
Displaying items 9,001 to 9,020 of 10,857
  1. Speakers during dinner

    1. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection

    Dinner conference, unknown speaker talks about the conference. 10:27:55 Yugoslavian Col. Branko Pavlovic is introduced. He greets everyone on behalf of the Yugoslavian delegation. 10:31:03 Talks of Yugoslavia saying no to Hitler. Discusses uprising under Tito. 10:33:40 Hitler's victims, wounds fascism has inflicted upon the people. 10:35:15 Talks of never forgetting what has happened, the conference will help this. Peace must never be threatened. 10:38:10 Chairman introduces Prof. Col. G.I.A.D. Draper of the UK delegation. Thanks for UK delegation being invited, pays respect to the Chairman...

  2. Uprising panel

    1. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection

    Irving Greenberg moderates the Uprising panel and introduces the subject. He explains various modes of resistance. 01:02:19 Vladka Meed, courier in Warsaw Ghetto uprising. Explains her role as a member of the Jewish underground; had to obtain arms for the organization. 01:06:35 Explains about the uprising and the attack. Talks of unity of resistance and the plead for help from the Polish government in exile in England. (p. 164 "Liberation of Camps") 01:16:48 Richard Glazar, survivor of Treblinka camp and a part of the uprising. Explains character and conditions of camp. Antisemitism in Pola...

  3. Crkveno-śkolska everejska opśtina, Beograd Jewish Synagogue and school community in Belgrade Jüdische Synagogen-Ausbildung, Gemeinde Belgrad (Fond 1429)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Contains bylaws, minutes, lists of members of the Jewish community of Belgrade, correspondence with Jewish charitable societies and with various individuals on the construction of buildings, on establishing Jewish schools, shelters, and choir, on raising funds for the community fund, and on providing material aid to community members in need; birth registers and marriage contracts (1866-1940); a resolution on the payment of pensions to community employees; contracts with various firms and private individuals regarding the purchase of equipment and the leasing of buildings; lists of persons ...

  4. American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. European Executive Bureau in Paris, France (Fond 722)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Consist of records of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. European Executive Bureau in Paris: an organization statute, registration forms, files of the New York office; correspondence with branches in Riga, Budapest, Warsaw, and other European cities; and the Red Cross. Includes correspondence on visas and aid for emigrants, on the arrest of JDC official Isaac Gitterman, funding the evacuation of the Executive Committee from Paris to Bordeaux, and plans for refugee settlement in Haiti and South America. Other documents include cables on the hardships of Jews in Warsaw, a repor...

  5. Emigrants organizations Emigrantenorganisationen (Fond 1313)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Records of approximately ten small organizations of émigrés in Paris, including the Bund Freie Presse und Literatur (Bund Association for the Free Press and Literature, the Action Committee of German Oppositionists (Aktionsausschuss Deutscher Oppositioneller), and the Ligue Autrichienne (Austrian League). Includes correspondence, letter, application forms, individuals' biographical information forms, emigrants' requests for aid, postcards, notes, fragments of the Heinrich Mann book "An das deutsche Volk!: die Geburtstagsrede", and other printed materials. The largest file consists of 258 pa...

  6. World Union of Jewish Students, Vienna Weltverband der jüdischen Studentenschaft, Wien (Fond 1230)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    This collection contains office records of this international student organization. Included are protocols of general meetings and executive board meetings, correspondence, policy statements, proposals, and position papers to be presented at international conferences, press clippings, copies of an English-language publication “The Monthly News Sheet”; and a number of English-language records from the International Student Service. The collection contains correspondence with the Jewish Unions from other countries on holding conferences, uniting Jewish student’s organization into one single u...

  7. Romanian Army III Corps Armata a 3-a Română (Fond 493)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    This collection contains information on Soviet territory occupied by Romanian forces, as well as reports on the actions of Soviet parachutists and enemy guerrillas against Romanian and German forces in the area.

  8. Jewish unions and organizations Jüdische Gemeinden und Organisationen (Fond 1325)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Consists of various documents from and concerning Austria (67 files); Belgium (1 file); Britain (1 file); Czechoslovakia (1 file); France (3 files); Germany (87 files); Latvia (1 file); Poland (3 files); Yugoslavia (1 file); various countries of Europe, Asia and Africa (40 files); Zionist organization (8 files); Jewish emigration (4 files); Jewish political organizations (8 file); societies against antisemitism (4 files); studies of Jewish religion, philosophy and culture (23 files); and miscellaneous materials. Includes extensive correspondence with various organizations, minutes of meetin...

  9. Editorial Office of the Magazine "Hatikwah" of the Zionist Federation of Belgium, Brussels (Fond 145)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Correspondence with Jewish newspapers and Zionist and other international organizations. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.

  10. Zionist and other Jewish organizations in France (Fond 186)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Correspondence and reports of various organizations including the Western European International Zionist Youth Bureau, the Committee for the Defense of Rights of Jews in Central and Eastern Europe, the French Zionist Youth Federation, the Jewish Colonization Association, and other organizations. The records relate to administrative and financial matters, policy matters, antisemitism, and the situation of Jews in various countries. Includes also minutes of sessions of the international bureau of the Zionist Youth of Western Europe, the Committee for the Defense of the Rights of Jews in Centr...

  11. French Section of the International League Against Racism and Antisemitism, Paris Section française de la ligue internationale contre le racisme et antisémitisme, Paris (Fond 43)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Contains documents of the French Section's executive committee including meeting minutes; directives; congress and conference materials; correspondence with regional branches of the Section, state institutions, members, and other organizations; personal and group files; name lists of Section members; applications for membership; information about the work of the subcommittees, the boycott of German goods, a union of Jewish organizations, a youth committee, a young women's society, the editorial office of the Section newspaper Droit de vivre, the repression of Jews in France and elsewhere; r...

  12. Records of Jewish Youth Organization "Ring," Berlin Bund deutsch-jüdischer Jugend-Ring (Fond 1207)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Group's statute; leaflets to local groups; name lists of members; reports and articles on Jewish history and the history of the Jewish Union in Germany; professional questions of young Jewish women; copies of the organization's bulletins; internal correspondence including notices of lectures and financial questions; correspondence with a German-Jewish youth organization in Mannheim, showing the organization's policies, activities, and eventual decline; and correspondence with the Jewish organization "Frontovniks." Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.

  13. French Committee of the World Union Against Racism and Antisemitism, Paris Le Comité français du Rassemblement mondial contre le racisme et antisémitisme, Paris (Fond 97)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Contains a draft resolution and reports on the founding and structure of the World Union against Racism and Antisemitism, regulations to form committees of the union, circular letters, minutes of the meetings, 1937-1939, reports on the work of the Union’s French committee, list of members of the international executive committee office, lists of parties, unions, organizations affiliated with the World Union, informational bulletins, copies of a newspaper “La Droit de Vivre”, financial documentations, and numerous items of French committee correspondence with societies and organizations. The...

  14. International Executive Bureau of the International League Against Racism and Antisemitism, Paris Bureau exécutif international de la Ligue Internationale contre le racisme et anti-sémitisme, Paris (Fond 98)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    This collection contains the organization's rules and statutes in addition to circulars, protocols, reports, lists of organization members, preparations for conferences and congresses, measures relating to a boycott of German goods and the struggle against holding the Olympic games in Germany, information about activities in various countries, reports on the situation of Jews in various countries, financial documents, newsletters, news clippings, and published material. The collection also features the International Federation's voluminous correspondence with national committees and with ot...

  15. International Executive Committee of the International Union Against Racism and Antisemitism Comité Exécutif International du Rassemblement mondial contra le racisme et anti-sémitisme, Paris (Fond 99)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Contains records on the structure of the International Union (IU) including lists of members of organizations of the IU's French committee, executive committee members, and delegates of the 1st Congress (International Congress against Racism); records on demonstrations against racist propaganda; meeting minutes of the executive committee of the IU; reports, papers, and speeches presented at the IU's first three international conferences, held in 1937, 1938, and 1939; correspondence with affiliated organizations, foreign consulates, and embassies. The collection also includes informational b...

  16. The Union of Austrian Jewish State Zionists, Vienna Verband der Judenstaatszionisten Österreichs, Wien (Fond 727)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Files of the Union of Austrian Jewish State Zionists, Vienna. Included are appeals to help fellow Jews in Germany and a name list of Viennese and Graz Jews who gave monetary contributions; reports on the activities of the World Zionist Organization (WZO) and the Women’s International Zionist Organization (Wizo); minutes of meetings of the Zionist Organization of Holland (1919); informational circulars of the Hashomer Hatzair (1937), the Jewish Agricultural Societies (1933); financial statements; annual reports (1934-1937), materials on Zionist conferences; materials on aid to Jewish settlem...

  17. Association of Jewish Legitimists of Austria, Vienna Verband der jüdischen Legitimisten Österreichs, Wien (Fond 1189)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    The records of Fond 1189 contains materials related to the activities of the Union of Austrian Jewish legitimists, its board, and departments: the youth group, the legitimist Union of Jewish Women, the legitimist Jewish Veterans organization, and the editorial Office of the newspaper "Legitimist” the organ of the Union of Austrian Jewish Legitimists. Deposited in the collection are charter documents; minutes of general assembles of the union and of meetings of its board; correspondence with affiliated Jewish organizations and with organizations of war veterans and other organizations; finan...

  18. Records of the Executive Committee of the World Jewish Congress, Paris Exekutivkomitee des Jüdischen Weltkongresses, Paris (Fond 1190)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Records related to the organization of the First World Jewish Congress (WJC). Includes minutes of the sessions of the WJC central bureau and executive and administrative committees, accounts and correspondence related to the political and organizational activities of the Committee, letters, petitions, memoranda, and press releases related to the persecution of Jews in various countries, correspondence with Jewish organizations, international organization (League of Nations), government and public officials, lists of local WJC committee members and leaders of Jewish organizations in various ...

  19. Evreiskaia obshchina (g. Zagreb) Records of the Jewish Religious Community in Zagreb lsraeliticka bogoštovna op ina Zagreb (Fond 1441)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Correspondence related to the various activities of the Jewish community (public events, charity, educational and religious matters, membership duties etc.), correspondence with Jewish and Zionist organizations in Yugoslavia and worldwide, Yugoslav government authorities (Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs) and Zagreb City administration (petitions, requests, complaints, applications for the citizenship. residence permits etc.) The entire collection was copied in 2017, replacing a possibly incomplete version received in 1993.

  20. Executive Committee Vienna, "Judäa" Union of Jewish Students in Austria Exekutive des Gesamtverbandes jüdischer Studenten Österreichs "Judeja", Vien (Fond 712)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Organization's information bulletins, as well as a May 1933 report of the statistical section of a Zionist organization in Berlin (Zentralausschuss der deutschen Juden für Hilfe und Aufbau), which argues against the claim that Jews were over-represented in institutions of higher learning. Also included are statistics on Jews by province, a monograph "Michel Ezofowicz" by S. Hirschfeld, and a list of books held by the Judeja Law Library in Vienna. There is also correspondence with Jewish student unions in Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia on the calling of the First World Jewish Congress i...