
Displaying items 821 to 840 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Defendents talking at Nuremberg Trial; Defense plea for von Ribbentrop

    (Munich 285) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 8, 1946. MS, von Ribbentrop talking to Goering and Adm. Raeder. MP in FG (conversation inaudible). MS, von Ribbentrop speaking to Hess. MS, rear view, Dr. Martin Horne making a plea for his client von Ribbentrop. HAS, defendants talking to one another during recess. MLS, Dr. Horne making plea. HAS, Goering, Hess, von Ribbentrop, and Keitel. MLS, Maxwell-Fyfe at prosecution table. Unidentified member of the defense listening to Horne's plea.

  2. Documentation of the regional auxiliary committee of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Baranovichi region, 1944-1945

    Documentation of the regional auxiliary committee of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Baranovichi region, 1944-1945 Included in the collection is documentation of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission regarding the extermination of Jews in the Baranowicze region, and lists of names of Nazi war criminals and Russian and Belorussian collaborators; documentation regarding the damage caused by the Nazis in the region and in the Kletsk district.

  3. Report from Nuremberg

    "Welt im Film": The Anglo-American newsreel series screened in occupied Germany, 1945-1950. Report from Nuremberg. A chart illustrates the NSDAP organization. Defense lawyers raise questions of translation, etc. A discussion break for the accused and counsel. Robert Jackson's opening prosecution address. Concentration camp orphans fly to England to spend Christmas. They enjoy a welcoming meal at the airport.

  4. Raizman and Suzkever testify at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 15) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, February 27, 1946. MLSs, MSs, Samuel Raizman is sworn in as a witness. Raizman was an inmate at the Treblinka death camp and took active part in the camp's revolt. The witness is sworn in by Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence and begins his testimony in Russian. (Raizman stands during questioning.) LS, Tribunal as Suzkever testifies.

  5. Indictment of Milch at his trial; high pressure experiments

    (Munich 486) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 2 (Milch Case), Nuremberg, Germany, December 17, 1946. LS members of the tribunal enter. President states that the prosecutor may begin reading the indictment. MCU, defendant Gen. Erhard Milch. Unidentified prosecutor reading part of indictment which refers to Milch. Pan of Tribunal. Voice of prosecutor is heard speaking of the deaths of concentration camp victims in the high pressure experiments. Gen. Milch pleads not guilty. CU of Taylor and unidentified civilians.

  6. Gestapo in Norway presented and SS interpreter testifes at Nuremberg Trial; Francisco Boix testifies

    (Paris 531) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 28, 1946. LS, MCU, Hans Cappenlen, Norwegian, testifying in English about the Gestapo in his country. Cappenlen testifies about his arrest and interrogation methods. Unidentified witness testifies in German. LS, MS, Francisco Boix, under questioning from defense attorney Dr. Babel, testifies in French about the symbols the prisoners wore in the camp and his duties as a camp photographer. Boix is then questioned by General Rudenko.

  7. "Report of Robert H. Jackson, United States Representative to the International Conference on Military Trials"

    Consists of a bound copy of the "Report of Robert H. Jackson, United States Representative to the International Conference on Military Trials", published in London in 1945. The book has a handwritten inscription from Justice Jackson to Sidney S. Alderman, who served as a prosecutor at Nuremberg. The book includes some of Alderman's handwritten notes, annotations, and underlining in the text.

  8. War Crimes Trials: Pohl Case

    (Munich 531) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 4 (Pohl Case), Nuremberg, Germany, March 10-12, 1947. Conclusion of preceding sequence (111 ADC 6439): Pohl to Klein pleading "not guilty" to the indictment. HAS, Tribunal, as one of the judges asks the defendants whether they plead "guilty" or "not guilty." Judge states: "The Secretary General will enter, on behalf of each defendant, a plea of "not guilty"." Pan of attorneys' tables. HAS, pan of courtroom as audience rises.

  9. Summary of the incident during which Matilde Bassani was wounded as written by Attorney at Law Pasquini who was a member of Matilde Bassani's partisan unit, autumn 1943 to winter 1944

    1. P.30 - Personal Archive of Matilde Finzi-Bassani, Italy

    Summary of the incident during which Matilde Bassani was wounded as written by Attorney at Law Pasquini who was a member of Matilde Bassani's partisan unit, autumn 1943 to winter 1944

  10. Article that appeared in "Oesterreichische Zeitung" regarding the reinstatement of Woletz, the Nazi police officer, to regular service in the Viennese police as a Revierinspektor (regional supervisor) after the war, 27 December 1948

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    Article that appeared in "Oesterreichische Zeitung" regarding the reinstatement of Woletz, the Nazi police officer, to regular service in the Viennese police as a Revierinspektor (regional supervisor) after the war, 27 December 1948 Woletz' work serving as a prosecutor in the SS courts as an SS-Gerichtsoffizier (court officer) in Minsk; he is accountable for many death sentences during the war.

  11. "Pflichterfuellung (Fulfilling One's Obligation)": Pamphlet published by Neues Osterreich (New Austria) with a forward by Peter Handka regarding Kurt Waldheim, the Bundespraesident (President of Austria), 1986

    1. O.30 - Documentation regarding the Jews of Austria, mainly during the Holocaust period

    "Pflichterfuellung (Fulfilling One's Obligation)": Pamphlet published by Neues Osterreich (New Austria) with a forward by Peter Handka regarding Kurt Waldheim, the Bundespraesident (President of Austria), 1986 The pamphlet was published after the presidential elections in Austria, 04 May 1986. The goal of the pamphlet was, as written in the forward, to present Kurt Waldheim's activities and behavior during his military service as an officer in the German Army on the Balkan front during World War II; Waldheim excused his army service by calling it "fulfilling one's obligation as a soldier"; ...

  12. Documentation regarding the murder of Jews of Taganrog, Novocherkassk and Rostov, 1941-1943

    1. O.32 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Soviet Union from the Holocaust period

    Documentation regarding the murder of Jews of Taganrog, Novocherkassk and Rostov, 1941-1943 Handwritten excerpts of documents from the National Archives in the Rostov area regarding the murder of Jews in Taganrog, Novocherkassk and Rostov, including abuse, robbery, establishment of a ghetto, dates the murders were committed, names of those who perished and names of the Nazi perpetrators and their collaborators, 1941-1942.

  13. Documentation regarding the Jewish partisan, Roza Polyakova, who fought against the German Army in the Mirgorod area and was murdered under torture by the Gestapo, Obukhovka, early 1942

    1. O.32 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Soviet Union from the Holocaust period

    Documentation regarding the Jewish partisan, Roza Polyakova, who fought against the German Army in the Mirgorod area and was murdered under torture by the Gestapo, Obukhovka, early 1942 Included in the file: Information regarding Moisey Polyakov who died in battle, in Garkushentsy.

  14. Indictment, court protocols and verdict handed down against Xavier Vallat, 1947

    1. P.7- Archive of Marc Jarblum, Zionist Leader and one of the leaders of the Jewish underground in France, 1941-1967

    Indictment, court protocols and verdict handed down against Xavier Vallat, 1947 Trials and collaborators: The High Court for Justice, the Matter of Xavier Vallat, Commissaire General Aux Questions Juives (General Commissioner for Jewish Questions) Vol. Nos. 1-7 (Vol. Nos. 4 and 6 are missing) Also in the file: - "Un Proces Significatif", an article by Marc Jarblum regarding the trial; - "Le Vrai Proces de Xavier Vallat", a brochure protesting the verdict in the trial against Xavier Vallat; - Clipping from the "Le Monde" newspaper with the headline: "The End of Laval", 17-18 October 1965.

  15. Trials and collaborators: Three booklets, including collections of documents regarding collaborators with the Nazis in France; newspaper clippings regarding the Celine Affaire

    1. P.7- Archive of Marc Jarblum, Zionist Leader and one of the leaders of the Jewish underground in France, 1941-1967

    Trials and collaborators: Three booklets, including collections of documents regarding collaborators with the Nazis in France; newspaper clippings regarding the Celine Affaire Documents: Three booklets (Nos. 2, 3, 4) from the "Les Cahiers De La Resistance" series including collections of documents regarding collaborators with the Nazis in France. - No. 2: "Les Ultras De La Collaboration - Inter-France"; - No. 3: "La Presse Dite: 'Acquittee'"; - No. 4: L'affaire Celine: L'Ecole d'un Cadavre"; Newspaper clippings regarding the Celine Affair.

  16. Heiner Lichtenstein Collection: Radio broadcasts by Heiner Lichtenstein regarding the trial being conducted against Kurt Lischka, 1979-1982

    1. P.26 - Heiner Lichtenstein Collection - Documentation collected by a Journalist who wrote about the Holocaust and about Trials of Nazi War Criminals, 1952-1987

    Heiner Lichtenstein Collection: Radio broadcasts by Heiner Lichtenstein regarding the trial being conducted against Kurt Lischka, 1979-1982 Included in the file: - Summation delivered by the accessory prosecutor, Professor Kaul, 25 January 1980; - Indictment by France submitted against Heinrichsohn, 1950; - Material in the public domain regarding the trial of Kurt Lischka, from the late 1970s and 1980; - Bundestag (German parliament) Committee hearings regarding changing the agreement between France and Germany of putting Nazi war criminals on trial in Germany, 1974..

  17. Newspaper clippings, 1976-1977, regarding Dutch art dealer Pieter Menton, an SS man who participated in the implementation of the murder of Jews and theft of property during the war

    1. P.26 - Heiner Lichtenstein Collection - Documentation collected by a Journalist who wrote about the Holocaust and about Trials of Nazi War Criminals, 1952-1987

    Newspaper clippings, 1976-1977, regarding Dutch art dealer Pieter Menton, an SS man who participated in the implementation of the murder of Jews and theft of property during the war Name mentioned in the file: Urycz.

  18. Research article written by Christiane Niemann titled, "The role of journalism in West Germany in coping with the Nazi past, and the Majdanek Trial as an example" in the context of her journalism studies, published by the Ludwig Maximilian University in M

    1. P.26 - Heiner Lichtenstein Collection - Documentation collected by a Journalist who wrote about the Holocaust and about Trials of Nazi War Criminals, 1952-1987

    Research article written by Christiane Niemann titled, "The role of journalism in West Germany in coping with the Nazi past, and the Majdanek Trial as an example" in the context of her journalism studies, published by the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, 1986

  19. "Last Will and Testament of a 14-Year Old Boy": Poem/Song written by Berl Szuster about life in Poland under the German occupation and a request for revenge

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    "Last Will and Testament of a 14-Year Old Boy": Poem/Song written by Berl Szuster about life in Poland under the German occupation and a request for revenge Being hidden by a farmer in a village near Bialystok; life in Poland under the German occupation; murder of children and adults; request for vengeance on the criminals; request that justice triumph.

  20. Two poems written by Y. Chernichau in Bialystok regarding the will to live and struggle against the Nazis, 03 January 1946

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Two poems written by Y. Chernichau in Bialystok regarding the will to live and struggle against the Nazis, 03 January 1946 1. "In Flame and Smoke", regarding the will to live and struggle against the Nazis; 2. "Jewish Spirit" , calling for a struggle against the Nazis.