
Displaying items 9,341 to 9,360 of 10,320
  1. Heinz Praeger papers

    The Heinz Praeger papers include biographical materials, photographs, and printed materials documenting Heinz Praeger, his prewar life in Germany, and his wartime years as a refugee with his wife and son in Shanghai. Biographical materials include three copies of a brief biography of Heinz Praeger by Michael Carlon describing Praeger’s childhood in Berlin, antisemitic persecution in the 1930s, his imprisonment in Dachau after Kristallnacht, his relocation to Shanghai, meeting and marrying his wife, the birth of their son, the family’s immigration to the United States, and their lives in New...

  2. P.75 - Rachel Minc collection

    P.75 - Rachel Minc collection Rachel Minc (born in Lodz, Poland, in 1899 and died in 1978) is a Polish-born French Jewish educator and writer who worked for the rescue of Jewish children during the Second World War. She studied educational psychology and pedagogy in Berlin, and then in the Scandinavian countries, where she met the anti-fascist pedagogue Minna Specht, founder, with Leonard Nelson, of the German resistance movement to Nazism, the Internationaler Sozialistischer Kampfbund (ISK). This movement was banned by the Nazis in 1933 and after the war allied with the German Social Democ...

  3. M.40.MAP - The Military Archive in Podolsk - Documentation from the Central Archive of the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense

    M.40.MAP - The Military Archive in Podolsk - Documentation from the Central Archive of the Russian Ministry of Defence The collection contains documentation from TSAMO (Central Archive of the Russian Ministry of Defence ) including information regarding the murder of the Jews of Moldavia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, France, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Hungary, Belorussia, Ukraine and more. There is also information regarding the Gypsies, such as the concentration of Gypsies, their living conditions and their murder. Description of the collection: 1. Camps Concentration camps, extermin...

  4. Documentation from the State Archives of Saint Petersburg

    In the Record Group there is documentation selected from the TSGA SPb (Central State Archive of St. Petersburg) from the years 1918-1955, and from the Central State Archive of Historical and Political Documentation (the former archive of the Communist Party), 1941-1973. The Records Group in Yad Vashem contains 3,136 files.In the Records Group there is documentation from the following collections: The Collection of the Department for Nationalist Minority Matters of the Regional Executive Committee of St. Petersburg, 1918-1923:Reports regarding the activities of Jewish schools, orphanages and...

  5. Letters and postcards from the Holocaust period and regarding it

    In the Records Group there are personal letters collected by Yad Vashem since its founding. The letters were written before, during and after the Holocaust period in the Nazi occupied countries in ghettos, camps and hiding places and in the countries to which the Jewish refugees from Europe succeeded in escaping to before and during the Holocaust. The letters were sent to family members, relatives, acquaintances, friends and close friends in European countries and countries across the sea.In the collection there are letters written outside the boundaries of Europe and sent to Jews living in...

  6. The Military Archive in Podolsk - Documentation from the Central Archive of the Russian Ministry of Defence

    1. Documentation regarding the Holocaust from the Central Archives in Moscow, 1939-1945

    The collection contains documentation from TSAMO (Central Archive of the Russian Ministry of Defence) including information regarding the murder of the Jews of Moldavia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, France, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Hungary, Belorussia, Ukraine and more. There is also information regarding the Gypsies, such as the concentration of Gypsies, their living conditions and their murder. Description of the collection: 1. Camps Concentration camps, extermination camps, camps for forced laborers, POW camps and more, transports of Jews, robbery, selection, those running the ca...

  7. Riječka prefektura

    • Prefettura di Fiume
    • The prefecture of Rijeka

    The collection is important for the study of the state policy/politics of the Kingdom of Italy in the area of ​​Rijeka (Kvarner province) from 1941 to 1945 and the neighboring areas annexed beginning of World War II . Most of it consists of cabinet and general files whose content is similar , with the cabinet records documenting more political , administrative and general and administrative jurisdiction of the creator. Cabinet and general files are archived from 1924 to 1945 according to three classification systems , and the names of their individual components best reflect the content of ...

  8. Michael Marrus fonds

    Fonds consists of correspondence, news clippings, reports, reviews, appointment calendars, and other records relating to Michael R. Marrus’s education, academic career, publishing record and university and community service. In particular, records document Prof. Marrus’s prestigious career as a historian of the Holocaust and an expert on the relationships between Christians and Jews (predominantly in France) during World War Two, and also document his involvement in ongoing concerns in the Jewish community, both pertaining to faith and Zionism. In particular, Prof. Marrus’s extensive publis...

  9. Papers of P.Goldberg

    Treasury of prayer Papers relating to the United Synagogue and Chief Rabbinate: List of the United Synagogue archive by Cecil Roth, 1930; Act of Parliament, 14 Jul 1870; Acts of Parliament, 1880, 1926 and 1954; 2 deeds of foundation and trust, 13 Jan 1871; annual reports, 1923-40 [not complete]; account of joint celebration, 1931; notes on synagogue membership, 1936; 2 copies of the United Synagogue newsletter, 1941; laws and bye-laws of the Burial Society, 1955. Notes of day to day decisions by Sir R.Waley-Cohen, 1945-6; notes of general meetings, 1945; notes on staff and salaries, 1931-45...

  10. Archives of the Anglo-Jewish Association

    Jewish Monthly Jewish Monthly Papers of the council of the Association: minute books, 1871- 1962, carbons of correspondence, apologies and nominations, 1952, lists of members, expenditure sheets and annual reports, 1950-1, AGM minutes, 1953-6, chairman's and secretary's agenda and notes book, 1926-39. Executive committee minute books, 1874-1909. Papers of committees, including the executive committee, the finance committee, press and media committee, publications committee and membership committee: executive committee minute books, 1874-1909; financial material, including cash books, invest...

  11. Ilse Eton papers

    A large part of the collection relates to restitution claims made by Helene Ursell, Leo Einhorn and Ilse Eton herself. Helene Ursell was represented in Germany by a former family friend and lawyer, the previous mayor of Attendorn. Her claim was for the loss of property, including furnishings, paintings, silverware etc. and the legacy of her parents. She also brought a case for her pension claims as the widow of Siegfried Ursell Leo Einhorn started his claim in 1955 and he went through the United Restitution Office (URO) who represented his claim, mainly compensation for his imprisonment and...

  12. Hakker-Wach family. Collection

    This collection contains four biscuit boxes with prints referring to "Antwerpse handjes", the cookie invented by Joseph Hakker, grandfather of the donor ; seven baking tins used in the Hakker bakery, including a mould to cut "Antwerpse handjes" ; three tablecloths from Phylis Wach's trousseau ; three pieces of table silver owned by Phylis's father Wolf Wach ; documents including adds published by the Hakker bakery, several postcards sent from the Dossin barracks and the Drancy transit camp, and a booklet with notes on the illness of his mother Rachel Simons by Simon Hakker ; photos illustra...

  13. Huvudarkivet

    1. Jewish Community of Stockholm
    • Central Archive
    • Huvudserien
    • Riksarkivet Täby
    • Huvudarkivet
    • English
    • 1771-2000
    • 73.4 linear meters. Textual records.

    The Central Archive (Huvudarkivet) includes the documents of the Jewish Community's governing council and the executive committee. The protocol series (A 1-3) includes scattered information about the Jewish Community of Stockholm's response to the situation of the Jews in Nazi-controlled Europe and decisions regarding various forms of aid activities. The B4 a-series contains the Jewish Community of Stockholm's journals and includes, among other periodicals, its member bulletin, Församlingsblad för Mosaiska församlingen i Stockholm, which, from 1940, regularly reported on the situation of ...

  14. URO-byrån för rättshjälp

    1. Jewish Community of Stockholm
    • URO Legal Aid Office
    • Riksarkivet Täby
    • URO-byrån för rättshjälp
    • English
    • 1953-1975
    • 53,3 linear meters of textual material.

    The archive contains a card index to compensation cases from 1953 to 1975 and over 600 personal files with several thousand compensation cases in the same period. The claims files contain both standardized personal data about the clients, such as age, gender, origin, religious affiliation, and information about the crimes they suffered at the hands of the Nazi regime in Germany. The applications also contain testimonies written by the applicants about the crimes they suffered. These accounts are detailed but often very factual and concise as they are shaped by the legal process in which the...

  15. Zbirka okupatorjevi zapori in taborišča, 1936-1963

    • Collection Occupier's Prisons and Camps, 1936-1963
    • Arhiv Republike Slovenije
    • SI AS 1769
    • English
    • 1936-1963
    • 1,60 running meters of records, photographic material, printed material, manuscript material

    The collection contains personal documents, letters, certificates, diaries, poems, memoirs of internees and prisoners in Italian and German concentration camps and prisons; lists of internees, prisoners and deportees 1941-1945; certificates of German camps on the reception or release of internees 1941-1945 (Allach, Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Flossenbürg, Dachau, Mauthausen, Natzweiler, Ravensbrück, Sachsenhausen, Neuengamme, Strnišče pri Ptuju, Borl castle prison), the records of the Celje Judicial Prisons (reports, organizational matters, personnel matters); camp newsletters (Dachauski reporte...


    The collection contains the following materials: 1. 85 questioners with testimonies of children. In each questionnaire the children were required to write down their names, place and year of birth and also share their experiences during the war. Because the children were deported to different places in Transnistria it is possible to form a comprehensive picture of the camps and ghettos in Transnistria. (85 testimonies, handwritten original in Yiddish [with Hebrew translation]). 2. Two Booklets with a selection of 25 testimonies in Yiddish [Written in Hebrew letters]. (120 pages, Handwritten...

  17. Alphabetical Files, A-Z

    1. World Jewish Congress
    2. Alphabetical Files

    Box H1. Folder 1. Aden, 1947-1948 Box H1. Folder 2. Aden, 1958-1968 Box H1. Folder 3. Aden, Aden Chronicle, Messa, Bentob, 1960-1967 Box H1. Folder 4. Aden, disturbances, 1947-1948 Box H1. Folder 5. Aden, Jewish Emergency Committee, 1947-1949 Box H1. Folder 6. Aden, Kubowitzki, Aryeh L., mission, 1949 Box H1. Folder 7. Aden, Messa, Bentob, 1965, 1967 Box H1. Folder 8. Aden, Organization Department, 1947-1950 Box H1. Folder 9. Aden, Organization Department, 1951-1952 Box H1. Folder 10. Aden, Organization Department, 1953-1959 Box H1. Folder 11. Aden, Political Department, 1956, 1958-1962 Box...

  18. Dossier C L'Ambassade en Espagne 1 à 15. scellé n° 17 photographies de dates diverses 16 à 20. scellé n° 15 photographie parue dans la presse espagnole représentant le Maréchal Pétain saluant les drapeaux allemands qui lui rendant les honneurs et lettre de l'Agence Havas de Madrid à la Maréchale Pétain

    1. Haute Cour de justice. Volume 9 Haute Cour de justice. Rép. num. détaillé dact., par M.-Th. Chabord, 11 vol., 2420 p. Volume 7 : 3w/217-3w/250

    Dossier C L'Ambassade en Espagne 1 à 15. scellé n° 17 photographies de dates diverses 16 à 20. scellé n° 15 photographie parue dans la presse espagnole représentant le Maréchal Pétain saluant les drapeaux allemands qui lui rendant les honneurs et lettre de l'Agence Havas de Madrid à la Maréchale Pétain, 15 décembre 1939 21 à 86. scellé ouvert n° 4 acceptation par Pétain de son ambassade et documents relatifs aux accords Bérard-Jordana et à leurs conséquences (bordereau détaillé sur la chemise du dossier) 87 à 108 bis. scellé n° 4 relations franco-espagnoles en 1939 (bordereau détaillé sur l...

  19. Leather suitcase used by a German Jewish boy while on a refugee transport

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn549447
    • English
    • a: Height: 4.250 inches (10.795 cm) | Width: 19.500 inches (49.53 cm) | Depth: 11.750 inches (29.845 cm) b: Height: 1.375 inches (3.493 cm) | Width: 20.500 inches (52.07 cm) | Depth: 12.250 inches (31.115 cm) c: Height: 1.125 inches (2.858 cm) | Width: 6.125 inches (15.558 cm) | Depth: 2.000 inches (5.08 cm)

    Small brown leather suitcase used by Fritz (later Fred) Strauss while part of a refugee transport of children from Germany between 1939 and 1941. In response to the 1935 Nuremberg Laws and growing anti-Semitism in their small town, Fritz’s mother sent him, in 1936, to Frankfurt to attend school at a large Jewish orphanage. Within three years, anti-Semitism in Frankfurt had grown, and on March 8, 1939, Fritz was sent on a transport to Paris, France, with ten other children. Fritz and the other Orthodox children moved to new towns multiple times in the area around Paris, but managed to contin...

  20. Drawing of a couple in hiding reading a Bible

    1. Jacob Barosin collection

    Drawing depicting Jacob Barosin’s experiences while interned or living in hiding in southern France from June 1940 to August 1943. In June 1933, Jacob and Sonia Barosin (previously Judey) immigrated illegally to Paris, France, in order to escape the anti-Jewish laws passed following the appointment of Adolf Hitler as chancellor of Germany in January. Jacob voluntarily enlisted in the French military following the 1939 German invasion of Poland. In May1940, Germany invaded France, Jacob and Sonia were arrested as enemy aliens, and Sonia was transported to Gurs internment camp. On June 2, Jac...