
Displaying items 8,561 to 8,580 of 10,857
  1. To Free the People, Hunt the Jew! Propaganda poster blaming Jews for French peasants’ problems

    1. World War II French poster collection

    French announcement poster blaming Jews for the problems of farmers and peasants published by Centre Payson in September 1942. The text claims that Jews unfairly benefit from the peasant’s labor, manipulate the black market for their benefit, and are to blame for the war. After the occupation of France, German authorities began releasing propaganda to provoke antiemetic sentiment among the public. Germany invaded France in May 1940. In June France signed an armistice which gave the Germans control of northern and western France, including Paris. The unoccupied territory was governed from th...

  2. Confidence … Anti-British propaganda poster showing Churchill’s tentacles cut out of Africa and the Middle East

    1. World War II French poster collection

    Propaganda poster in French showing German global victories against the British Empire. The poster depicts Winston Churchill’s caricatured, disembodied head with 12 tentacles, several bloody and truncated, reaching out over Africa and the Middle East, and extending past the border toward America and Asia. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland. In response, Britain and France declared war on Germany two days later. On June 22, 1940, France signed an armistice agreement by which the Germans would occupy the northern half of France. After the armistice and occupation, German authorities...

  3. Barbie Trial -- Day 6 -- Barbie's knowledge of the Final Solution; an expert testifies

    16:21 Prosecutor Iannucci reminds the court that Barbie had been a member of the SD since 1935 and of the Nazi party since 1937; Dachau was inaugurated in March 1933; argues that Barbie cannot have been a member of the organization, for whom the concentration camps were an arm of government, without knowing they existed; gives history relating to the Reichstag Fire (February 1933) and the subsequent decimation of personal freedoms by the Nazi party, as well as the inauguration of Dachau just one month later. 16:27 Nordmann remarks that Barbie's formal education, and therefore his ideologica...

  4. Etta and Josef Kurz family papers

    Documents, correspondence, and photographs (65), related to the experiences of the family of Josef and Etta Kurz, and their daughter Helen (donor), in Lwów, Poland, prior to World War II, during the war, and in their immigration to the United States after the war. Includes pre-war financial and business records related to the family owned business and property in Lwów, false identification documents used by Etta Kurz during the German occupation of Poland, immigration and citizenship documents, pre-war family photographs, and post-war photographs of the Kurz family, and various friends th...

  5. Inert Zyklon B, spent Gypsum pellets, from Majdanek concentration camp

    Inert, Gypsum-based, spent Zyklon-B pellets, recovered outside a crematorium at Majdanek killing center in Poland, following the liberation of the camp by the Soviet army in July 1944. Developed and patented in 1924 by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung mbH (German Corporation for Pest Control, a subsidiary of Degussa), Zyklon-B was originally produced as a pesticide and rodenticide. It was created by infusing liquid hydrogen cyanide (also known as prussic acid) into one of three carriers: wood fiber disks, diatomaceous earth (trade name: Diagriess), or gypsum (calcium sulfate, ...

  6. IRO Children's Village in Bad Aibling

    This personal film of the IRO Children's Village Bad Aibling in the American Zone of Germany was filmed by John Powelson, an AFSC worker assigned to the Children’s Village. Military vehicle driving past a sign pointing to “IRO Children's Village Bad Aibling IRO Area 7.” Children hold hands with adult men and women, probably in late winter 1949. 0:31 The woman in the green overcoat could be Wendy Elliott who coordinated kindergarten teachers and activities (this woman appears in several following scenes). Adults and teenagers pose for the camera and speak with one another in front of camp bu...

  7. Morck and Mayer families papers

    The Morck and Mayer families papers include documents relating to the prewar life and immigration of Anneliese Morck (later Anne Martin) and the extended Morck and Mayer families from Frankfurt am Main and Heidelberg, Germany. Identification and immigration documents relating to Hugo, Alice, Anne, and Heinz Morck include German passports, certificates of registration for the United Kingdom, certificates of naturalization for the United States, affidavits, visa documentation, packing lists, and passenger booklets for the SS President Harding. Identification and immigration documents relating...

  8. Seder plate given to a US army chaplain at Foehrenwald dp camp

    Seder plate given to Nathan Abramowitz, Chaplain in the United States Army. It was used by Holocaust survivors post-liberation at Foehrenwald displaced persons camp, near Munich, Germany. The original 10 1/4" ceramic Passover Seder plate was manufactured with the help of the "Joint" in 1948 in the Foehrenwald displaced persons camp near Munich, Germany by some of the homeless Holocaust survivors then living in Europe. The hand-made pottery piece made of clay with the green glaze, containing streaks that the crafters controlled by dripping the glaze during application. The plate contains the...

  9. Weinmann family papers

    The Weinmann family papers contains primarily financial and immigration papers for Gustav Weinmann, and documents relating to his efforts to escape Vienna, Austria. The financial documents cover primarily restitution and transfers of money. This includes attempts to transfer funds, collect pensions, and other efforts to receive money owed. Also included are tax documents concerning the Jewish “Atonement Fee,” levied after Kristallnacht, documents concerning the sale of Gustav’s tobacco shop, and a lawsuit filed after Gustav’s dismissal from his job following his incarceration at Dachau. The...

  10. Children: the Aryan ideal

    Title, "Gesunde Jugend/Starkes Volk" [Healthy Youth/Strong People]. More credits. Title, "Das himmelreich erringen keine halben, die Freiheit erlangen keine Feigen und die Zukunft gehört nur den Mutigen allein! Adolf Hitler, Parteitag der Ehre." Unclothed toddlers play on a beach and splash in the water. Children play in a yard, jumping and crawling on mats that lie on the ground. They do flips over a horizontal bar. CUs of children’s faces. The kids walk across a balance beam and go down a slide head first. 04:02:46 Children play hide-and-seek. They sit in a grassy field, run through a for...

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Session 110 -- Prosecution continues summing up

    Session 110. Begins midsentence as Hausner sums up his points of evidence, saying that Eichmann could not have done any of this without the Nazis, they created the situations from which the Jews fled. 00:02:06 Tape jumps, and Hausner is now finished, and gives copies of his summations to the Judges and the Defense. Hausner justifies the hearsay evidence mentioned in the previous session through the duty of an officer to accurately note the goings on and actions around him, and that the burden of proof is on the Prosecution to show that any testimony is a lie. He talks about the logistics of...

  12. Brick rubble recovered from the Warsaw Ghetto

    Brick rubble from the ruins of the Warsaw Ghetto. The rubble was excavated from the site of what is now the Monument to the Ghetto Heroes, located among the ruins of the former Crown Artillery Barracks. The Barracks housed the ghetto post office, and at one point was the seat of the Judenrat. The monument was commemorated on April 19, 1948, and was the second monument, following a modest memorial unveiled in April 1946. On October 12, 1940, German authorities in Warsaw decreed the establishment of a 1.3-square-mile Jewish ghetto and forced over 400,000 Jews from the city and nearby towns to...

  13. Schema of inmates, soccer, train at Camp Westerbork

    Schema with camps and numbers of inmates. (**This most likely refers to where Jews were deported to from Westerbork. The numbers closely correspond to those in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, p. 1646): EINGANG 103.376; BERGEN BELS 3029; THERESIENSTADT 2470; NACH DEM OSTEN 91.545; INTERNIERURG 350; LAGER VUGHT 897. 03:02:30 Horse-pulled plowing tool, farm animals, preparing soil for seeding. 03:03:12 Slate: ...ALSO JETZT KOMMT...AH...SCHAUN SIE SICH'S MAL AN! Man and woman carrying large wooden board, unfinished barrack in BG. 03:03:35 Soccer match. [VQ deteriorates: jumpy, unstable "doub...

  14. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 57 and 58 -- Psychologist Gilbert re. Nuremberg. Report of Moshe Sharett; witness H. Brand

    Session 57. Starts with Attorney General [Video translation is inaccurate refers to exhibit T/1777 when means T/1177, June not July]. Submission of documents from Central Zionist Archives and Weizmann Archives. Attorney General describes letter from Hall, of the British Foreign Office, to Dr Weizmann, stating proposal for swapping Jews for trucks and goods (referring to Joel Brand's testimony in Tape 2069, Session 56). 00:03:25 Video translation and transcripts continue to vary. Communications between Britain and Jewish Agency continue. 00:08:30 Report by Mr. Shertok (Moshe Sharett) from Lo...

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- American Embassy in Prague; "Rude Pravo"; Medical Teaching Mission

    1150 P: Prague, Czechoslovakia. LS American Ambassador Laurence Steinhardt driving his car up to the Czech Palace entrance. LS Steinhardt and secretary, William Kugeman, walking in the lobby of the Palace going to Minister's office. LS Steinhardt and Kugeman walking in lobby of Czernin Palace. LS Mr. Jean Masaryck, Foreign Minister, who was reading Czech papers, stands up, goes to door, and welcomes Mr. Steinhardt. MS Steinhardt and Masaryck in office discussing the results of the elections. CU Steinhardt speaking and smoking. CU Masaryck listening, talking, and smoking. Shots of both men t...

  16. Pewter teapot acquired by an UNRRA aid worker

    1. Dorothy L. Jones Miller collection

    Pewter teapot acquired by Dorothy Jones while working as an UNRRA Welfare Officer in the US zone of occupation in postwar Germany from July 1, 1945 - September 1948. It is part of a set, with the creamer, 2015.451.45. The origin is unknown but it was possibly gifted or purchased by her at a displaced persons market.

  17. Kann family papers

    1. Kann family collection

    Correspondence, manuscripts, book cover, news clipping, primarily related to the efforts of Elizabeth Kann to determine the whereabouts of her husband, Johan Kann, following the German invasion and occupation of the Netherlands in 1940. Also contains a memoir by Kann's daughter, Jean Kann Sonder, written in 2007, and other family memoirs, as well as information about Johan Kann's father, Jacobus Kann, a prominent Dutch Zionist in the early 20th century. The Kann family papers contains correspondence, manuscripts, a book cover, and news clippings, primarily related to the efforts of Elizabet...

  18. Casting of a brick wall from the closed Warsaw Jewish Ghetto

    1. Edward Lawrence Associates castings collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn14209
    • English
    • a: Height: 103.000 inches (261.62 cm) | Width: 137.000 inches (347.98 cm) | Depth: 2.000 inches (5.08 cm) b: Height: 101.750 inches (258.445 cm) | Width: 184.000 inches (467.36 cm) | Depth: 2.000 inches (5.08 cm) c: Height: 100.250 inches (254.635 cm) | Width: 119.000 inches (302.26 cm) | Depth: 5.000 inches (12.7 cm)

    Fiberglass casting of a segment of the brick wall surrounding the Warsaw ghetto, from the area at 51 Sienna Street, commissioned by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum for installation in the museum’s permanent exhibition. The casting was taken from one of three remaining sections of the ghetto wall, which the Jewish community was forced to pay for and was built in 1940, by the German firm of Schmidt & Munstermann. Prior to the war, Warsaw was a major center of Jewish life and culture, with a Jewish population over 350,000, making it the largest Jewish community in Europe. On Se...

  19. Molotov addresses the Soviet people re. German invasion.

    Title: "Soviet newsreel / 59 / 1941 / M. Fidelevoy"/ "Radio address of the USSR's Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars and the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, V.M. Molotov / June 22, 1941" MS of Molotov. Voiceover of Molotov speech: "Today at 4 a.m. ... without declaring war, Germany attacked our country ... the attack was perpetrated despite a pact of non-aggression between the USSR and Germany, which the USSR faithfully abided by ... responsibility for this attack falls entirely upon German fascist rulers ... at 5:30 a.m. the German ambassador in Moscow relayed the messa...

  20. Eichmann Trial -- Session 108 -- Evidence regarding Hungary's anti-Jewish legislation

    Session 108. Dr. Servatius reads from the affidavit of Vessenmayer, examined on May 23, 1961 before the Court of First Instance in Darmstadt. He says that there was a plan to decentralize the Jews in Hungary into different camps to prevent any kind of uprising. 00:05:45 Servatius finishes reading passages, and Hausner decides not to cite any passages from that testimony. Dr. Servatius submits extracts from the Nuremberg judgment in the case of Veesenmayer. Hausner insists that Servatius submit all of the documents rather than just the few passages that he chooses to read. This is discussed ...