
Displaying items 8,441 to 8,460 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. US careless talk poster depicting a drowning sailor pointing at the viewer

    1. David and Zelda Silberman collection

    US careless talk poster with an image of a drowning sailor to warn people to guard what they say in public because it could lead to the death of military personnel. The careless talk series of US propaganda posters was an Army Services project, distributed by the Office of War Information. The need to manage the war on the Home Front led to the establishment of the OWI in June 1942. This office controlled the design and distribution of war information to the American public in all media and commissioned work from leading artists, such as Frederick Siebel, who painted this image. Siebel was ...

  2. Eat the Basic 7 poster with a pie chart of food groups

    1. David and Zelda Silberman collection

    Eat the Basic 7 poster issued by the United States Department of Agriculture during World War II (1939-1945.) Food groups were color coded as in this pie chart, to make them easier to remember. In 1942, the Emergency Price Control Act was passed and the Office of Price Administration began rationing food and other goods to make sure they were available to aid Allies and to supply the military. From March 1943-June 1945, the War Food Administation was set up to handle food production and distribution for civilian and war needs. People were encouraged to grow Victory Gardens due to farm labor...

  3. Schönberger family papers

    1. Moritz Schoenberger family collection

    The Schönberger family papers consist of biographical materials, correspondence, immigration files, photographic materials, printed materials, and French internment camp songs documenting the Schönberger family of Vienna; Helene and Bianka Schönberger’s immigratin to the United States aboard the Hansa in March 1939; and Moritz Schönberger’s voyage aboard the St. Louis, return to Europe, internment in French concentration camps, and immigration to the United States in 1942. Biographical materials include identification papers, birth certificates, and school, employment, medical and military ...

  4. Imre Gross memoir

    Memoir, typescript, 129 page, written by Imre Gross (Emery Robert), describing his childhood and youth in Hungary, his conscription into a forced labor battalion between 1942-1944, his imprisonment by the Arrow Cross and subsequent escape and hiding in Budapest, liberation, and return to his hometown in 1945. Also described are his experiences in the immediate postwar years, including reunion with his father and sister, university studies, and emigration from Hungary in 1946, life as a displaced person in Germany for three years, and immigration to the United States in 1949.

  5. Handgun magazine used by a Yugoslavian partisan

    1. Yugoslavian Partisan collection

    Browning Model 1922 pistol magazine used by Dudo Montiljo, while he was a member of a partisan group that fought the Nazi occupation forces and Ustaše collaborators in Yugoslavia during World War II. The Model 1922 was developed by American gun designer, John Browning, and manufactured in Belgium by Fabrique Nationale. The gun was adopted by many European militaries, including Yugoslavia, and appropriated by Germany after their occupation of Belgium during World War II. Dudo lived in Prnjavor, where he worked as a merchant when Yugoslavia was invaded and partitioned by Germany and its allie...

  6. Belt for gun used by a Yugoslavian partisan

    1. Yugoslavian Partisan collection

    Leather gun belt used by Dudo Montiljo, while he was a member of a partisan group that fought the Ustaše and the Nazi occupation forces in Yugoslavia during World War II. Dudo lived in Prnjavor, where he worked as a merchant when Yugoslavia was invaded and partitioned by Germany and its allies in April, 1941. After the Yugoslav surrender, Dudo joined the 3rd battalion of the 10th Brigade of the People's Liberation Army (Yugoslav partisans). While fighting with the partisans Dudo lost three fingers, including the second and third fingers of his right hand. After his recovery, Dudo worked in ...

  7. Handgun holster used by a Yugoslavian partisan

    1. Yugoslavian Partisan collection

    Leather pistol holster used by Dudo Montiljo, while he was a member of a partisan group that fought the Nazi occupation forces and Ustaše collaborators in Yugoslavia during World War II. Dudo lived in Prnjavor, where he worked as a merchant when Yugoslavia was invaded and partitioned by Germany and its allies in April, 1941. After the Yugoslav surrender, Dudo joined the 3rd battalion of the 10th Brigade of the People's Liberation Army (Yugoslav partisans). While fighting with the partisans Dudo lost three fingers, including the second and third fingers of his right hand. After his recovery,...

  8. Illich family activities in 1936

    Family activities in the year 1936. Introduced with German titles throughout, some are comical. The Illich boys play-act for the camera and take a walk through a park in April 1936 with their grandfather, Fritz Regenstreif. CUs of the spring blossoms and the boys getting into a car. A religious procession for communion on May 21, 1936. The twins are part of the ceremony, parade in the square in front of the Maria Treu Piarist Church, and gather with classmates for a group photograph. Ellen (Maexie), Ivan, Sascha, and Micha depart by foot and car. They speak with a priest and plant a tree on...

  9. Heart shaped carved stone ashtray acquired by a British officer

    1. Cyprus detention camp collection

    Handcarved ashtray in the shape of a heart made by an internee at a British detention camp on Cyprus. It was given to or found by Lt. D.P. Grehan, Royal Irish Fusiliers, British Army, an officer at the Karaolos camp from March 1947 to June 1948. This piece was made from the local limestone, a frequently used material. Their tools were often made of recycled materials, such as tin cans, or nails and wood. The Joint Distribution Committee set up craft workshops to alleviate the boredom of confinement and the British encouraged it as a way to occupy the inmates. The internees were Ma'apilim, i...

  10. Carved stone book with an inscription made for a British officer by a Jewish internee in Cyprus

    1. Cyprus detention camp collection

    Carved stone book made by an internee at a British detention camp on Cyprus with a dedication for Lt. D.P. Grehan, Royal Irish Fusiliers, British Army, an officer at the Karaolos camp from March 1947 to June 1948. The signed inscription also has a Biblical quote from Leviticus about showing kindness to strangers. This piece was made from the local limestone, a frequently used material. Their tools were often made of recycled materials, such as tin cans, or nails and wood. The Joint Distribution Committee set up craft workshops to alleviate the boredom of confinement and the British encourag...

  11. Carved stone book with a painted map of Cyprus and Palestine acquired by a British officer

    1. Cyprus detention camp collection

    Small, carved stone book with painted maps of Cyprus and Palestine made by an internee at a British detention camp on Cyprus. It was given to or found by Lt. D.P. Grehan, Royal Irish Fusiliers, British Army, an officer at the Karaolos camp from March 1947 to June 1948. This piece was made from the local limestone, a frequently used material. Their tools were often made of recycled materials, such as tin cans, or nails and wood. The Joint Distribution Committee set up craft workshops to alleviate the boredom of confinement and the British encouraged it as a way to occupy the inmates. The int...

  12. Hashomer Hatzair white and blue banner for Kibbutz Safiac acquired by a British officer

    1. Cyprus detention camp collection

    White and blue cloth banner with a blue and white Star of David and Hashomer Hatzair emblem acquired by Lt. D.P. Grehan, a Royal Irish Fusilier in the British Army who served as a commanding officer in Karaolos detention camp on Cyprus from March 1947 to June 1948. It is emblazoned with the slogan: Be strong and of good cheer. The Ha-shomer Ha-tsa'ir Workers Party of Palestine, a Marxist-Zionist political party allied to the Kibbutz and socialist youth movements, was founded in 1946. Banners like these were used by internees at their tents and in parades and ceremonies. The internees were M...

  13. Kibbutz Safiach red banner with a Star of David and fleur-de-lis acquired by a British officer

    1. Cyprus detention camp collection

    Kibbutz Safiach banner with a Hashomer Hatzair logo acquired by Lt. D.P. Grehan, Royal Irish Fusilier, British Army, an officer in Karaolus detention camp on Cyprus from March 1947 to June 1948. The Ha-shomer Ha-tsa'ir Workers Party of Palestine, a Marxist-Zionist political party allied to Kibbutz and socialist youth movements, was founded in 1946. Banners like these were used by internees at their tents and in parades and ceremonies. The internees were Ma'apilim, illegal immigrants, most Jewish survivors of the Holocaust, captured while trying to reach Eretz Israel without permission from ...

  14. Borochov Group white flag with 2 blue stripes, yellow Star of David and fleur-de-lis acquired by a British officer

    1. Cyprus detention camp collection

    Eretz Israel style flag, white with two blue stripes and a yellow Hashomer Hatzair logo acquired by Lt. D.P. Grehan, a Royal Irish Fusilier in the British Army who served as a commanding officer in Karaolos detention camp on Cyprus from March 1947 to June 1948. It also has the name of the Borochov Group, a Zionist Youth movement, whose members were interned in Camp No. 55 in Karaolos. The Ha-shomer Ha-tsa'ir Workers Party of Palestine, a Marxist-Zionist political party allied to the Kibbutz and socialist youth movements, was founded in 1946. Banners like these were used by internees at thei...

  15. Commemorative Medal of The Order of the Slovak National Uprising

    1. Paul A. Strassmann collection

    Pamětní Medaile Řádu Slovenského Národního Povstání [Commemorative Medal of The Order of the Slovak National Uprising] awarded to Paul Strassmann. This revolt erupted in August 1944 as Communists, Slovak nationalists, Army officers, and partisans, including Jewish underground fighters from the labor camps, united to overthrow the pro-Nazi Tiso regime. In October, thousands of German troops arrived and the rebellion was crushed on October 27. Paul and his family, who were from Trencin, Czechoslovakia (now Slovakia) went into hiding as Christians in late August 1944. His mother and sister Ell...

  16. Joanna Senior Tybora collection

    Consists of photographs and documents regarding Edward and Josefa Josette Senior, originally of Moscow, including postcards and a letter written by Edward Senior from Stalags XX and XI, postcards sent from Josefa to her husband, Edward, in Stalag XX, obituaries for Henryk Senior, a birth certificate for Henryk, and family photographs. The collection also includes a book written by Stanislaw Wyspianski which includes signatures of school-friends of Dora Senior, who evidently attended a private Jewish high school in Warsaw

  17. Sightseeing in Paris

    In Paris, Lou Hartman with August Levy standing at an outdoor café. The family converses and takes a walk. 01:20:47 The Palace at Fontainebleau. Statue in the square near the Fontainebleau. 01:21:37 The family tours the Palace of Versailles. Robert Levy at a café table. 01:22:00 Family aboard "Rubber-neck Buses" for tourists to see the sights. Place de la Concorde with automobile traffic. 01:22:31 LS, Eiffel Tower (visited on May 30, 1927). Military men on horseback in street. CU, decorated French war veteran (according to diary, he was 98 years old and fought under Napoleon). MS, Bois de B...

  18. Markon family papers

    1. Alexander and Raya Magid Markon family collection

    The papers consist of documents, identification cards, photographs, and correspondence relating to the Markon family during the Holocaust.

  19. Pametni Medaile Ceskoslovenska Armada V Zahranici (Czechoslovak Army Abroad) medal awarded to a Czech Jewish soldier

    1. Joseph Hauptman collection

    Commemorative Medal of the Czechoslovak Army Abroad 1939 with striped ribbon awarded to Josef Hauptman in 1946 for bravery as a soldier during the war against Nazi Germany. In 1938, Czechoslovakia was dismantled and its territory absorbed by Nazi Germany and its allies. Josef, 18, was drafted into the Soviet Army that year. He fought with Soviet forces for the rest of the war. He was wounded for the second time and hospitalized when the war ended on May 8, 1945. Sometime that summer, Josef became a member of the Czechoslovak Army. In December 1945, he was honored as a disabled veteran. Jose...

  20. Book

    1. Francois Szulman collection

    Book about the work of the artist Francois Szulman published in France in 1988. Francois live with hs mother in the working class arrondisement of Belleville in Paris. Germany invaded France in May 1940, and in June, Fracee capitulated. By 1942, theGermans sought to remove all Jews from Paris. Francois, age 11, and his mother were arrested in July that year during the Vel d'Hiv roundups, but released because his father, a French soldier, was a prisoner of war. They went into hiding, but his mother died in December 1943 because she could not get medical care. Paris was liberated by US troops...