
Displaying items 8,441 to 8,460 of 10,857
  1. Selected records of the Polish Red Cross Polski Czerwony Krzyż (Sygn. 284)

    Correspondence, reports, registers, bulletin, and photographs relating to the repatriation of Polish citizens, repatriation of Polish children, search for missing persons, and a return of files related to victims of crime in Katyń forest.

  2. Expressionistic drawing of four men standing together created by a Hungarian Jewish musician in Drancy

    1. Emeric Lazar collection

    Group portrait drawing created by Emeric Lazar in January 1943 while imprisoned in Drancy internment camp in Paris, France. Emeric had come to Paris from Budapest in 1928 to study music. He was the house composer at Le Casino de Paris when Nazi Germany invaded France in May 1940. France surrendered in June and Paris became the seat of the German military occupation. Anti-Jewish measures were enacted and, in August, an internment camp for foreign Jews was established in Drancy, a northeastern suburb of Paris. Emeric was imprisoned there on August 21, 1941. The camp became a major transit cen...

  3. Drawing of a sleeping man created by a Hungarian Jewish musician in Drancy internment camp

    1. Emeric Lazar collection

    Pencil drawing of a man sleeping on his side created by Emeric Lazar in 1941 while imprisoned in Drancy internment camp in Paris, France. Emeric had come to Paris from Budapest in 1928 to study music. He was the house composer at Le Casino de Paris when Nazi Germany invaded France in May 1940. France surrendered in June and Paris became the seat of the German military occupation. Anti-Jewish measures were enacted and, in August, an internment camp for foreign Jews was established in Drancy, a northeastern suburb of Paris. Emeric was imprisoned there on August 21, 1941. The camp became a maj...

  4. Portrait of an old man wearing a hat created by a Hungarian Jewish musician in Drancy internment camp

    1. Emeric Lazar collection

    Pencil drawing of an old man with a weathered face created by Emeric Lazar in February 1943 while imprisoned in Drancy internment camp in Paris, France. Emeric had come to Paris from Budapest in 1928 to study music. He was the house composer at Le Casino de Paris when Nazi Germany invaded France in May 1940. France surrendered in June and Paris became the seat of the German military occupation. Anti-Jewish measures were enacted and, in August, an internment camp for foreign Jews was established in Drancy, a northeastern suburb of Paris. Emeric was imprisoned there on August 21, 1941. The ca...

  5. Portrait of two bearded men created by a Hungarian Jewish musician in Drancy internment camp

    1. Emeric Lazar collection

    Portrait drawing of two bearded men created by Emeric Lazar in January 1943 while imprisoned in Drancy internment camp in Paris, France. Emeric had come to Paris from Budapest in 1928 to study music. He was the house composer at Le Casino de Paris when Nazi Germany invaded France in May 1940. France surrendered in June and Paris became the seat of the German military occupation. Anti-Jewish measures were enacted and, in August, an internment camp for foreign Jews was established in Drancy, a northeastern suburb of Paris. Emeric was imprisoned there on August 21, 1941. The camp became a majo...

  6. Portrait of a young man in a cap created by a Hungarian Jewish musician in Drancy internment camp

    1. Emeric Lazar collection

    Portrait drawing of a young man in a cap created by Emeric Lazar in January 1943 while imprisoned in Drancy internment camp in Paris, France. Emeric had come to Paris from Budapest in 1928 to study music. He was the house composer at Le Casino de Paris when Nazi Germany invaded France in May 1940. France surrendered in June and Paris became the seat of the German military occupation. Anti-Jewish measures were enacted and, in August, an internment camp for foreign Jews was established in Drancy, a northeastern suburb of Paris. Emeric was imprisoned there on August 21, 1941. The camp became a...

  7. Watercolor sketch of his postwar Parisian studio created by a Hungarian Jewish musician

    1. Emeric Lazar collection

    Watercolor sketch of his studio in Paris created by Emeric Lazar in 1945. Emeric had come to Paris from Budapest in 1928 to study music. He was the house composer at Le Casino de Paris when Nazi Germany invaded France in May 1940. France surrendered in June and Paris became the seat of the German military occupation. Anti-Jewish measures were enacted and, in August, an internment camp for foreign Jews was established in Drancy, a northeastern suburb of Paris. Emeric was imprisoned there by August 21, 1941. The camp became a major transit center for the deportation of Jews. In the summer of ...

  8. Drawing of a memorial sculpture made to honor a Romanian Jewish boy who died in the ghetto

    1. Michael Gorenstein family collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn84761
    • English
    • 1942
    • overall: Height: 16.500 inches (41.91 cm) | Width: 13.000 inches (33.02 cm) pictorial area: Height: 11.625 inches (29.528 cm) | Width: 8.125 inches (20.638 cm)

    Pastel drawing for a sculpture to be made in memory of 5 year old Dady Gorenstein, who died of typhus in the Mogilev-Podolski ghetto in 1942. His mother Laura wanted a monument created for Dady in Transnistria and had this drawing made of the potential design. In 1940, Dady lived in Craiova, Romania, with his parents Moritz and Laura, and infant brother Harry. That November, Romania joined the Axis alliance. The Antonescu government was violently antisemitic and 1000s of Jews were massacred in 1941. In October, the family was sent to Cernauti ghetto in northern Romania. In November, they we...

  9. Erwin Schattner family papers

    The Erwin Schattner family papers contain documents and correspondence related to the career of Dr. Erwin Schattner, a Polish-born physician in Vienna, his wife Ernestine, and their two daughters, Ruth and Hannah. Includes birth, education, residency, citizenship, academic, legal, and professional documents related to Erwin Schattner’s education and career in Austria, his emigration with his wife and daughters from Vienna to the United States in 1938-1940, his establishment as a physician in New York, and attempts to gain restitution in the 1960s. Also contains correspondence related to eff...

  10. Baby János

    Various CUs, infant János Schiffer at 5 months, 3 months, 7 weeks, and 8 days (reels compiled in reverse chronological order). János in a stroller. Erzsébet holds her first baby. More CUs of baby János in his crib. (03:52) János is weighed. (05:05) János is bottle fed. (06:20) János is bathed, cleaned, and clothed. (09:12) János is breastfed. Various shots of baby. (11:30) INTs, sunlit room, János (8 days old) is held by his mother, Erzsébet, on November 30, 1930.

  11. Children in Budapest before the Holocaust

    Babies in carriages, János and cousin Zsuzsi Schiffer, in 1932. An adult hands a mirror (or Pathé 9.5mm canister?) to the babies. CUs (dark shot) of mothers. Mothers with babies in carriages in the park, they congregate in front of building. Several views of the babies. One plays with a lipstick case. Nurse-maid strolls baby to elegantly dressed parents on a sidewalk, they ogle over the baby and pose for the camera [the man in the bowler hat is probably a colleague of Ernö’s, Dr Hetènyi, with his son]. (06:15) Cousin Peter Molnar plays with János in stroller outside a home in Budapest. Nurs...

  12. Medical Personnel panel

    1. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection

    Hadassah Rosensaft chairs the Medical panel, introduces topic of doctors and medics in the camp system and in the liberation process. CU, Hadassah Rosensaft in coral, with laryngitis. She is a survivor of Bergen-Belsen. Reads apology from British army doctor for not being there. Introduces first speaker Prof. Leo Eitinger, psychiatrist, member of Norwegian delegation, and Auschwitz survivor. 01:03:23 Discusses medical doctors in camps. Camera pans around audience. 01:05:08 He worked as a prison doctor in the infirmary of a sub-camp in Auschwitz. Speaks of the importance of doctors and gives...

  13. Medical Personnel panel

    1. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection

    Hadassah Rosensaft chairs the Medical panel, introduces topic of doctors and medics in the camp system and in the liberation process. 13:19:30 CU, Hadassah Rosensaft in coral, with laryngitis. She is a survivor of Bergen-Belsen. 13:21:49 Reads apology from British army doctor for not being there. Introduces first speaker Prof. Leo Eitinger, psychiatrist, member of Norwegian delegation, and Auschwitz survivor. 13:22:58 Discusses medical doctors in camps. Camera pans around audience. 13:25:22 He worked as a prison doctor in the infirmary of a sub-camp in Auschwitz. Speaks of the importance of...

  14. Reich Main Security Office (RSHA) Berlin Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Fond 500)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Files from the following Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA) departments: Amt I (Administration, Organization, and Legal Affairs)-includes directives for management of the Sipo (security police), prewar organization of Einsatzkommandos, mobilization against Poland, office telephone lists, and activity reports of Einsatzgruppen in the Occupied Eastern Territories. Amt II (Personnel)-includes personnel lists and internal telephone directories. Amt III (SD-Inland)-includes statistical data on Germans’ religious affiliations and conversions. Amt IV (Gestapo)-includes descriptive material and repor...

  15. Aronsfrau-Hollander family. Collection

    This collection consists of: photos of the Aronsfrau-Hollander family, including photos of siblings Leonore, Norbert and Siegbert Aronsfrau as children and adults, photos of parents Leon Aronsfrau and Eva Hollander, photos taken during family vacations, a photo of Leon Aronsfrau during his military service and a photo of Norbert Aronsfrau with his rescuer Simone Goossens ; documents regarding the Aronsfrau-Hollander family, including Siegbert Aronsfrau’s fake ID, a letter sent to Siegbert Aronsfrau while detained at the Dossin barracks from his rescuer Simone Goossens, a post-war letter fro...

  16. Tadeusz Geisler. Collection

    The collection contains: cutlery (spoon, fork and knife) used by Tadeusz Geisler during his internment at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp ; two strips of fabric with a red triangle, the letter P and Tadeusz Geislers prisoner number at Sachsenhausen (90175) ; three patches of cloth depicting Polish and French flags ; three small pieces of bread, saved by Tadeusz Geisler during a death march in 1945 ; a prototype of a violin bridge - the Geisler-comb - developed by Thadé Geisler; a photocopy of the patent accorded to Thadé Geisler for his violin bridge in 1966 ; three post-war photos, in...

  17. Figowitz-Hoch family. Collection

    This collection contains sixteen photos of the extended Figowitz-Hoch family, including photos of Hermann Figowitz and his wife Etta Hoch as well as their children Anna, Ignaz and Manfred ; photos of Ignaz Figowitz alias Glen Ferell with his family after the war ; a letter from an unidentified family member, probably Regina Figowitz-Pinchewski, the mother of Hermann Figowitz.

  18. Vereeniging der Joden in België - Association des Juifs en Belgique. Front de l'Indépendance. Collection

    This collection consists of 4,058 documents confiscated by the Front de l’Indépendance (Independent Front) at the offices of the Association of Jews in Belgium (AJB) – “Aide Spéciale Malines” [Special Assistance Mechelen department], after the liberation. The documents can be divided in five sections : - Correspondence of the AJB : between the leading committee and local committees, between local committees, between the AJB and German or Belgian officials, between the AJB and Suisse, German, French and Dutch organisations, etc. - Lists : e.g. employees of the AJB, Organisation Todt workers,...

  19. Karny-Chamech family. Collection

    This collection contains: pre-war photos of the Karny-Chamech family from Liège ; a group photo of the Comité de l'Union Sioniste de Liège, 1928 ; pre-war photos of Léa Karny, her future husband Stanislas Gol and her future brother-in-law Samson Ajzenberg while in medical school ; war-time photos of Léa Karny and husband Stanislas Gol in Portugal ; photos of Stanislas Gol, husband of Léa Karny, while serving in the Brigade Piron ; war-time photos of Jean Gol, son of Léa Karny and Stanislas Gol ; post-war photos of meetings of the Brigade Piron ; military documents of Stanislas Gol and Samso...

  20. Blum Leon

    • Blum, Léon, 1872-1950
    • Blum, Leʾon, 1872-1950
    • בלום, ליאון, 1872־1950
    • בלום, ליאון
    • בלום, לאיון
    • ...



    French statesman. First Jew and first Socialist to be premier of France (05.06.1936-19.06.1937 and 13.03.-10.04.1938), opposed granting absolute powers to Petain. Arrested on Petain's orders. Riom Trials (1942). Turned over to the Germans in March 1943. Liberated with the Niederdorf group.