
Displaying items 9,101 to 9,120 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Eichmann Trial -- Session 93 -- Transports to Trawniki, Sobibor; Einsatzgruppen; discussion of the Fuehrerprinzip

    Footage begins in the middle of Session 93 during cross-examination of the accused by Attorney General Gideon Hausner concerning the Trawniki labor camp. Eichmann is questioned about the date of transfer of the camp to the Economic-Administrative Head Office and whether in 1942 the Jews arriving at the camp were immediately sent for extermination. The opening segment is repeated after a break in the footage. Hausner presents a document to Eichmann and asks him if Odilo Globocnik was Oswald Pohl's representative in charge of implementing extermination in Poland. [Globocnik oversaw the camp i...

  2. Marcel Wolf Zyto papers

    The Marcel Wolf Zyto papers include pre-war, wartime, and post-war biographical materials documenting Marcel Wolf Zyto, who survived the war living under the false name of Marcel or Pierre Benoît in France, as well as his parents and his sister. The collection also includes restitution files documenting Zyto’s efforts to receive restitution from the French, German, and Swiss governments, and subject files documenting Zyto’s autobiography, his support for a memorial plaque for Jean-Jacques Rothstein, and his search for his sister’s burial place. Jacob and Syma Zyto materials include copies a...

  3. Barbie Trial -- Day 5 -- Discussion of the UGIF and Izieu raids

    16:23 President Cerdini continues presenting an exhibit relating to the raid at the UGIF [Union générale des Israélites de France] in Lyon on February 9, 1943 16:25 A clerk reads a report signed by Barbie on the 11th of February 1943 16:29 Cerdini presents Barbie's reaction to being shown the report 16:31 Prosecution lawyer Klarsfeld gives further arguments relating to Barbie's report from February 11, 1943 16:34 Cerdini introduces into evidence a telegram sent by Barbie on February 11, 1943 16:35 Clerk reads the telegram 16:37 Jury examines the telegram (French translation), and Barbie's s...

  4. Touring the sights in London; returning to New York on Georgic

    Title card: “LONDON: Picadilly Circus – Trafalgar Square – Horse Guards - Cenotaph.” Visiting London. Piccadilly Circus. Street scenes of a policeman directing traffic. Double decker buses. Trafalgar Square. Street scenes. Horse guards. The Cenotaph. Title card: “Westminister Abbey – Big Ben – Parliament.” Big Ben with external scaffolding around it. Westminster Abbey. Parliament building from across the Thames. Street scenes in London. Horse-drawn cabs. Group of people, including policemen, crossing the street, then pans to a CU of Ruth Carlson Horn. Street scenes of double decker buses. A...

  5. Belgian couples tour Germany; "Jews not wanted here" sign

    The de Brouwers and their neighbors Joseph and Yvonne de Hemptinne, continue on a self-guided tour through Germany in July 1936. Map of Germany and a sketch of the Neiderwald statue in Rudesheim with the title "Visite a le Germania." Landscape and towns by the banks of the Rhine taken from a boat. 00:14:39 Yvonne, Denise, and Joseph pose and walk towards the camera. 00:14:50 CUs of the Neiderwald monument. Tourists at the monument overlooking the Rhine. 00:15:01 Sketch of two beer steins and the title "Ein Zweite Prosit." Joseph and Carl drink in a restaurant. Men play a guitar and an accor...

  6. Sally and Erna Isenberg tour Geneva and vicinity

    [VQ begins poor] Erna in bed. EXT of Geneva with apartments and river. Another view of Erna reading or writing in bed followed by city views. 01:00:34 An outdoor entertaining space on street level. Street scenes and lake-views. People with umbrellas on a platform. CUs of Erna eating. Cat jumps off ledge. Erna Isenberg walks by a train. Erna types on a typewriter. Scenic views of landscape. INT, pan of dining room with tables and waiters in tuxedos. Views of a boat on a lake from hotel window. City street scenes, bicycles, traffic. 01:04:05 Entrance to Hotel Beau Rivage in Geneva, Switzerlan...

  7. Budapest city sights

    “Danubius Pathé Baby Budapest” Various scenes in Budapest filmed from a streetcar, possibly made by when Laci when he visited from New York in 1930. Street scenes, bridge crossing Danube river, Streetcar #9, Gellért Hill, people hike up the hill. (01:18) Children at the playground, slides. Views of Budapest city from the overlook point on Gellert Hill. (01:40) CU, Erzsébet (just pregnant with János). CU, Ernö poses and waves. Citadel. Pan of the Danube river. “Danubius Pathé Baby Budapest”

  8. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 66 and 67 -- Evidence on Auschwitz, Belzec, Chelmno

    Session 66: Witness Simon Srebnik. Speaks about dismantling the camp of Chelmno. He was shot, he shows his wound to court and describes how he pretended to be dead in order to escape. 00:04:02 Describes the Russians arriving and being liberated. 00:05:30 Asked about his mother. 00:06:34 Cuts out. Witness Ya'akov Wiernik. Discussing photograph, sketch and a model of Treblinka. 00:07:49 Using pointer he explains what the photograph of the model shows - the geography of the camps. 00:09:46 Discusses where the men and women went. 00:11:26 Shows where the gas chambers were. 00:12:43 Cuts out. Wi...

  9. Liberation of Buchenwald and Dachau

    Narration begins before image. Introduces narrator, Norman Krasna, and the film crew, Capt. Ellis Carter and Lt. William Graf, from the Air Force Film Unit. Entrance to Buchenwald. Crowd of former inmates with a band playing. Inmates preparing food. CU of prisoners, some talking - narration lists different nationalities of Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Belgian, French, Norwegian, Czech, English and American. More shots of inmates cooking, looking out windows. Group shot of young male inmates, plus CU, including Henry Kinast. Four year old prisoner boy is Joseph Schleifstein, born 7 March 1941...

  10. Jewish Labor Company 252/2 in Kiszombor (continued) and Királyhegyes

    Agfa 8 logo. Part two of Pető ’s film of the Jewish Labor Company 252/2 in Kiszombor, Hungary from September to October 1940. Hungarian titles throughout. “Egy pár derűs pillanat a Kiszombori zsidó munkásszázad életéből” “II. Resz” Title written on a stylized pillow: “Piheno” INTs, barracks with mattresses on the ground and coats hanging along the walls, men chatting with armbands. In streets, two men (one in uniform) speaking, others gathered around, man rides bicycle. Closer shots of five workers with armbands standing in a line, some smiling. Man in sunlight laying on bed indoors, eating...

  11. Family in park in Budapest

    “Danubius Pathé Baby Budapest” A continuation of Film ID 4401, where a group of Schiffer family members walks toward the camera, posing for the camera. Ernö gestures at the cameraman, and waves/sends kisses (possibly to the NY branch of the family). Jonas Schiffer with a cane sits on a bench and smokes his pipe. More shots of the Schiffers walking in the park, posing, probably in 1929 or 1930. “Danubius Pathé Baby Budapest”

  12. Germans and Czechs in the Sudetenland

    Reel 6 Anna lives with her German father Mayor Jobst at a rural estate near Budweis in the Sudetenland. Her mother, of Czech origin, killed herself because of an unfulfilled desire to return to her native town of Prague. Already engaged to a young peasant from the village, Anna is attracted to the engineer Christian Leidwein from Prague and travels to the 'Golden City' to visit him. While staying with the family of her mother and working in their tobacco store, she is seduced and made-pregnant by cousin Toni Opferkuch. Her changing morals are accompanied by her changing appearance -- jewelr...

  13. Schiffer family posing for the camera in City Park

    “Danubius Pathé Baby Budapest” A continuation of Film ID 4402, adults pose for the camera in a park. (02:02) Gyuri playfully photographs the cameraman, Ernö. Jonas and Jenny Schiffer. “Danubius Pathé Baby Budapest”

  14. Spitzer family photographs

    The Spitzer family photographs consist of seven prewar, wartime, and postwar photographs of the Spitzer family of Iași, Romania and their relatives. The photographs depict Anton and Fany Spitzer and their children, Sara, Nathan, and Lily as well as Fany’s sister and brother, Chana and Lazar Wax, and a cousin, Simcha Wax.

  15. Sig Feiger papers

    1. Sig Feiger collection

    Documents and correspondence illustrating the Feiger family's experiences in Austria during the time period surrounding the Holocaust, including their immigration to the United States, England, and Cuba from Vienna, Austria in 1939-1943.

  16. Gertrude and William Nagel papers

    The Gertrude and William Nagel papers include photographs, birth certificates, education records, correspondence, and passports documenting Gertrude and William Nagel’s prewar experiences in Vienna, Austria as well as their wartime immigration to the United States, William Nagel’s service in the United States Army, and their families. Documents include records of William Nagel’s education in Vienna, Austria; naturalization as a U.S. citizen; enlistment in the U.S. Army; service as an intelligence officer interrogating German POWs in Germany; and honorable discharge with several commendation...

  17. Barbie Trial -- Day 7 -- The prosecution questions expert witnesses

    17:16 Witness Holtfort continues his testimony, explaining that there is written documentation coming from the January 20, 1942 conference about the decision to use Jews for forced labor, forcing them to create roads toward the East. Those who survived the labor needed a 'special treatment' (i.e. extermination). 17:20 Discussion of a document from 1942 in which Dannecker, the Paris head of the BDS-SIPO-SD, communicates to the head of the transport division in France the plan to exterminate French Jews.This information was disseminated from Paris to the regional offices, and the head of the ...

  18. Ruth Engelhardt Spivack Meyers papers

    1. Ruth Engelhardt Spivack Meyers collection

    The Ruth Engelhardt Spivack Meyers papers consist of biographical material, correspondence, subject files, and photographs relating to the experiences of Ruth Engelhardt who lived in the Montmorency OSE home in France prior to being sent on a 1941 USCOM transport to the United States, where she lived with the Spivack family in Cleveland. After the war, her mother, Helene Engelhardt, immigrated to the United States and they lived in New York. Biographical materials include a certificate of naturalization for the United States, a United States passport, and ID photographs for Helene Engelhard...

  19. UNRRA selected records AG-018-040 : Office of the Historian

    Selected files of the UNRRA Office of the Historian. Consists of publications and monographs: UNRRA monthly reviews, the Facts and Figures, Operational Analysis Papers, the Director General's Report to the Central Committee-Supply Operations, Documents of the Central Committee of the Council, Indexes to the Council Documents, United Nations Committee on UNRRA, the President Roosevelt's message to the First Council, reports to the Allied Governments, various agreements; Subject files: agreements, Richard Brown's diary of trip with congressmen, reports, correspondence, displaced persons files...

  20. Barbie Trial -- Day 10 -- Two former members of the Resistance testify

    13:37 President Cerdini calls the session to order; asks that the accused present himself; Barbie refuses to appear; Cerdini calls on the bailiff to compel the accused to appear 13:38 The bailiff reads the names of the witnesses scheduled to give testimony in the session; one witness who was scheduled to appear will not be able to appear in Lyon before June 5, 1987 13:40 Cerdini suspends the session while the bailiff goes to Barbie to compel him to appear 14:04 Cerdini calls the session to order; the bailiff reads Barbie's statement that he refuses to appear 14:07 Cerdini calls witness Irèn...