
Displaying items 841 to 860 of 2,734
  1. Maps of aggression presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 386) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 27, 1945. MLS, Sydney Alderman of the US prosecution staff speaks of German aggression in Europe between 1938 and 1939, refers to maps which are posted in the court. MCUs, four charts outlining territorial aggression of Germany during 1938 to 1939. MS, Alderman addresses Tribunal. MS, some of the defendants' attorneys seated in front of the prisoners' dock. Rear views, Alderman reading an English transcription of Hitler's condemnation of the Versailles Treaty.

  2. Goering testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 47) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. LS, Hermann Goering testifies about the violent opposition in Germany to the formation of the Nazi Party. MLS, prisoners in dock as Goering is heard talking about the Hitler Putsch. Pan from prisoners' dock to Goering on stand. Pan, prisoners in dock as Goering testifies that Hitler was to be the supreme leader of the new government and not in a secondary position.

  3. Kivilsha & Grigorjov testify at Nuremberg Trial

    23:11:07 (Munich 13) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 26, 1946. LSs, Eugene Kivilsha, Red Army physician, testifying on stand identifies a photograph presented to him. (The witness and counsel speaking in Russian.) LSs, Dr. Hans Laternser, defense counsel for the German General Staff and OKW, questions the witness in German. LS, audience attending trials. MLSs, prosecution staff in courtroom. LS, court adjourns; judges file out. 23:16:09 (Munich 14) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, no date (silent). HSs, Tribunal as witness Jacob Grigorjov testifies. HSs, Eugene Kivilsh...

  4. Goering testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 47) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. Defendants, defense counselors, and Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson listening to Goering testifying. Goering testifies that he supervised all concentration camps until 1934. Pan from Goering talking to defendants listening intently. LS, interpreters' box with several people speaking into microphones as Goering testifies. Goering talks about very harsh policing measures taken at the time, especially charges that prisoners were beaten and mistreated. The case of Ernst Thaelmann comes up, who complained to Goering personally...

  5. Final pleas of defendants at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 297) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 12-13, 1946. HAS, Dr. Otto Nelte, lawyer for Keitel, reading the defendant's final plea. MS, Justices Parker, de Vabre, and Falco. MS, several stenographers taking notes. Dr. Hans Marx, lawyer for Streicher, reading the defendant's final plea. MS Streicher listening. MS, Justices de Vabre and Falco at bench. MS, Justices Biddle and Parker. MS, Justices Birkett and Lawrence. MS, Russian prosecutor Rudenko at table.

  6. Barbie Trial -- Day 4 -- Political activities in Bolivia

    13:39 President Cerdini asks for the accused, who refuses to appear at the trial, to be introduced. 14:57 The witness Gustavo Sanchez discusses the political situation in Bolivia from 1951 to 1969. 15:03 Sanchez tells of the collaboration between Barbie and Bolivian President General René Barrientos. 15:09 Sanchez discusses the shipping company founded by Barbie.

  7. Verdict at Dachau trial

    "Welt im Film": The Anglo-American newsreel series screened in occupied Germany, 1945-1950. (Very brief) Forced open air cinema show in the jungle of Burma. "Dachauer Prozess: DAS URTEIL" The verdict at the conclusion of the trial of Dachau officials. Courtroom scenes, including numbered accused in the dock. 02:15:32 Commandant Martin Gottfried Weiss (#1) 02:15:37 Josef Jarolin (#3) 02:15:50 Dr. Claus Schilling (#15) 02:16:11 Fritz Becher (#27). Witnesses give testimony (one identifies a defendant). Prisoner's mid-day meal. Verdict and sentences.

  8. von Ribbentrop associates at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 72) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 28, 1946. Ms. Margaret Blank, former secretary of von Ribbentrop, is sworn in and begins to testify. Pan to prisoners' dock. Dr. Martin Horne questions Ms. Blank. Paul Otto Schmidt is sworn in and questioned by Dr. Horne. Von Ribbentrop takes the witness stand. He is sworn in and questioned by Dr. Horne.

  9. Dodd questions von Schirach re. Hitler Youth song, at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 187) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, May 24, 1946. US prosecutor Thomas J. Dodd questions Baldur von Schirach about a song for the Hitler Youth that he allegedly published. Dodd reads from a document. Dr. Fritz Sauter and US officer speaking to von Schirach after his testimony. Dr. Sauter examining his client von Schirach.

  10. Gestapo and murder of Jews discussed at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 458) US Prosecutor Col. Robert G. Storey tells of the Gestapo's part in Germany's attack on Poland ("attack" on the Gleiwitz radio station) and how the Gestapo and SD murdered thousands of Jews in occupied countries. CU, chart indicating the number of Jews murdered in the Baltic States and parts of Russia and Poland. Side view of Tribunal as Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence announces adjournment of court. LS, Tribunal, spectators, and others standing up and leaving courtroom.

  11. Barbie Trial -- Day 2 -- Crimes committed by Barbie in France

    14:45 A clerk lists various submissions by civil and related parties concerning crimes committed by Barbie. 14:53 The clerk lists components of crimes against humanity and war crimes. 14:59 Barbie's career in the SS. 15:03 The character of the criminal Nazi organizations. 15:06 Barbie's actions in Lyon.

  12. Evidence against Kaltenbrunner and Gestapo at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 474) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 2, 1946. LSs, EXT, judges enter courtroom, spectators stand, are seated. Trial resumes. LS, MSs, Robert G. Storey in his opening remarks since the adjournment on December 20 continues presenting evidence on the policies of Ernst Kaltenbrunner and the Gestapo. MSs, defense counselor for Kaltenbrunner addresses the Tribunal. Chief Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence informs the attorney that he will have ample opportunity to question any evidence presented in relation to his client.

  13. Rostock testifies during Medical trial

    (Munich 522) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. MS, Paul Rostock, one of the defendants, testifying in German. Occasionally a question is put to the witness by the defense counsel Dr. Pribilla. MS, Karl Brandt and other defendants in box. (Brandt is mentioned in Rostock's testimony).

  14. Bodenschatz questioned by Jackson at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 35) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 8, 1946. Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson cross-examines Karl Bodenschatz, former member of the Reich Air Ministry (this is a continuation from 111 ADC 5865). Hermann Goering in prisoners' dock makes notes as testimony is presented. MSs, left side of defendants' box, Goering mutters something to Hess. MSs, Bodenschatz answering questions relative to Goering's influence in the Nazi government and his concern over the bombings of Germany and its people.

  15. Netherlands occupation discussed at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 535) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 2, 1946. LS, defense rising. Pan to center of courtroom as those in attendance are seated. LS, officer announces that defendants Seyss-Inquart and Kaltenbrunner will be absent due to illness. Rear view of French prosecutor Faure addressing the court. MSs, Koos Vorrink, Senator of Netherlands and President of the Socialist Party in 1940, is sworn in and interrogated by Faure. Vorrink discusses the situation in Holland before and during the German occupation.

  16. Von Ribbentrop questioned at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 73) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 28, 1946. Joachim von Ribbentrop is questioned by Dr. Martin Horne, his attorney. LS, prisoners' dock and defense counselors as von Ribbentrop testifies. MLS, translators; defense counselors in FG. LS, von Ribbentrop leaving the witness box accompanied by MPs. LS, people leaving the courtroom after session. MLS, von Ribbentrop speaking to Dr. Horne. Hess standing alongside.

  17. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy

    (Munich 277) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, July 9, 1946. Harry Tome of the prosecution being cross-examined concerning the beating of German prisoners during their interrogation at Schwabisch Hall. Capt. Raphael Schumacher, of the prosecution being cross-examined. MCU, Lt. Col. Burton J Ellis cross-examining Schumacher.

  18. War Crimes Trials: Jodl under interrogation

    British prosecuting attorney in CU puts questions to Jodl who answers but we never see Jodl, only hear his voice. Includes question regarding plebicites as an excuse for military force. Talks of Schussnig and his fate, considered an "Honorary member of Dachau." Response: "that is an honor one would be glad to dispense with." 01:32:00 Staged shots of young women walking in sitting down and listening thru headphones.