
Displaying items 8,481 to 8,500 of 10,857
  1. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish Republic : Polish Diplomatic Legation in Vienna Poselstwo Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Wiedniu (Sygn. 453)

    Reports, studies, and other materials related to the condition of national minorities in Poland and beyond Poland, including Ukrainians and Polish Jews. Also includes materials about antisemitic riots, quotas at universities, activities of antisemitic organizations, condition of refugees and internees, as well as social relief for them organized by the Polish and International Red Cross. Other selected materials concern ritual slaughter, allowances for Jews, taking care of Polish citizens in Switzerland, passport documentation, as well as correspondence related to searching for individuals ...

  2. Ernest Bergman philatelic and document collection

    1. Ernest Bergman collection

    Consists of envelopes, postcards, correspondence, and philatelic material from the collection of Ernest Bergman. The papers demonstrates the breadth of stamps and postal marks used in wartime and post-war Switzerland, including in refugee camps. Includes copies of Bergman's curatorial text for the collection and loose postcards and envelopes from the French internment camps of Masseube, Nexon, and Gurs, as well as some commemorative anniversary stamps.

  3. Clinton Gardner papers

    The Clinton Gardner collection contains several items collected by Clinton Gardner during his time administering the Buchenwald concentration camp. Included in this collection are a report on the history of Buchenwald, worker requests, and a record of cigarette distribution to the prisoners. The correspondence was written by Clinton Gardner to his parents, and describe his responsibilities and the conditions of the camp. The SS soldier identity card belongs to Adam Theis, who was killed by prisoners after the liberation of the camp. Also included are two oversized documents. The newspaper c...

  4. Watercolor painting by Ervin Abadi created while at Bergen Belsen displaced person's camp

    1. Ervin Abadi collection

    Artistic rendering of Camp Bergen-Belsen documenting the liberation period. The artist Erwin Abadi was an Hungarian victim of the Holocaust interned in the concentration camp Bergen-Belsen. He remained hospitalized in Belsen after liberation where he created dozens of works of art.

  5. "My Father Henry's Route to America: Trenches, Harlem Hell Fighters, POW, AWOL, Stowaway and Illegal Immigrant"

    "My Father Henry's Route to America: Trenches, Harlem Hell Fighters, POW, AWOL, Stowaway and Illegal Immigrant" by Dr. Rudolph (Rudy Keimowitz) is a 19 page manuscript. The manuscript includes information about Henry Keimowitz's childhood in Hungary, time in the Hungarian Army during World War I, capture and imprisonment by the Harlem Hellfighters during the Battle of Verdun, experience as a POW in France, and his illegal immigration to the United States as a stowaway around 1922. He married and started a family in the United States, and, during World War II, was investigated as an enemy al...

  6. Selected records of the General Commissioner of the Republic of Poland in Gdańsk Komisarz Generalny Rzeczypospolitej w Gdańsku (Sygn. 259)

    Selected records of the office of the Komisarz Generalny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Gdańsku (General Commissioner of the Republic of Poland in Gdańsk). Consist of reports, agreements, negotiations of the High Commissioner of the League of Nations in Gdańsk on the situation in the Free City of Gdańsk (Danzig), attacks on Poles and Polish property; records on paramilitary and other German organization, recruitment to NSDAP, Anti-Jewish actions of the National Socialists, attacks on Polish scouts and Polish families in Gdansk; political reports of the General Commissioner RP in Gdańsk on the...

  7. Large sepia diazo print of Congress Hall in Nuremberg acquired by a US soldier

    Diazotype reproduction of the architectural blueprints for Congress Hall retrieved by 32 year old Colonel Max W. Goodman, a Jewish American soldier, in Nuremberg, Germany, circa May 1945. The monumental building was designed to be the congress center of the Nazi Party Rally Grounds, for which Speer designed the overall plan. Congress Hall was designed by Ludwig and Franz Ruff. The foundation stone was laid in 1935, but the building was never finished due to the outbreak of the war. Max served for five years in the Quartermaster Corps with the Third United States Army under General George S....

  8. Refugees, liberation, and an illegal ship (some staged)

    This footage contains a number of scenes from a fiction (staged) film, with Hebrew subtitles, that indicate the year as 1946 to 1948. There are also a number of scenes in concentration camps (staged or liberation: unable to confirm at time of record entry), scenes on boats, people fleeing, being captured, etc. 04:00:36 Shots from behind, crowds marching in streets with suitcases. Smaller group of men and women in forests, a child is helped up a snowy hill. Women helped aboard a boat (presumably to safety). LS of boat, crowded conditions. Boat moving, man with binoculars, hair blowing in the...

  9. Collection of materials for the history of the Jewish population in Łódź Zbiór materiałów do dziejów ludności żydowskiej w Łodzi (Sygn.205)

    This collection contains records relating to the history of the Jewish population in Łódź between 1939-1945. Includes bulletins, lists of various economic investments, a city administration telephone directory and correspondence, a collection of documents related to the creation of the ghetto, information leaflets (NSDP), court files in civil cases, correspondence of the Police (Gestapo. Geheime Staatspolitzei Litzmannstadt), lists of displaced people to Germany, Himmler directives, military messages from Hitler's headquarters, statistical summaries on the Łódź real estate, name lists of te...

  10. Scrapbook

    Includes information about the work of Josef Rosensaft with the displaced persons of Bergen-Belsen, the final days and closing of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, compensation for Jews who were detained in the camp after liberation, and antisemitism experienced by Jews remaining in the British Zone after liberation.

  11. Jews in Budapest during the German occupation, Autumn 1944

    A film by József Herczog. As an amateur filmmaker, Herczog filmed the streets of Budapest during the German occupation of Hungary in autumn 1944 and captured a record of his salon business, the dedication of the bomb shelter in cellar of the “yellow star house” where he lived and over 50% of the tenants were Jewish, Hungarian soldiers, an evacuation, and bomb damage. Title card: “Filmezte es osszeallitotta: Herczog Jozsef fodraszmester” Title card: drawing of Danube and Parliament with handwritten “BUDAPEST”. Herczog's salon at Thököly street 22 (Hernád street) in Budapest. Baross Square. S...

  12. George Flaum Banet and Marlene Roberts Banet photograph collection

    Collection of family photographs and a silhouette documenting the experiences of Georges Flaum (donor), his parents Therese (Tauba Hirszberg) and Charles (Chaim) Flaum, and their family primarily in France during the time period surrounding the Holocaust. Georges survived the Holocaust in hiding. His parents both perished at Auschwitz.

  13. Horia Stamatu papers

    1. Horia Stamatu collection

    The Horia Stamatu papers consists of largely post-war materials including manuscripts, drafts, and published versions of Stamatu’s writings, essays, and poetry. The correspondence includes letters, postcards, telegrams, and holiday cards with various family members and friends including men who served with Stamatu in the Iron Guard. The papers also include artwork by Alexander Lungu; photographs; financial materials; and printed materials including clippings from newspapers, journals, and magazines.

  14. Czech gymnast festival in Prague, 1938

    Blurry iris in on a drawn picture of a large castle (possibly Prague Castle) 01:00:20:05 Title: “Tenth Sokol Congress Praha 1938.” Blurry shot of a poster, featuring three muscular men in various poses in front of the Czechslovak flag, text under them says “X Slet Všesokolsky”. English translation is spliced into the title: “Tenth Sokol Congress” Title: “The American Delegation Arrives.” Two stills: the first of four men and a woman walking towards a camera, with two of whom are holding an American flag, and the second, of two people, one a man with an army beret, and the other a woman in a...

  15. Majdanek liberated

    Opening titles and credits (see transcription below). Pan of prisoners behind barbed wire. CUs prisoners, their tatooed numbers, of the electrically charged barbed wire, ruins, various signs, guard towers, aerial views, etc. The Russian officers examine officials of camp. Men dig up graves for evidence. CU, women weeping as bodies are uncovered. CUs, decomposed bodies and pile of skulls. Gas chambers. CU can of chemicals used for gas. INTs, camp, etc. Officials of the camp are examined and, with the help of female Russian interpreter, various prisoners tell their stories. Rolling credits at...

  16. Ministry of Public Administration in Warsaw Ministerstwo Administracji Publicznej w Warszawie (Sygn. 199)

    Selected files from the following departments of the Ministry of Public Administration in Warsaw: The Cabinet of the Minister (Gabinet Ministra), Political Department (Departament Polityczny), Department of Administration and Law (Departament Administracyjno-Prawny), Department of Religious Denominations (Departament Wyznaniowy). The materials refer to: repatriation, the organization and activities of the Central Committee of Jews in Poland (CKŻP), Jewish political parties, organizations (e.g. Joint, Jewish Agency for Palestine, Polamit), statistical data and Jewish religious congregations,...

  17. Gessner visits Moscow

    Gessner enters a doorway through two Red Army soldiers after one looks at his papers. 01:05:40 WS of the House of the Unions [Дом Союзов] in Moscow, Russia. Sign beneath reads ““Всесоюзный Съезд Советских писатепей”[All-Soviet-Union Meeting of the Soviet Writers].Three other banners hang from the building with quotes from Maxim Gorky Писатели- Это Инженеры Человеческих Душ [Writers are Enginеers of Human Souls]. 01:05:48 Gessner walks through a doorway again, pulling out his papers to show to the soldier. He looks back at the camera and flashes his papers. A young boy and girl talk to each ...

  18. Train travelling to Warsaw, Poland 1939

    Crowded train platform, several bourgeois looking families are boarding the trains, some soldiers are also on the platform, some help the women and children board. They seem to be from a mountaineering regiment, they carry rifles, and wear rounded felt caps with feathers in them. Another shot, passengers on board the train reach out the window to receive hunks of bread from people selling it from baskets on the platform. Several children are running around near the platform, some look curiously at the camera. 01:02:36:29 A group of young men and young women sitting in the grass and socializ...

  19. Jeannette Nadle papers

    The Jeannette Nadle papers consists of Jeannette Nadle’s passport, 1947-1948; a testament of Jeannette’s wartime experiences in Belgium, November 30, 1947; and a memoir written by Jeannette Nadle in 1994. The memoir describes Jeannette’s experiences as a hidden child in Belgium and member of the Resistance during World War II.

  20. Hans Frank and the children at Schoberhof

    Michael on a tricycle at Schoberhof in wintertime. 02:20:59 Extended CUs of family members, including Brigitte (02:21:17) and Hans (02:21:36). Teenage Sigrid balances a vase on her head. The family acts out a scene: they look for grandmother and excitedly welcome her to their home at Schoberhof in the mountains. Happy family, hugging. Children play and pose for the camera, good CUs. 02:24:16 In summertime, a party/celebration with relatives. The kids play outdoors and pose for camera. Hans Frank with Brigitte and Michael take a walk with their dog. 02:24:56 At Schoberhof, Hans runs towards ...