istvan, an...

  11. Prayer book

    1. George Pick family collection

    Prayer book, Mirjam, written for Jewish women by the Chief Rabbi of Budapest, used by Gizella Augenfeld Pick in the Budapest ghetto during the war. It was preserved by her grandson Gyorgy Pick and his parents Istvan and Margit during the war in Budapest, Hungary. Ten year old Gyorgy and his parents lived in hiding in Budapest, Hungary, from November 1944-January 1945. Hungary was an ally of Nazi Germany and adopted similar anti-Jewish laws in the 1930s. Istvan, an engineer, lost his job in May 1939 because he was Jewish. He was conscripted into Hungarian labor battalions in 1940, 1943, and ...

  12. Yearbook AZ 1943 évre

    1. George Pick family collection

    1943 Hungarian Jewish almanac from the National Jewish Girls Orphanage, 5th year, preserved by Gyorgy Pick and his parents Istvan and Margit during the war in Budapest, Hungary. It is a literary anthology of Jewish authors addressing issues such as the history of Hungarian Jewish literature and what can be learned from the current crisis of the Jews. Ten year old Gyorgy and his parents lived in hiding in Budapest, Hungary, from November 1944-January 1945. Hungary was an ally of Nazi Germany and adopted similar anti-Jewish laws in the 1930s. Istvan, an engineer, lost his job in May 1939 beca...

  13. Hungarian Jews a Hundred Years Ago A Magyar zsidóság száz év elótt; Statisztikai kistükör [Book] Statisztikai kistükör

    1. George Pick family collection

    Partial section of a book, Hungarian Jews a Hundred Years Ago: A Statistical Mirror preserved by Gyorgy Pick and his parents Istvan and Margit during the war in Budapest, Hungary. It contains a 19th century census of Jews according to profession as well as information on the number of synagogues and hospitals. Ten year old Gyorgy and his parents lived in hiding in Budapest, Hungary, from November 1944-January 1945. Hungary was an ally of Nazi Germany and adopted similar anti-Jewish laws in the 1930s. Istvan, an engineer, lost his job in May 1939 because he was Jewish. He was conscripted int...

  14. Ernst Levy Collection

    The collection consists of official and private documents belonging to members of the Levy and Thilo families, including their correspondence and photographs. It provides insights into the lives of a German-Jewish and a German-British family before, during and after the Nazi era. Although containing materials from several individuals, the majority of the papers pertains to Ernst Moritz Levy and his wife Helen Levy-Thilo. Related to the lives of the protagonists, this exceptionally rich collection covers a wide range of subjects, including among others: German immigrants in the North of Engl...

  15. Wing shaped Portuguese Air Force pin given to a young Jewish refugee by friends in Lisbon

    1. Michel Shadur family collection

    Airman's lapel pin given to 13 year old Joseph Schadur by friends in Portugal during his family's flight from Nazi dominated Europe. It was given to him by two brothers, Sebastio and Jose Alameida, who came to the family's aid when they were stranded in Alcobaca during Christmas 1940. The men were air force officers and Joseph believed it was a Portuguese Air Force pin, but it may be an advertisement for an inn frequented by airmen. Joseph's father, Michel, left Germany in 1935 because the Nazi government's anti-Jewish policies were making it dangerous to live there. His wife, Manja, their ...

  16. HIAS-JCA Emigration Association (HICEM), Paris (Fond 740)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Administrative files of the council of HICEM, including minutes, reports of the HICEM’s bureau of statistics, and finance department, circulars, and field trip reports. Other materials include reports on the status of Jews in various countries, lists of emigrants, reports on conferences, including minutes taken at the 1938 Evian conference, bulletins and periodicals issued by HICEM, press and media clippings, correspondence with branches and organizations in various countries, including correspondence with local HICEM branches, local charities and Jewish communities, correspondences with in...

  17. Jewish National Fund, Paris (Fond 44) Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael (Fond 44)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    This collection contains office records of the Jewish National Foundation (Karen Kaemeth Leizrael, K.K.L.), whose headquarters were in Paris and which was known as the "Fund National Juif." Topics include meetings and conferences, activities of local branches, Zionist propaganda, the celebration of Jewish holidays, and raising money for Palestine. Documents include declarations; circular letters and instructions; activity reports; meeting minutes of the Executive Committee; lists of commissariats of the organization in France and North Africa; name lists of "authorized representatives" and ...

  18. The Grand Lodges of B'nai B'rith in Yugoslavia and Greece and their affiliated lodges [Consolidated collection] Velikie lozhi evreiskogo ordena "Bnei-Brit" v lugoslavii i Gretsii i ikh dochernie lozhi Bnei Brith-Großloge und Tochterlogen Griechenlands und Jugoslawiens (Fond 1225)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Records relating to the activities of the Grand Lodge of B'nai B'rith in Yugoslavia and its affiliated lodges "Serbia", "Sarajevo" and “Zagreb." Consists of circular letters, register of proceedings ("Serbia" lodge), list of board members, biographical information on the leaders, letters of recommendation and application of candidates, bylaws, minutes and agendas of the meetings (“Zagreb" and "Sarajevo"), list of members and leaders of the "Menorah" lodges in Osijek and "Manat Yad" in Subotica; correspondence with the Yugoslav authorities, various reports on activities (struggle against ant...

  19. Jewish Community of Salonika Jüdische Gemeinde Saloniki (Fond 1428)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    The collection contains registration documents of the Jewish community of Salonica (Thessaloniki), including meeting minutes of the Jewish Community Council; candidate lists for emigration; materials of the community's refugee committee; lists of refugees; applications for permission to relocate to Palestine, and documents on the life of Jewish settlers in Palestine; minutes and decisions of the Beth Din (mostly on damage cases); marriage contracts; financial accounts of charities; information about schools; diverse documents including rent receipts, a memorandum to the government regarding...

  20. "Daughter" Lodges of the Great Lodge of Germany of the Jewish Order, B'nai B'rith Bnei Brith-Tochterlogen in Deutschland (Fond 1219)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Correspondence and minutes of meetings (1936-1937) of the "Leibnitz" lodge of B'nai B'rith in Hannover. The documents relate mainly to organizational matters, listing of lectures, etc. Included is a notice of May 26, 1936, that all meetings must be registered with the Gestapo and with a Gestapo representative in attendance, as well as correspondence with a nurses' association that was an affiliate of B'nai B'rith in Allenstein, East Prussia (currently Olsztyn, Poland). The Gestapo also reserved the right to cancel any meeting which does not take place at the exact time as registered. Note: ...