
Displaying items 821 to 840 of 2,734
  1. Mauthausen prisoner Maurice Lampe testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 525) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 25, 1946. Dr. Otto Nelte, counsel for Keitel, protesting the partial document in evidence. French prosecutor Dubost addressing the court. Maurice Lampe, former inmate of Mauthausen, testifies in French. Lampe reports that he saw German high officials several times in Mauthausen, but did not know who they were. He then recounts the assassination of 400 Soviet officers from Sachsenhausen.

  2. Courtroom interior during session at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 211 and 222) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 1946. MS, Russian, British, American, and French justices on bench. MS, stenographers and stenotypists at work. Different shots of correspondents seated in courtroom during trial. Shots of visitors seated in courtroom. MS, American and Russian prosecution staffs in court. HMS, Justices Birkett, Biddle, Parker, and Lawrence.

  3. Jackson reads Accusation Act at Nuremberg Trial

    Nuremberg Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 21, 1945. MCU, Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence, addresses the court. Rear view, Chief U.S. Prosecutor Robert H Jackson reads the Accusation Act, including names of the defendants, history of the Nazi Party, and the annexation of Austria. MS, Goering and Hess in box. VS, courtroom and lawyers listening to Jackson.

  4. Justice Lawrence discusses Nuremberg Charter and trial development at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. (Note: First 200 feet is dark and out of focus.) MS, Tribunal as Justice Geoffrey Lawrence speaks of the formation of the Nuremberg Tribunal for the trying of Nazi war leaders. Pan of courtroom as voice of Justice Lawrence is heard reading the prospectus of the Nuremberg Charter. He then describes how evidence was gathered. MS, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H Jackson, sitting at table.

  5. French prosecutors, economic looting at Nuremberg Trial

    08:37:05 (Paris 516) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 21, 1946. LS, MS French prosecutors Jacques Bernard Herzog and Gerthoffer addressing the Tribunal re. Sauckel and French forced labor. 08:38:10 Shots of the different prosecutors speaking in French. 08:41:27 (Paris 518) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 21, 1946. LS, MS French prosecutor Delpach presenting the case on the "Economic Looting" of France, Belgium, and Luxembourg. 08:45:32 CU, female stenographer and female stenotypist taking testimony.

  6. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case, Rostock testifies

    (Munich 522) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. MS, Paul Rostock, one of the defendants, testifying in German. Occasionally a question is put to the witness by the defense counsel Dr. Pribilla. MS, Karl Brandt and other defendants in box. (Brandt is mentioned in Rostock's testimony).

  7. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case

    (Munich 486) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. German civilian attorneys cross-examining an unidentified witness. Witness Walter Neff is sworn in and is informed by Walter Beals, the President of the Tribunal, that since he may be tried as a war criminal later on he can refuse to answer any questions which in his opinion will incriminate him.

  8. Schacht testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 134) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, April 30, 1946. Prisoners under MP guard walk into courtroom, stand in dock, and talk with each other and their counselors. "Take your seats" is announced, and everyone is seated. Hjalmar Schacht in witness stand is questioned by his counselor, Dr. Rudolf Dix. Schacht quotes something in English (not clear). MCU, Schacht testifying. MS, Julius Streicher and Walther Funk in prisoners' dock. MCU, Robert H. Jackson seated next to an American officer at the prosecution table.

  9. Kharkov Trial; Executions

    Scenes from wooded courtroom of men on trial for crimes committed against Soviet civilians and soldiers. The judge reads the sentence before a standing audience. The convicted men are led outside and are hanged at a public hanging. The names of the men are read: Reinhard Redslav, Wilhelm Langfeld, Hans Riitz, Mikhail Bulanov.

  10. Ohlendorf testifies at Nuremberg Trial re. Kaltenbrunner, SS and SD

    (Paris 486) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 3, 1946. Col. Amen (US) introduces Otto Ohlendorf. Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson administers the oath to the witness. Ohlendorf explains to the court the positions held in the SS and SD by Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Miller, and Eichmann as he looks at the organization chart on the wall. Ohlendorf describes the command structures, etc. generally.

  11. Walter Rockler papers

    Consists of legal briefs and opinions, publications, transcripts, memorandums, correspondence and artifacts relating to Mr. Rockler's work as a prosecutor for the Office of the Chief Counsel for War Crimes in Nuremberg, Germany, and later as the Director of the Office of Special Investigations of the Department of Justice in Washington, DC.

  12. Walter Neff testifies at Medical trial re: pressure chamber

    (Munich 486) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. MLS, witness Walter Neff testifying. LS, defendants in prisoners' dock. LS, Neff identifies picture of pressure chamber which appears in a book. Upon questioning by the prosecutor, Neff identifies Dr. Bromberg, one of the defendants. Camera pans to prisoners' dock. MS, defendants including Bromberg seated in dock.

  13. von Neurath testimony at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 262) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, June 25, 1946. HAS, MS, Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe questioning von Neurath about a statement he made. MS, von Neurath speaking to his attorney. MS, von Neurath speaking about the said memorandum. MS, Justice Biddle asking von Neurath about Himmler. MS, Justice Nikitchenko asking von Neurath a question. MS, Koedle speaking from the witness box. Different shots of justices in their chambers.

  14. French and Soviet prosecutors' summary at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 327) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, July 29-30, 1946. Charles Dubost, assistant French prosecutor, delivering the closing pages of his summation. MS, Dubost is congratulated by Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe, Thomas J. Dodd, and others after his speech. Justice Geoffrey Lawrence is heard introducing Lt. Gen. R A Rudenko of the Russian prosecution to deliver the first part of his summation.

  15. Russel McCallum papers

    1. Russel McCallum collection

    Contains papers, notes, statements, correspondence, and translations relating to the defendants of the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg. The collection was acquired by medic Russel McCallum from a secretary to the Tribunal; in German and English; dated 1945-1946.

  16. Barbie Trial -- Day 3 -- Barbie's life in Bolivia

    15:22 Political activities of Barbie while living in Bolivia. 15:28 Barbie's extradition from Bolivia. 15:30 Barbie reads a statement expressing his opinion that he was illegally extradited from Bolivia. 15:49 Three lawyers state that Barbie's attitude at the trial proves he has no regrets about his actions during the Holocaust. 17:10 President Cerdini asks for the accused to be introduced.

  17. Ukrainian nationalists

    Documentary film on Ukrainian nationalists and their trial and sentencing. World War II period photos, documents, and film illustrate the history of Ukrainian nationalist collaboration with the Germans. Formation and activities of the Ukrainian S.S. Division. Locations where crimes occurred, recollections of aging witnesses. Accused testify before court/audience; witnesses testify. Footage and still photographs of pillage and destruction by Ukrainian nationalists.

  18. War Crimes Trials: Milch Case

    (Munich 544) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 2 (Milch Case), Sentencing of Gen. Erhard Milch, Nuremberg, Germany, April 17, 1947. LS, judges entering the courtroom. HAS, Chief Justice reading the verdict, recessing court, and exiting from courtroom. Pan from judges to Milch being removed from the courtroom. MS, judge handing recorder sentence of the Tribunal. Silent cut-ins of the Tribunal. Pan of portion of courtroom. Tribunal entering courtroom and court rising. Judge reading the verdict.

  19. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy

    (Munich 164) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, May 16, 1946. LS, court in session as member of the Commission calls defendants for recital of their names and background. Gen Sepp Dietrich is called and he gives his name and age. MS, Dietrich answers questions of the Commission. Defendants Fritz Kramer, PJ Ochmann, Joachim Peiper, Hermann Priess, and Wolfgang Richter rise as they are called. They give their names, former rank and age, and are assigned numbers. CU, Brig Gen Josiah T. Dalbey calls out names of the accused. MCU, court interpreter, US soldier, speaking.

  20. Solomon Bogard photograph collection

    1. Solomon Bogard collection

    Consists of prints and copyprints of photographs from the collection of Solomon Bogard. Obtained from various sources, the bulk of the photographs depict the liberation of Bergen-Belsen, Flossenbürg, Natzweiler-Struthof and Ohrdruf, as well as miscellaneous photographs of the capture of Nazi war criminals. Many are enlarged and many have original captions.