
Displaying items 861 to 880 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Judge Advocate General's Office: Military Deputy's Department and War Office, Directorates of Army Legal Services and Personal Services, War Crimes Files

    Contains war crime files relating to the children's hostel in Lefitz, Germany, and the death of Allied children.

  2. War Crimes Trials: Einsatzgruppen Case

    (Munich 673) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 9 (Einsatzgruppen Case). Chief of the OCCWC, Telford Taylor, sums up the prosecution's case against former members of Einsatzgruppen. Presiding Judge Michael Musmanno instructs defense counsel that they may reply to the summation. Recess called. Ohlendorf, as the number one defendant, reads his final plea into the record seeking to justify his behavior. Bureaucratic language. At the end, brings in God, human error, split between East and West. 08:06:40 to 08:11:36

  3. Control Office for Germany and Austria and Foreign Office; Legal Division: Trial of Fritz Erich Lewinski von Manstein

    The collection consists of the court files and case registers for the war crimes trial of Fritz Erich Lewinski von Manstein, accused of crimes against humanity in connection with extermination of Jews during the war.

  4. Paul Touvier trial transcripts

    Contains the 1994 French trial transcripts for the proceedings against Paul Touvier, convicted of crimes against humanity.

  5. Jackson addresses German criminal code at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 16) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 28, 1946. MLS, front view, US Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson speaking about organizations within the Nazi government and their members. Jackson deals at length with the German criminal code of 1871.

  6. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case

    War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Judge Beals announces that the Tribunal has convened to hear last statements of the defendants of Case 1 and that the defendants do not have to make statements unless they desire to. Karl Brandt, once Hitler's personal doctor, makes his statement.

  7. German naval officer testifies and case against Raeder presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 505) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 12, 1946. MLS, Karl Heinz Moehle, a former German naval officer, is sworn in and testifies. LS, MS, rear views, Col. Griffith-Jones (British prosecution) presenting case against defendant Erich Raeder. LS, rear views, Col. Phillimore (British prosecution) asks witness, "What were your orders in regard to rescue?" Moehle says that he was ordered to put priority on the safety of their own boat. It should not be put in jeopardy by rescue operations.

  8. Defense counselor Marx and Gisevius testimony at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 129) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 27, 1946. HAS, Tribunal. LS, Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence addressing some remarks to defense counselor Dr. Hans Marx. HAS, Dr. Marx at stand as Julius Streicher is heard. HAS, MS, US Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson questioning Gisevius. (Gisevius is not visible). 19:28:22 MS, CUs Hermann Goering and Rudolf Hess listening to Gisevius' testimony. 19:28:51 Pan to Jackson continuing his questioning.

  9. Herbert Kaplan papers

    The papers consist of 14 packets of photographs taken of the executions of Hungarian fascist collaborators conducted after the liberation of Hungary. Identifications in Hungarian are written on the bottom of each packet. The film was developed by Filmfabrik Agfa, VEB.

  10. Henry and Grace Dondero photograph collection

    The collection consists of five photographs of the proceedings of the Nazi war crimes trials at Nuremburg and Dachau, Germany; one photograph of refugees on the ship "Medina Yehudit" attempting to enter Haifa, Palestine, on December 3, 1947; and a photograph of a little girl waving Israeli and American flags in front of a kosher butcher store in Pittsburgh, Pa., on July 2, 1948.

  11. Isidore Guttenberg collection

    The notebook was used as an autograph book that contains the signatures of some of the defendants in the International Military Tribunals in Nuremberg, Germany, after World War II. An entry pass for Isidore Guttenberg to the Palce of Justice and a magazine clipping about Nuremberg Prison were added to the collection.

  12. Funk at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 146) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 4, 1946. Dr. Fritz Sauter questions his client Dr. Walter Funk. MS, Dr. Funk testifying. (Munich 147) Scenes are same as above. The soundtrack is of translator's voice giving questions and answers in English.

  13. Reading judgment at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. Defendants stand and talk to one another (this part is mute). Justice Henri de Vabres (French) reading portion of the judgment. MLS, Chief Prosecutor de Ribes (French) at prosecution table. Pan of other prosecutors. HS, MS, CU, Justice Robert Falco (French) continues with the judgment. Pan of courtroom as people file out. MS, Justice Francis Biddle (US) mentions Stimson's invoking Kellogg Briand Pact, outlawing war as an instrument of policy, etc.

  14. Soviet Union Ministry of Defense propaganda poster

    1. Sybil Milton collection

    Polychrome poster with a caricatured image of a soldier shouldering a bomb and goosestepping toward a group of men dressed in gray uniforms and sitting in a dark cell; "Nuremberg" is printed behind the group of men; a sign shaped like an arrow points toward the men and is labeled "Revenge."

  15. Soviet Union Ministry of Defense propaganda poster

    1. Sybil Milton collection

    Polychrome poster with a caricatured image of three Nazi officials bathing in a helmet-shaped tub with a swastika on the side; a large man wearing a robe, striped pants, and an Iron Cross stands to the side of the helmet; his gaping mouth morphs into a showerhead

  16. Henry C. Senger collection

    Contains a four-page memoir titled "The capture of SS Colonel Commandant Martin Gottfried Weiss the last commandant of Dachau," created in 2003 on the 58th anniversary of the liberation of Dachau. Henry C. Senger describes how he captured the SS Colonel Martin Gottfried Weiss, last commandant of Dachau. Also contains an interview with Mr. Senger published on June 12, 2003, in the "Local" section of a newspaper titled "The Record."

  17. Last day of the Belsen trial

    "Welt im Film": The Anglo-American newsreel series screened in occupied Germany, 1945-1950. Brief shots of a US experimental cable-assisted aircraft demonstration. Last day of the trial of Bergen-Belsen personnel. Preparations at the court in Nuremberg (visited by Robert Jackson) for the opening of the main War Crimes trials. Interior construction work, workers, views of cells and courtyard where prisoners will be allowed to exercise.

  18. Dr. Sievers on the stand at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 345) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, August 8, 1946. Dr. Wolfram Sievers charged with perjury is again put on the stand and questioned by Mr. Jones, a British assistant prosecutor. Sievers is questioned about his earlier given testimony, that he cannot name figures of dead since he had no insight in that. He said that he did not play a part in the creation of the skeleton collection at the University of Frankfurt, but he admits that the skeletons were expected to come from Auschwitz.

  19. Operation of translating system at Nuremberg Trial

    War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 1946. SEQ: standing before photo mural of the Nuremberg Trial in session, Commander Steer of the US Navy explains the operation of the Multilingual Simultaneous Interpreting System. (Photography is bad in spots.)